Depressed people are more honest with themselves than mentally healthy people, but when they get better, they again begin to lie more.
Not only humans are capable of lying, but also some great apes: chimpanzees and gorillas.
The average person is able to recognize a lie 44% of the time.
68% of women lie about their weight.
Each person will lie on average 88 thousand times over 60 years.
Men are more likely to lie on the first date. Almost a quarter hides their true marital status, the presence of children or another woman. 24% of men exaggerate the size of their income.
Men lie more often than women. The average man lies five times a day, and the average woman lies three times.
61% of women think it's okay for a man to lie about their appearance.
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26% of men and 9% of women consider cheating justified if their partner is no longer interested in sex.
81% of people say “harmless lies” every day
The most common lie is the phrase: "I'm fine." In third place is another hackneyed phrase: "I love you." What's in second place? "No, you're not fat at all."
65% of people think it's better to lie sometimes so as not to offend someone's feelings
44% of people think that you can exaggerate events in a story to make it more interesting.
The first prototype of a lie detector appeared at the end of the 19th century and was called a hydrosphygmometer. Interestingly, the lie detector still does not give one hundred percent results. Moreover, there are techniques to deceive him.
A disease in which a person constantly lies is called Munchausen syndrome.