DOTU - Tracing Paper With Drawings Of Objective Reality - Alternative View

DOTU - Tracing Paper With Drawings Of Objective Reality - Alternative View
DOTU - Tracing Paper With Drawings Of Objective Reality - Alternative View

Video: DOTU - Tracing Paper With Drawings Of Objective Reality - Alternative View

Video: DOTU - Tracing Paper With Drawings Of Objective Reality - Alternative View
Video: How to Easily Make Tracing Paper 2024, October

Dear comrades, use the conceptual apparatus of DOTU in your daily life when communicating with people. When communicating with a person (neighbor, colleague, relative, seller, taxi driver, subscriber, commentator, Internet troll, anyone), when it comes to a task, ask him about his goal vector, if the person asks what it is, answer “well, how“what is it?”, is it a set and priority of goals” and you may ask with bewilderment, “isn't he aware of this ordinary well-known category of DOTU?”.

Or, for example, by asking about the vector of goals, you can, without waiting for his question "what is this?" write in parentheses that this is a set and priority of goals. Or, for example, when it comes to “what to do?”, Ask a person about his concept of management, when a person asks “what is this?”, You again, with great surprise, say that this is “an action plan - that is, certainty specific goals and their priorities and the certainty of specific acceptable and unacceptable means and methods to achieve these goals."

When communicating with a troll, you may ask: "Do you really think that no one sees your unstructured control?" "Anyone who has the most elementary, basic knowledge of management, sees your control action and your maneuvers at a glance, what do you expect?" When there is a discussion and someone starts talking about economics, ask him "and what is his assessment of the state of affairs on the higher and lower priorities of management and what does he generally understand in economics and in management as such?" If a person does not consider the state of the supersystem from the position of six priorities, five types of power and three levels of politics, then the assessment will inevitably contain an error, since it is impossible to obtain adequate feedback on the current state without a systemic, holistic assessment. In general, there are a lot of examples,the meaning is not in them, I think you understand what is at stake.

Using and operating in terms of management theory in everyday everyday life, you will start the process of a real methodological transformation of society, and the promotion and practice of DOTU will go on a completely different, at a qualitatively new level. And thus, the theory of management will begin to work and be perceived by society itself not as a "complex book of Kobovites", but as an understandable, convenient and superbly simplifying life tool, which, to great surprise and regret, for some reason had not been used before.

The whole value, or rather, the real invaluableness of DOTU in its convenience and tremendous practicality when communicating between people from different fields of knowledge, the uniqueness of DOTU as a tool is that it is a means of interdisciplinary communication, it is essentially a universal language that ensures mutual understanding of all people, it is a language, on which people from all branches of knowledge, any professions and fields of activity can communicate and understand each other. Anyone.

Dear comrades, I understand that the development of DOTU is proceeding slowly, no big deal, the main thing is that it is progressing. It is not important at what speed to master, it is important that in parallel with mastering, you as a manager-practitioner are constantly growing by virtue of the rule "study the theory - practice will come by itself." Keep learning and mastering. Indeed, if it were not so important and useful, it is unlikely that one of the best analysts on the planet would recommend, advise and encourage to study it in every (!) His speech from year to year for many years, as well as show it with his practice. efficiency, and, consequently, the value and profitability of owning it.

Master the basic terms of DOTU, such as: vector of goals / states / errors, structural / unstructured control (when you get to the theory of supersystems, you will also learn about control based on virtual structures), full control function, control concept, balancing mode, maneuver. Having mastered these basic things, you will begin to see the world in a mosaic and holistic manner. And, using the conceptual apparatus of DOTU in conversations in their everyday life, and with presentation as something completely ordinary, ordinary and self-evident, a powerful wave of direct practical development of DOTU will begin in society, since DOTU is essentially a conceptual and terminological apparatus, it is an empty transparent form that is filled with content in each case.


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For example, what is the resource stability, environmental pressure expressed in? What it is? Without being tied to life, they are not expressed in anything, they are abstractions. These are universal (methodological) categories applicable to anything; they are empty transparent abstractions, like numbers. These are just terms, in the case when they are used by themselves, that is, in isolation from specific phenomena and processes, they are empty, and at the moment of binding to a situation they begin to describe real processes and in each binding, in each specific case, they, being filled with real content, they allow solving practical problems.


I don't even mention the priorities of management, the types of power / idiocy. But people, unfortunately, for the most part, knowing about the priorities, think of them as something happening somewhere out there, as something abstract, they do not see them, as they say, on the air, in real life, and they work, they work constantly, and all six of them. Every second. And separately, and mutually, penetrating each other, and all together. When you master DOTA and you have a restructuring of your worldview from a kaleidoscope to a mosaic, you will begin to see the management processes. To illustrate and convey the image of this phenomenon, one of the scenes in the film "The Matrix" is well suited for this as an analogy.

Neo: is this …?

Cypher: I have to. Symbols are passed to the constructor … You will get used to it over time. (and then the key phrase) “I don't notice the numbers at all. I see a blonde, a brunette, a redhead."

Neo: And are you reading this?

Cypher: The Matrix? Yes.


Neo: is this …? Cypher: The Matrix? Yes. Neo: And are you reading this? Cypher: I have to. Symbols are passed to the constructor … You will get used to it over time. (and then the key phrase) “I don't notice the numbers at all. I see a blonde, a brunette, a redhead."

For Neo, there were flickering rolling green symbols on the computer screen, and Cypher saw processes and phenomena behind this “unreadable” chaos, he decoded that symbolic house into absolutely understandable images and phenomena, he “knew how to read” that green-symbol flickering “language” in which The matrix "talks". The same is with you, you will begin to see control processes in the world around you, you will start to see and orientate perfectly like Cypher, in what was “unreadable” symbols for Neo, you will begin to see in the outside world “unreadable” for the absolute majority, but real, a visual and ubiquitous "language" of management - management processes. Thousands of management processes. Moreover, you will see each management process in its integrity in the sense of origin, development trends,multivariate outcome and all this is dynamic and in conjunction with other processes. When you stop perceiving the world statically, and begin to see what is happening around you as a set of dynamic management processes, you will acquire “process thinking”.

Each person needs to constantly work on his own culture of thinking, expand the range of his concepts, increase the level of understanding and engage in ideological self-education.


An ordinary person sees the world around him, sees cars, passers-by, traffic lights, falling leaves, a logo on a jacket, a scent of perfume, but he does not see any of the above (and all not listed) control actions. A person in the infinite variety of the surrounding world does not see an infinite number of processes of unstructured and structural management. This is similar to how Neo does not see behind a kaleidoscope of symbols - absolutely concrete, understandable and real images and processes, and a person also does not see behind the real world - absolutely specific, understandable and real control processes.

Does not see the most different management processes, processes that flow, change, accelerate, slow down, interrupt, merge, separate, start, suppress, support. And since he does not see, it means that he cannot but defend himself, not intervene, not give an answer in the form of resistance or support to someone else's - undesirable or pleasing processes of managing his own controlling influence. If you do not see the management processes (did not identify the environmental factor, that is, did not pass the 1st stage of the PFC), then you are a helpless hostage of these very processes. That is why there is a rule “everyone, to the extent of understanding, works for himself and his interests, and to the extent of lack of understanding, for the one who knows and understands more”.

DOTU is an integral and indivisible information unit, it is one module, it is an integral single quantum of information, like an alphabet. Although the alphabet contains letters, as a tool it is functional and capable only in the aggregate of all its constituent elements, just like DOTU. As you master DOTA, you will undergo a restructuring of the structure of the worldview from kaleidoscopic to mosaic, you will begin to notice that the brain itself will begin to extract meanings and see multilevel and multidimensional defaults. Your consciousness will be given the opportunity to observe how your thinking will begin to work in the mode of an analytical-modeling apparatus, which simply instantly sees the essence of things, extracts hidden and essential information. You begin to see, in addition to announcements, accompanying and inextricably linked with announcements,but hidden and not publicized defaults.

When a person masters the methodological modules with sufficient quality, their functioning moves to the unconscious levels of the psyche and then he practically does not spend time on analytics, it occurs at the level of automatisms, like working with the multiplication table. There are three levels of mastery.


Level of knowledge, skill and skill. They differ in how much attention and concentration a person needs to apply knowledge in practice. This is similar to when a person first gets behind the wheel of a car, he thinks about each of his actions, his attention is overloaded with observation of the environment and control of his own actions, it is overloaded, since the algorithm of behavior is unfamiliar, therefore, observation of what is happening and every action he does consciously and with concentration … After a while, when the volume of practice reaches a certain level, a person ceases to consciously control his actions and begins to perform them on “autopilot”. There are a lot of examples: the ability to walk, driving a car, typing on a computer, playing musical instruments,any activity ranging from “first acquaintance” to “doing it with my eyes closed” is an illustration of the development of automatisms and the transformation of knowledge into a skill.

And when the use of methodological modules becomes a skill, that is, they begin to work on the unconscious levels of the psyche, a really amazing thing happens. You immediately start to do the following: identify the vector of goals, the vector of state, the concept of management, see the method of management, the type of psyche, the type of worldview, moral standards, the current balancing regime and maneuvers of a person, and all this, together listed, is identified, analyzed and developed according to the PFC. control strategy - instantly.


When the possession of any discipline reaches the level of skill, it begins to be performed effortlessly and on "autopilot". This also applies to the process of analysis, when the analysis is carried out at the skill level, then it practically ceases to take time, it starts happening instantly. Literally at flash level. At first it seems that this is happening to you at all, there are thoughts that some alien technology has become available to you. After all, you knew and know yourself very well all your life, you have known yourself for many years, you have lived all your life in the company of yourself and are well acquainted with the algorithms and culture of your own thinking, right? You know your own level of wits and intelligence. And now, after mastering DOTU, at one point, according to your own feelings, you simply become many times smarter and smarter,and the speed of thinking objectively becomes much faster at one moment. At the snap of a finger. When this happens, you are in contact with unfamiliar, unusual and, to put it mildly, amazing feelings.


Holistic thinking is literally a different quality, it is a completely different outlook and efficiency. All of us who grew up in biblical culture, in the absolute majority, are unknown and inaccessible to possess a mosaic worldview, the mosaic of which unfolds from the general to the particular. And the power, functionality and efficiency of a methodologically equipped, holistic and mosaic worldview radically, simply incomparably surpasses the capabilities of a self-centered kaleidoscopic worldview. And what is most interesting, integrity is not the amount of knowledge, but the organization of the work of the psyche, it is the culture and algorithms of thinking. "A mind well-organized is better than a mind well-filled." When you master DOTA, it is not so much that the content of your worldview or the amount of knowledge changes,and how much the organization of connections and interconnections between the information modules that make up the worldview changes, the structure of the worldview itself, the algorithms for working with information, the algorithms of thinking change. Not the quantity and quality of information modules that fill the worldview, but the structure of the worldview, the organization of connections and relationships between the modules, the way and organization of work with information changes.

DOTU is a set of cages, on which "blueprints of objective reality" are displayed, superimposing them on the object of your attention, you see all deviations, and plus a set of sieves, sifting through which the reality surrounding you, you separate "grain from chaff". DOTU is a “kind of filter”, it is an empty transparent form that “emasculates” all distortions and gag. This "information filter" by itself, without being tied to life, does not solve practical problems. It is possible to draw an analogy with glasses with some clarifications and reservations. The analogy is not entirely correct, but it is suitable as an image for clarity of understanding.

Glasses, by themselves, do not solve any problem, they are a "filter" for working with information (allow a more detailed examination of the object), but by themselves they do not solve any problem. And if without such a “filter” as glasses it is possible to solve the problem of detailing an object by approaching, or vice versa, moving away from it, or squinting, then it is impossible to get a “filter” of understanding and comprehending the essence of an object of attention without the mediation of DOTU. There is no knowledge in glasses, but all the information with which you come in contact passes through the glasses and is processed in such a way that it becomes adequate to life. The same is true for DOTU, it is an empty transparent form, it is a filter, these are “peculiar glasses” through which any information passing through it appears in an undistorted and life-appropriate form.

When you enter a mosaic holistic perception of reality, you will see the world with new eyes, it will become different for you, it will become interconnected, regular, understandable, predictable, unified and holistic, you will discover defaults that make the outwardly visible, superficial perception three-dimensional and three-dimensional.

When this happens for the first time, it is even difficult to clearly describe what it is, this state when you realize that all your life, being sighted, you have been blind, when all your life you have been staring at the surrounding phenomena and objects and have not seen clear, blatantly obvious and on the surface of underlying defaults and control processes. When you have knowledge of the first priority of generalized controls, you acquire, so to speak, "X-ray vision", you can see with your own eyes the "insides" of everything that your gaze falls on, you gain access to defaults, you begin to see the processes, the essence of things, the essence and the core of what is happening, you begin to see "what's under the hood" of all phenomena and processes. DOTU is a kind of glasses, this is that sieve, this is the filter, passing through any information, you see everything adequate to life. This set of "lenses"this is the space of parameters, passing through which, any information is "refracted" in such a way that it appears in an untouched, adequate and objectively corresponding to the real state of affairs.

This, indeed, sounds amazing, but those who have mastered the methodology perfectly understand what I am writing about, just until you live and experience it, it is really difficult for you to describe or somehow adequately explain or convey what integrity or mosaicism is. When you begin to see the management processes with your own eyes, you will be able to see its further development in the very initial phase of the management process, and in full and in full, you will be able to initially see the entire algorithm of its course, and you will know the development of events in advance, which will allow you to advance, to act creatively, adequately and extremely effectively. You will be able to foresee the future, that is, do what analysts do and what people perceive as some kind of magic.

A person, when he gets a methodology in his hands, his attitude towards analysts changes, he ceases to perceive them as some kind of magicians, as Oracles who see the future, and every normal analyst and person realizes that he must do everything to defeat the analytical inconsistency of society and change the attitude to the analyst itself as to a phenomenon. A teacher who does not want his students to surpass him is a bad teacher. A real analyst will dispel the illusion and all sorts of exaltation of the analyst in the category of the phenomenon of the highest magic of Hogwarts, and will not allow himself to be made irreplaceable and the only one who can “see the future”. He will treat analytics and methodology as something very ordinary, normal and ordinary,and will translate analytical competence and managerial literacy in the eyes of people into a mandatory and necessary skill for everyone to master. Crowd “elitism” is not acceptable to any healthy sane person by definition, at the moral and intuitive level, and when a person ceases to be a slave of the biblical worldview, he refuses crowd- “elitism” in principle, refuses any manifestations, and refuses already consciously and comprehended. The monopoly on knowledge is the lot of morally defective, power-hungry and essentially demonic flawed individuals. In the foundation, at the very basis of Russian civilization, lies the rejection of the monopoly on knowledge, which is why all analytical tools and knowledge are translated into a universally accessible, natural and absolutely ordinary reality. Crowd “elitism” is not acceptable to any healthy sane person by definition, at the moral and intuitive level, and when a person ceases to be a slave of the biblical worldview, he refuses crowd- “elitism” in principle, refuses any manifestations, and refuses already consciously and comprehended. The monopoly on knowledge is the lot of morally defective, power-hungry and essentially demonic flawed individuals. In the foundation, at the very basis of Russian civilization, lies the rejection of the monopoly on knowledge, which is why all analytical tools and knowledge are translated into a universally accessible, natural and absolutely ordinary reality. Crowd “elitism” is not acceptable to any healthy sane person by definition, at the moral and intuitive level, and when a person ceases to be a slave of the biblical worldview, he refuses crowd- “elitism” in principle, refuses any manifestations, and refuses already consciously and comprehended. The monopoly on knowledge is the lot of morally defective, power-hungry and essentially demonic flawed individuals. In the foundation, at the very basis of Russian civilization, lies the rejection of the monopoly on knowledge, which is why all analytical tools and knowledge are translated into a universally accessible, natural and absolutely ordinary reality.refuses in any form, and refuses already consciously and meaningfully. The monopoly on knowledge is the lot of morally defective, power-hungry and essentially demonic flawed individuals. In the foundation, at the very basis of Russian civilization, lies the rejection of the monopoly on knowledge, which is why all analytical tools and knowledge are translated into a universally accessible, natural and absolutely ordinary reality.refuses in any form, and refuses already consciously and meaningfully. The monopoly on knowledge is the lot of morally defective, power-hungry and essentially demonic flawed individuals. In the foundation, at the very basis of Russian civilization, lies the rejection of the monopoly on knowledge, which is why all analytical tools and knowledge are translated into a universally accessible, natural and absolutely ordinary reality.

Having the ability to initially see processes, their tendencies and algorithms, you thereby acquire the skill of foresight, and foresight is control. To manage is to anticipate. If you don't anticipate how the control object will behave, then you are not controlling. If you are not in control, then someone else is in control. Management is the anticipation of the reaction of an object under the influence of the external environment, internal changes and direct control. Management is about identifying opportunities, setting goals and achieving goals in practice. Use the terms DOTU in everyday life during live communication and Internet discussions, use them constantly, use them as something absolutely ordinary, ordinary and natural, by doing so you will make a huge real contribution to the methodological consistency and conceptual power of society.


PS The above text is an opportunity to look inside, this is a small excursion into the wrong side of the worldview, this is an opportunity to get a description and look at what is happening through the eyes of a person who has mastered DOTA at some level. Introduce the conceptual and terminological apparatus of management theory into your everyday communication with others. Master, schematize, comprehend, analyze, read thoughtfully and try to fully understand the information in the works of the USSR VP. Reflect on the text and try to explain in an accessible way to yourself, to interested people and like-minded people, the theory of management, and what is very important (!), Constantly use the conceptual and terminological apparatus of DOTU in everyday life in communication. This will bring your own methodological culture of thinking to a new level and launch a deep process of acquiring methodological consistency by each person and the whole society as a whole. The development and use of DOTS is the basis of conceptual power, subjectivity and real sovereignty of the entire super-system.