The Sounds Made By Indian Shamans Helped To Heal People - Alternative View

The Sounds Made By Indian Shamans Helped To Heal People - Alternative View
The Sounds Made By Indian Shamans Helped To Heal People - Alternative View

Video: The Sounds Made By Indian Shamans Helped To Heal People - Alternative View

Video: The Sounds Made By Indian Shamans Helped To Heal People - Alternative View
Video: SACRED SPIRIT ☯ Native American Shamanic Meditation - POWERFUL Drums For HEALING Body, Mind and Soul 2024, September

Even science cannot explain some of the secrets of the ancient tribes, and critical individuals suddenly lose their skepticism when they have to face the unknown.

It is no secret that in all the tribes of the most ancient peoples there are shamans who specialize in the treatment of people. Many skeptics do not believe in the healing power of their manipulations, but even specialized scientists sometimes fall into confusion in front of a layman who knows how to work miracles. It is impossible to explain the phenomenon of shamans - they are guided by forces beyond the control of ordinary people.

American Indian medicine is based on the skill of shamans. They tried to heal the sick through sleep when they were in a special, sensitive state.


Penetrating into dreams, the shaman could heal the sufferer or even predict his fate. The healer added mantras to dreams that alleviate suffering and illness. Ethnographer Francis Densmore devoted his life to the study of the phenomenon of shamans: since 1907 he has been collecting tales and songs of the peoples of North America. 2000 of the most varied tunes are still kept in the archives of the Library of Congress.

Native American physicians appear to have used vibration to heal people. Densmore said that a shaman could heal the sick only in a separate room, into which no one could enter - this is how the specialist got in touch with nature, and the feeling of compassion for a living being grew with renewed vigor. The source of strength, the healers argued, were animals, birds and other creatures that had some special quality or connection with the elements, for example, with water or air - they connect with the body through vibrations.