The Phenomenon Of Mass Predictions - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Mass Predictions - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Mass Predictions - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Mass Predictions - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Mass Predictions - Alternative View
Video: Why Don't We Live Around a Red Sun? Featuring Prof. David Kipping from Cool Worlds 2024, September

Finding out the future is the dream of many. However, famous clairvoyants are rare. The names of Nostradamus, Vanga, Edgar Cayce are known all over the world.

Who are these people? How and how do they differ from other people? There is still no exact answer to this question. By and large, official science has not yet recognized such a phenomenon as clairvoyance. It is believed that in no case of the study of clairvoyance has a sufficient number of facts been presented to confirm this phenomenon in full.

The fact that the official science has not yet made its own judgment about people-phenomena, in fact, does not diminish their popularity in any way. They are out of competition, since only they, a select few, manage to look into the future. But is it?

In fact, not only famous seers and mediums have an amazing opportunity to look into the future. Ordinary people are capable of this. But this does not happen often with them. They usually receive a mysterious message from another world before impending disasters. And if they listen to them, then everything in their life is going well. If not, then problems are inevitable.

For example, the Rachkov family lived in the Bryansk region in the eighties of the last century. Once the head of the family, Tatyana Evgenievna, dreamed that a terrible fiery rain was falling over their village. An unfamiliar female voice told her: “Soon death will come here. Take your children and leave here. The dream was very vivid, and in the morning Tatyana Evgenievna was impressed by him. She told her husband about the dream, but he only laughed and advised to get rid of all stupidity from my head. Tatiana Evgenievna did just that. She decided that the fiery rain from her sleep was just a common nightmare. And then came April 26, 1986, and the reactor exploded at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The village where Tatyana Evgenievna lived fell into the exclusion zone. They had to evacuate. Now Tatyana Evgenievna greatly regrets that she did not listen to the advice from a dream then. The release of radiation has led tothat everyone in their family began to get sick often and for a long time.

Such cases are widespread. Parapsychologists have long noticed that the more global the tragedy is, the more people will receive a warning about it. An incredibly many reports about the beginning of a big war were received by the most ordinary people from 1940 to the black date - June 22, 1941. It was in all regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. The people retold masses of stories about mysterious meetings with the Mother of God, mysterious elders and grandmothers, with deceased relatives and friends. They all warned of the imminent beginning of the war. These meetings took place both in reality and in a dream.

For example, pensioner Svetlana Matveevna Golubeva says that, while still a girl, she went into the forest to pick mushrooms. It was in the fall of 1940. Suddenly it seemed to her that someone nearby was crying, just sobbing. Oh turned around and saw a woman in dark clothes. Tears streamed down her face. She spoke to S. M. Golubeva, said that in a year there would be a war. The woman in the dark said that if they did not leave Belarus, then their house would be burned down and everyone would be killed. She ordered the girl to tell her parents that she had to go to Tashkent, to her uncle. The stranger burst into tears again. And then the woman had a light around her head, and she disappeared somewhere. Golubeva was so surprised that she didn't even have time to get scared. I came home and told my mother everything. She asked the girl for a long time, and finally decided that it was the Mother of God. But she saidthat they all cannot leave. Will not work. And since the war will take place next year, Svetlana Matveevna and her older sister will go in the spring after school to visit her uncle in Tashkent. The following May, she and her sister were put on a train, and they drove off. And then the war began. For a long time Golubeva did not know anything about her relatives. She was able to return to her homeland only in 47. Then I learned that everything said by the woman in black came true. The Germans burned down their house and everyone in it - for the connection with the partisans. The Germans burned down their house and everyone in it - for the connection with the partisans. The Germans burned down their house and everyone in it - for the connection with the partisans.

In addition to meetings with the Mother of God, many saw icons right in the sky or in the water. So, leaning over a pond, stream, river or lake, a person saw an icon in it. And when he tried to take her in hand, she disappeared. We also saw fiery crosses in the sky, and other mysterious symbols indicating an impending war. But how many heeded these warnings? After all, there were twenty million victims of that great war in the USSR! And how would the circumstances have developed if people were more attentive to such warnings? We will never know this.

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In all fairness, it should be noted that the GPU then fought in every possible way against such rumors. The employees of this organization were sure that all talk about war was deliberately launched into the masses of dark and superstitious people. And this is done either by members of German sabotage groups, the fifth column, long abandoned in the USSR, or by ideological and class enemies - kulaks who have lost their farms, clergy who are offended at her. Their goal is one - to sow panic, to deprive the Soviet government of popular confidence.

But even the tough explanatory work of the GPU hardly explains the fact that the eyewitnesses of supernatural events themselves treated them with such indifference. Probably, the fact that such a number of supernatural signs were then received and ignored is the paradox of human psychology. A person wants to know his future, and at the same time is afraid of this, and does not believe the predictions themselves, even if they are so simple and unambiguous.

Perhaps the fact is that ordinary people doubt that they are capable of really even touching the veil behind which the future is hidden. They have much more confidence in those who are already known for their prophecies. Their predictions about war, peace, epidemics are taken seriously, without unnecessary criticism.

So, from the predictions of the famous prophets it is clear that, most likely, the Third World War cannot be avoided. The same Vanga reported that it would start from the Middle East. And the first sign of it will be the fall of Syria. Does this mean that the Third World War has already begun? Or can everything that is happening now in Syria be called just another riot that will subside by itself?

Blessed Alipia, the holy fool who lived in Kiev in the last century, predicted that the Third World War would definitely begin in the summer. She said that this would happen on the feast of Peter and Paul, that is, July 12. This war will be a punishment for sins. And nothing can protect from this punishment. No prayer, no weapon.

Mitar Tarabic, a nineteenth-century Serbian fortuneteller, talked a lot about a similarly destructive war. According to his stories, in this war there will be an incredible number of dead, and there will be practically no winners.

But then, as the famous prophets, monk Abel, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and the same Vanga promise, after the Third World War, Russia will begin to flourish. She will become a recognized world political leader. And then, after some time of world stability - also a spiritual leader.

But, judging by the fact that we do not receive a lot of signs indicating the approach of a new war, then perhaps this war will not start soon. Or can the Third World War only slightly hurt Russia? And therefore, there are no menacing warnings. We don't know the truth. Usually the future is covered with a special veil. It is inaccessible to the common man. But with the approach of disasters, this veil becomes thinner, and many people learn about the approaching tragedy. It seems that secret knowledge itself seeks to become available to people in order to save as many people as possible from unnecessary death.