Prophetic Dreams. True Or Kneaded? - Alternative View

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Prophetic Dreams. True Or Kneaded? - Alternative View
Prophetic Dreams. True Or Kneaded? - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams. True Or Kneaded? - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dreams. True Or Kneaded? - Alternative View

Sleep is an integral part of our life. The average person sleeps for about 20 years. Just think about this figure! Have you ever dreamed prophetic dreams? In this article, I want to take a look at this mysterious phenomenon.

Before I get to the point, first let's find out what a prophetic dream is.

If you think that your every dream is prophetic, then you are deeply mistaken. Usually all “Prophetic Dreams” are coincidences that you have programmed yourself. This phenomenon is called Pseudo-prophetic dreams.

To make it clearer for you, I will give an example. For example, you dreamed about mushrooms. You look into a dream book and what will you read there? Well, all sorts of things, because different dream books have their own interpretation, but this does not matter.

There you come across a description like this:

The next time you will be careful about everything, but what can this lead to? Do you think that by the end of the week you will be exhausted and tired? Also, do not forget that "He who seeks will always find."

When the situation in a dream is completely repeated in real life, it is undoubtedly discouraging and makes you break your head. Now I will give you an example, which I took from a real article.


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In 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov has a terrible dream. The body of his father, dumped on an island in the White Sea. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Mikhail learns from his brother that there has been no news of his father for four months. He went fishing as usual and disappeared. The island, which Lomonosov saw in his dream, he knew - he and his father had been there during his childhood. Mikhail sends a letter to a local fishing artel with a detailed description of where to look for the body of his missing father, and in fact the fishermen find it.

Or, the president dreamed of the White House, a coffin under a white cover and an appeal to the sentry, from which Lincoln learned that the President, who was killed in the theater, was being buried. Ten days later, there was a terrorist attack in the theater, as a result of which the United States really lost its president.

This cannot be a pseudo dream, agree? So, when these concepts were finally able to fit in your head, let's move on to how to understand that a prophetic dream.

It is often possible to understand that a prophetic dream is possible only in the future. If people could determine immediately after sleep that the dream was prophetic, many events in life could be prevented or influenced. But symbolic prophetic dreams, if desired, can be interpreted. For this, dream books and systems of interpretation have been created. Basically, prophetic dreams relate to dark things. That is, if in a dream you are eating soup, then you should not immediately run after the dream book. But if the future is dreaming, and our friends and relatives are involved in it, there are many incomprehensible symbols, doubtful things, then it is better to check such a dream. It can turn out to be prophetic.

You are interested in this topic, right? Let's talk a little more.

Who sees prophetic dreams?

Research has shown that some people have prophetic dreams. Scientists managed to identify a category of people who more often than others have such prophetic dreams.

Experiments have shown that only a few people can see prophetic dreams - they, as a rule, are very sensitive and have such a fine emotional tuning that they are able to see future events in a dream.

The probability of seeing a prophetic dream is approximately 1:22 000, reports The Daily Mail.

It is not known exactly why and how this happens, but as my experience shows, prophetic dreams are dreamed by everyone, but do we remember this? Most likely not, and only the most acute moments are engraved in the memory. I also assume that prophetic dreams are a processing of all experiences, events and a logical ending. Our brains show us the worst-case scenario so that we can avert disaster. Real prophetic dreams are seen very rarely and are most often associated with world catastrophes.

I hope my article was useful to you.

Be vigilant and pay attention to the little things. Let you dream only the best and most colorful dreams.