Sex, Women And Manipulation - Alternative View

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Sex, Women And Manipulation - Alternative View
Sex, Women And Manipulation - Alternative View

Video: Sex, Women And Manipulation - Alternative View

Video: Sex, Women And Manipulation - Alternative View
Video: How Women Use Sex as a Weapon (How Women Manipulate Men with Sex) 2024, September

When women are accused of using their sex appeal to advance their goals, they indignantly take a defensive posture from the series - not us, life is like that.

According to them, in a society captured by men, a woman is underestimated and she, stepping on the throat of her own pride, sometimes has to no-no, and even smile at the bald boss. Unbuttoning my blouse, of course. In advance.

And, in general, lately, they were able to turn everything upside down, alternately accusing all the men around of sexual harassment. The same Harvey Weinstein, even if he was worried from head to toe, for sure in half of the cases in which he is accused, only agreed to receive a sexual bribe, and did not initiate it.

Again, you have to remember poor Harvey in vain, but he's just the loudest victim of recent times. And so, similar cases, a carriage and a small cart.

Let's see how true women’s assertion that they had to use their bodies because of male dominance.

We should not look at individuals of our own species. Otherwise, we will get lost in the thicket of false testimony, and become entangled in the interweaving of hypocritical explanations. As a result, we ourselves will be to blame. Therefore, we will go a different way and look at the life of other creatures that inhabit the planet and have an idea of the potential for manipulation through sexuality.

Sea rascals

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Let's start with the dolphins. Well, first of all, they have such good PR people that everyone loves them. Second, their IQs are potentially higher than some highly successful humans. Thirdly, they are one of the few who make love for pleasure, without the whip of discomfort from nature. And, finally, because there is research on them.

These same studies show that dolphins love group sex and practice it whenever possible. Is your Puritanism shocked yet? Then let's move on. Women should get ready and remove children from screens. At the same time, pull yourself together and try not to betray your envy.


The female dolphin has a useful function in the body that allows you to mate with anyone, but at the same time avoid incest, incest, and simply unplanned pregnancies. They can control where the male's semen goes after ejaculation. No, this is not an interrupted act, but a special drainage system that allows only the seed of the desired partner to be admitted to the destination. The spermatozoa of the other participants in the orgy are excreted from the body into the ocean. And no illegitimate children for you and 20 percent of fathers raising someone else's genetic result.

A great example of using the opposite sex for your own purposes. And without any Weinsteins. Moreover, with a useful natural modification. No scandals. Silently into the drainage and into the ocean.

Lessons from prostitution

The issue of sex for sale interests everyone, even those who shout that they should not be interested. Especially for consumer purposes. Maralofagof and feminists can be besieged with an example from the world of primates. And they say that this is a long-standing business, neither a man, nor even a man to humiliate a woman, invented it. Animals can also change what you have in abundance, for what you don’t, or for what you can exchange, for what you don’t have, which means that there is no forced sacrifice because of male chauvinism. There is a surplus of goods for which there is permanent demand.


Scientists did not even think about sex when they decided to experiment with capuchin monkeys. Perhaps, of course, they thought about sex, they were still real people, but not with monkeys.

They took a group of primates and taught them how to buy "snacks", for the coins that the researchers gave them. Having earned a coin on experiments, the Capuchin could proudly walk into the "supermarket" and exchange it for a bunch of grapes or candy.

The monkeys quickly learned everything and began to advance further in the ability to use the advantages of capitalism. Scientists no longer intervened - sticking out their tongues, writing down and sketching.

At first, those individuals who had more coins began to spread rot, those who did not have them or had few. Then some other manifestations of the birthmarks of capitalism followed, and the quintessence of the fall of the post-industrial monkey society was the moment when one of the richest males burped after a hearty dinner and realized that he could no longer eat.

"Supermarket", as luck would have it, only offered food, and the scientists refused to exchange their coins for gold. It was necessary to look for capital use. Everyone, including the Capuchins, knows that money has to work.

Probably, the experiment lasted a little longer, the monkeys would have played out before the opening of the banking system and the introduction of loan interest, but they were led astray by venal love.

The above-mentioned, overeating capuchin, accidentally caught the hungry gaze of a not too lucky fellow tribe. She looked longingly at a bunch of grapes, which he was going to wipe with, since he could no longer see the assortment of the "supermarket".

The Capuchin instantly appreciated the opportunity. He weighed the market values, the presence of charms in the object, his own desire and decided to introduce the practice of selling love in the emerging advanced civilized democratic society of monkeys. You can read more about the following link. Well, better with Marx.

You can, of course, throw in a dozen more examples of their lives of our neighbors on the planet, where you can clearly see how females wag their tails (feathers, fins, etc.) to get preferences from the male part, but then we risk boring you.

To understand the picture, the example with dolphins and a special switch inside the female is enough to see the evolutionary path that facilitates the manipulation of males.

The Capuchins, in turn, clearly showed that the female position in the human world is determined not by a "vile patriarchal society", but by the natural distribution of roles that the monkeys demonstrated.


Unfortunately, the question remains open in the segment of opportunities for today's men. This primarily applies to white men in Europe and America. Raised, often in single-parent families by women, who have lost their leadership qualities in childhood and adolescence thanks to media propaganda about equality, equality and the insignificance of gender and gender in social life, they can now easily let go of the reins of government. You don't even have to pull them out.

I would like to understand who will pick them up in the near future? Women are unlikely. But the bearded, dark-skinned comrades in sheets and with prayer rugs, devoid of the foolishness driven into Euro-heads, can very much. Especially if they can turn their faces not to the east, but to science.
