WHO Has Added Sex Addiction To Its Catalog Of Diseases - Alternative View

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WHO Has Added Sex Addiction To Its Catalog Of Diseases - Alternative View
WHO Has Added Sex Addiction To Its Catalog Of Diseases - Alternative View

Video: WHO Has Added Sex Addiction To Its Catalog Of Diseases - Alternative View

Video: WHO Has Added Sex Addiction To Its Catalog Of Diseases - Alternative View
Video: What Causes Sex Addiction? 2024, July

Doctors officially hint: Sexually anxious? Go get medical treatment.

The World Health Organization (WHO), looking closely at sex addiction - to obsessive-compulsive sexual behavior, to put it more scientifically, has declared it a mental disorder. And included in its catalog of diseases, as reported by the Daily Mail.

This most obsessive-compulsive sexual behavior (Compulsive sexual behavior disorder) will officially enter the new edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) under the number 6C72. A description of the disease can already be found in the online version.

By the way, the Americans were concerned with extremely lustful behavior much earlier. Back in 2010, they added it to their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It turns out the whole world followed the example of the United States. Presumably, our Ministry of Health will not stand aside.

It seems that some firms specifically target their ads to sex addicts
It seems that some firms specifically target their ads to sex addicts

It seems that some firms specifically target their ads to sex addicts.

Now, if a man solicits right and left, leads a promiscuous sex life, then he is by no means a male. And he is sick. As well as a woman of intemperate behavior. Let's not define it.

Doctors have more precise criteria for the selection of "patients". According to them, a person should not hesitate to be registered as a patient with sexual addiction if, for at least six months, he is overcome by intense and constant sexual fantasies and impulses. Addicts tend to have a hard time controlling them. And sometimes they are not at all able to resist the call of the flesh. And follows it, ignoring the danger of physical and emotional harm.

“I am very, very sexually concerned today. I have no time for songs now, not for poetry. No urine, no urine, no urine. I wake up in the middle of the night. And I don’t sleep until the first roosters,”the Soviet poet Igor Ehrenburg prophetically described the symptoms of the disease back in the 70s of the last century.

Promotional video:

For those who may think that it is very pleasant to be sick with obsessive-compulsive sexual disorder, doctors explain: patients suffer and suffer from what they have done. Intimacy exhausts them, often they do not get satisfaction from it.

Doctors say that people with obsessive-compulsive sexual disorder do not enjoy sex
Doctors say that people with obsessive-compulsive sexual disorder do not enjoy sex

Doctors say that people with obsessive-compulsive sexual disorder do not enjoy sex.

For example, the actor Kevin Spacey considered himself a sex addict. He even went to the elite Meadows Clinic in Arizona. He took procedures there with his colleague - actor, producer and director Harvey Weinstein. Both, as you know, were accused of sexual harassment - harassment, as this outrage is called in the West.

The opinions of experts on the innovation were divided.

“This is a gift for sex maniacs,” says Allen Frances, professor emeritus at Duke University. He fears that attorneys will begin to refer to the diagnosis, made in accordance with the addition made by WHO. And to demand that the malicious harassment be released from responsibility. Or even rapists. How to judge them if they are sick? It is necessary to treat.

“The inclusion of sex addiction in the WHO catalog of diseases does not mean that it can be used as an excuse for criminal behavior,” reassures Jeffrey Reid, a WHO expert. - Sexual harassment, abuse or rape will continue to fall under the criminal law and serve as a basis for prosecution.

Many, of course, strongly doubt that sex addiction should be considered a disease. Rather - to vices. However, as the famous American narcologist John O'Neill assures, this is indeed a disease. The brain is rebuilt in those suffering from it. A person cannot feel normal until they receive a "dose of sex."

Painful addictions, according to the doctor, are very diverse: from an obsessive craving for pornography and masturbation to an irresistible desire for some risky intercourse - in an elevator, in a taxi, in a cemetery, on an airplane. Or for money.

Sexual addiction can take many forms
Sexual addiction can take many forms

Sexual addiction can take many forms.

According to the Meadows Clinic, approximately 5 percent of people are sexually addicted. Both men and women. And this is a total of more than 300 million people around the world. Almost half - solely because of their illness - have problems in family life. A third is at work.


7 symptoms of acute sex addiction

1. You feel that you are not in control of your behavior.

2. Understand that satisfying your "passion" can do a lot of stupid things.

3. You want to get rid of the addiction, but you cannot.

4. To have fun, you need more and more sex.

5. You spend more and more time looking for sexual partners or partners.

6. You sacrifice other important aspects of your life for sex.

7. Sex you perceive only as a way to cheer yourself up.

To be considered sick, one must have all seven symptoms. Otherwise, you are a simulator.


Well thank you who

Unheard-of happiness fell upon the cheating husbands. Now they won't even have to dodge. On the contrary, you should immediately admit - yes, unwell. Yesterday, they say, an attack happened, an aggravation. He barely remained alive … And how much he suffered - you won't wish the enemy …

Patients are sorry, they are given tea with raspberries, they call a doctor and are discharged from sick leave. And they do not chase with a sickle, do not arrange tantrums with shouts of "I will divorce you!", "Go where you came from!"

By the way, psychic justification is found not only for sexual addiction. But also to everything, if I may say so, "a gentleman's set." And if earlier only alcoholics and drug addicts were considered sick, now also gamblers, and gluttons, and those who like to arrange family scenes with angry screams and assault. Believe it or not, the regular manifestation of stupidity is now also a disease. Psychiatrists affectionately call it mild neurocognitive disorder.

Doctors have not yet decided to write down Internet addiction as ailments. The results of more detailed studies are awaiting. But even without this, they created conditions for men like for rare animals in the reserve. Or as for monkeys in India. You can not deny yourself anything pleasant. And let the wives put up with - first of all, with the "painful" betrayals of their ailing husbands. Why not really show mercy?