What Will The UFO Tell Us? - Alternative View

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What Will The UFO Tell Us? - Alternative View
What Will The UFO Tell Us? - Alternative View

Video: What Will The UFO Tell Us? - Alternative View

Video: What Will The UFO Tell Us? - Alternative View
Video: Declassified ‘UFO’ videos 2024, September

At the end of the collection, we present an interview with an optician-physicist, head of the seminar "Ecology of the Unknown" at the editorial office of the journal "Vokrug Sveta" Alexander Kuzovkin, well known to many for his speeches in the central press, on the All-Union radio and television. The interview is conducted by an employee of the journal "Journalist" Vladimir Bychkov, who was one of the first to open the topic of UFOs on the pages of the Soviet press.

- About three years ago the topic of UFOs was almost taboo for correspondents. And now, almost every day - sensational messages. On the pages of Rabochaya Tribune, reports on the Moscow "flying saucer" were recently commented on by the Chief of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel-General of Aviation I. Maltsev: “According to eyewitnesses, the UFO was a disc with a diameter of 100-200 meters. On its sides were two pulsating lights. When the object flew horizontally, the line of lights was parallel to the horizon. In vertical rooms, it turned perpendicular to the ground. In addition, the object rotated around its axis, made a "snake" flight in both the horizontal and vertical planes. The UFO was hovering above the ground, then flying at a speed,2-3 times faster than the speed of a modern fighter. All observers noted that the UFO flight speed depended on the flickering of the side lights: the more often the lights blinked, the higher the speed was …"

- Probably, soon, Alexander Sergeevich, the UFO mystery will be solved?

- You see, not everything is as simple as it might seem to an inexperienced reader. Suffice it to say that we are at the stage of UFO research that the United States went through forty years ago. We have a lot of some overly enthusiastic, and sometimes ridiculous publications.

Groups of enthusiasts have been working on this problem for decades. At one time, Felix Yuryevich Siegel gave a lot of strength and spiritual energy to the topic. After him there was a lot of material about UFOs. However, not a single publication was seriously interested in him. In our seminar, about 35 major works have been prepared. They are also on the shelf. The paradox of the situation is not even that they are not printed, although this is also important. The question is tormenting: what's next? The problem cannot be solved on a wave of delight. It requires a deep understanding of the processes of nature, a broad outlook, knowledge of many scientific disciplines. Among them is the knowledge of the person himself.

Amazing abilities

Some of the newcomers are capitalizing on the fact that the public is not familiar with human capabilities, with our own amazing abilities.

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It's time to get out of the stage of amazement and speculation on the ignorance of the audience. It is necessary to move to the level of a calm, methodological study of the problem.

- So it's too early to talk about the timing of solving the great secret?

- Sure. It is gratifying that the Academy of Sciences is beginning to pay more attention to this problem. At the end of May, the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the Academy discussed various aspects of UFOs with our participation.

- By the way, newspapers and television reported on the creation of the UFO Institute, that its director - Azhazha …

- This is a misunderstanding. Journalists rushed to wishful thinking. There is no ufological institute at the Academy of Sciences. And the center headed by Azhazha is essentially an informal public organization.

- This false sensation is hardly accidental. Journalists just can't wait to talk to real UFO experts, who, moreover, operate under a solid guise. Which of them can you name today?

- I believe that Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev is a serious specialist. If approached objectively, without false modesty, I can be attributed to such specialists. I am Siegel's student and friend, I continue his work.

There are serious specialists in other groups of UFO enthusiasts that exist in different cities. In Rostov-on-Don - Igor Vladimirovich Miroshnik, in Leningrad - Valentin Iosifovich Golts, in Novosibirsk - Viktor Stepanovich Zhuravlev.

- But these are all "informals" from science?

- Yes. We are talking only about them.

- And at the Academy of Sciences?

- There is an expert group that is engaged in the analysis of material about UFOs. In the opinion of its leader, Yuli Viktorovich Platov, it is too early to draw concrete conclusions about the nature of this phenomenon. It must be observed and studied further.

- What is the most difficult thing?

- We live in a huge visible Universe surrounding us. The distances in it are gigantic. Light travels at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second in 10 billion years. And a person, as a particle of the Universe, as a living and intelligent creature living on planet Earth - on this speck of dust on a cosmic scale - has certain possibilities for perceiving the world. They are endowed with his body, his senses, his brain.

But let's look at what are these possibilities? The brain perceives and is aware of reality thanks to the information that comes through the senses. The most important channel is vision. 90 percent of the information about the reality surrounding a person passes through it. But our eye perceives electromagnetic oscillations in a very narrow range - within 400-700 nanometers.

Thus, the ocean of electromagnetic waves and other fields of nature remains outside the scope of our perception.

Another important channel of information is hearing. But it is also severely limited in frequency range. And on top of that, for this channel to work, a certain elastic medium, that is, air, is needed. In an airless space, the ear is "silent".

As for the other senses - touch, smell, taste - too little information comes from them.

One can object: there are, they say, technology, devices that expand the perception of reality. However, these opportunities are not as great as they sometimes seem.

Time boundaries

Let's go further. It is known that a person lives within certain time limits. We can perceive neither too fast processes, nor too slow, lengthy. We are also limited by specific linear scales.


So it turns out that, being in an unimaginably huge world, we perceive and realize only an insignificant part of it. Stanislav Lem said exactly about this in his excellent book Solaris: “We see only individual vibrations of one string in the symphony orchestra of supergiants and we know - but only that we know, but we do not understand - that simultaneously above us and below us, in the lancet abysses, beyond the limits of sight and imagination, thousands and millions of transformations take place, interconnected like notes by a mathematical counterpoint."

And Reality - with a capital letter! - which lies beyond our perception, manifests itself in the form of the most unexpected effects and phenomena, the so-called abnormal. The UFO phenomenon is just a hidden part of the iceberg whose name is Reality.

Many strange and unusual things are happening in the world. And the thoughtful researcher can find many proofs of this in the pages of the press. My current approach to the study of Reality is as follows. Every strange fact”every unusual phenomenon of nature is like a piece of a mosaic of an inconceivable grandiose picture of the world. And my task is to find the place of this piece in this picture. In order to more fully imagine the Reality around us.

- In Sverdlovsk, at the Uralmash, MS Gorbachev was asked if the government was working on unidentified flying objects. The President said that, as he knows, there are scientific teams engaged in the study of such phenomena. Isn't it amazing that there are shortages on all sides, and the worker worries about UFOs?

- The worker caught the main thing. After all, the study of UFOs is extremely important for humanity. In my opinion, this is a fundamental question of our further existence on Earth. It is necessary to finally understand that we live in a huge living world. We are surrounded by countless living beings. For example, I believe that the sun is a living being. And our Earth is a living being. But this is a completely different, different from ours, form of life and mind. Living on Earth, but violating the laws of space, the laws of life, humanity has no prospects for the future.


It is necessary to carefully collect and systematize information about UFOs. It should be detailed, documented. You need to study it thoroughly and comprehensively, without panic and excitement. And not as superficially as in publications about "contacts" with aliens in the Perm region.


- According to a number of scientists, what is called a UFO, in fact, can be an atmospheric phenomenon, and ball lightning, and the launch of a rocket, and burning pieces of satellites. To what extent can it be considered proven that UFOs are something earthly, amazing amateurs?

- I have carried out a statistical analysis of the array of UFO observations. Two thousand eyewitnesses sent them to the editorial offices of various publications. Collected a lot of good quality photographic material, capturing UFOs. In addition, a thorough comparison of the phenomenon with well-known natural phenomena - solar activity, ball lightning and others - was carried out. On the basis of this and other studies, I came to an unambiguous * conclusion: the UFO phenomenon really exists as an independent phenomenon of nature.

Have we, amateurs, really not become specialists over the years? And we can't distinguish a rocket launch from a UFO? By the way, most of the amateurs in our seminar are candidates and doctors of science.

- UFOs often show signs of intelligent behavior. So why not make a program of contact with this mind and try to implement it?

- We need to look at the problem more broadly. We live in a world of prejudices, dogmas, stereotypes. People are often aggressive. Lack of spirituality overwhelms our society. This makes contact with any other form of life now impossible. After all, in order to study Reality, you need an open, clear mind and high spirituality. Until a person lives in accordance with the laws of the cosmos, he will not see beyond his nose.

- But some, the most prepared representatives of humanity can probably get in touch?

- Is it possible to make contact? You are welcome! This opportunity is on the surface. She is in front of us every day. We are drowning in an ocean of "intelligent" information. But we are so blinded by our lack of spirituality and aggressiveness that we do not internalize it. Contact will be there as soon as our prejudices disappear and we become kinder.

After all, we, in particular, dispose of the animal world as we please. And we do not notice that the minds of many animals are much higher than we imagine. For example, wolves are quite intelligent creatures. Read the book by Farley Mowat "Don't Cry Wolves!" Elephants speak for tens of kilometers in their own, inaudible language with the help of a membrane located between the trunk and the skull. Whales and dolphins are the most perfect creatures of nature, friendly and cheerful creatures that have repeatedly come to the aid of man …

And people practically destroyed the wolves. Dolphin meat and fat have long been mined for the manufacture of stearic candles. The elephants end up being exterminated ruthlessly in Africa.

There is only one way out to a higher stage of development. You need to free yourself from prejudices, from lack of spirituality. Live in harmony with nature, with the world around you. Get rid of rough materialism and practicality.

- Well, why exactly did you tackle the UFO problem?

- I believe in a certain predetermination of fate. I myself saw UFOs, I had a poltergeist in my house. In general, since childhood, I have been interested in questions of the universe.

You need to know the laws of nature in order to then live in harmony with them. The study of UFOs is precisely an attempt to get a broader and deeper understanding of these laws.

I feel that I need it like air. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to live in this world. If you think only about sausage, can you consider yourself a reasonable person?

It turns out that first of all we have to work on ourselves. To understand the environment, one must improve spiritually. And the more a person is developed, the sooner he will come closer to understanding the other world. Or, if you like, contact with another life.

The funny thing is that new information is on the surface. But we don't want to bend over. Or do we not know how?

- If spirituality is so important, it is probably worth telling you about its criteria …

- First of all, we must know the laws of the universe. We were repeatedly given good ethical precepts - both in the Bible, and in the Koran, and in the "Teaching of Living Ethics" ("Agni Yoga"), written by Helena Roerich. Does everyone follow them?

- Apparently, the most spiritual among us are the contactees, with whom, judging by the newspaper publications, the aliens communicate.

So, "Trud" reports on a Mongolian girl invited by a certain intelligent creature to a spaceship, "Moskovsky Komsomolets" writes about a Muscovite: an alien ship has moored to the window of her apartment and "cheats" the inhabitants of the house …

- Contacts are probably different, with different creatures. And you don't have to be spiritually developed to, roughly speaking, communicate with the devil.

We do not know the parameters in which contact occurs.”But I am convinced that in order to have contact with higher entities, spiritual maturity is necessary. A person needs to grow spiritually to such contact.

- Maybe they themselves choose one of us?

- May be. But again we do not know what They are guided by. We can only guess about this for now.

- And it is possible that they provide us with some information according to their own understanding?

- Everything that we perceive is passed through our subjective, narrow, deformed perception. And the information that comes "from there" is distorted by us.

In general, the question of contact is very complicated. It is not even clear what kind of information we expect from a being living in a completely different world, having a completely different perception of Reality and a completely different idea of it.

We humans don't understand ourselves well. All our misunderstandings are due to this - due to mutual misunderstanding, bias. To count on full contact with another mind, we must learn to understand each other.

- And in conclusion, Alexander Sergeevich, what would you advise those writing about UFOs?

- Now humanity faces the main problem: how to live in order to survive. What should be the strategy of human development in this regard? We must do this seriously. And sensationalism gets in the way.

Problems of spiritual development are very important. It would be necessary to publish the most that contributes to the improvement of man, his profound understanding of the world. And journalists, in my opinion, sin in that they are often carried away by details to the detriment of the general formulation of the UFO problem, its comprehension. The details are, of course, important, but their description does not replace our understanding of a complex phenomenon.