Air Baths - Alternative View

Air Baths - Alternative View
Air Baths - Alternative View

Video: Air Baths - Alternative View

Video: Air Baths - Alternative View
Video: Whirlpool Baths vs Air Baths 2024, July

Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists in the metered effect of air on a naked body, protected from direct sunlight.

The life of the human body can be imagined as a metabolism, and metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances useful for the body. In addition, air temperature is one of the main factors affecting humans. The air gap between the body and clothing usually has a constant temperature of about 27-28 ° C and, as soon as the human body is freed from clothing, heat transfer immediately becomes more intense, and the skin begins to breathe fully.

At the same time, the metabolism improves, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background normalizes, excitability decreases, appetite, sleep improves, and the mood rises. Unfortunately, the specifics of the modern lifestyle are such that most of us spend a huge amount of time in artificially created atmospheres, being exposed to both heating devices with their drying effect and air conditioners. To top it off, constant wearing of clothing prevents the body from breathing fully, depriving the skin of the necessary amount of oxygen from the outside. Therefore, whenever possible, try to get rid of your clothes and take an air bath. After all, being outdoors has practically no contraindications.

Take off everything you can, leave only a minimum of clothes - a swimsuit, a top with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will have a partial effect. It is much better, if the situation allows, and completely remain naked. You should undress quickly so that the air bath immediately affects the entire surface of the naked body and causes a quick energetic reaction of the body. Now sit down (preferably in a sun lounger in the shade of trees or under a tent) and just relax or read. If you don't have time, combine the air bath with the necessary household chores.

An air bath should be a pleasure. The main thing here is not time, but well-being. The average duration of an air bath at a comfortable air temperature is half an hour. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day. A feeling of chilliness, the appearance of "goose bumps" should not be allowed. If you feel yourself getting cold, get dressed immediately and do some exercise.