In The Japanese Temple Of Horyuji, People Worshiped Statues Of Reptilians - Alternative View

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In The Japanese Temple Of Horyuji, People Worshiped Statues Of Reptilians - Alternative View
In The Japanese Temple Of Horyuji, People Worshiped Statues Of Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: In The Japanese Temple Of Horyuji, People Worshiped Statues Of Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: In The Japanese Temple Of Horyuji, People Worshiped Statues Of Reptilians - Alternative View
Video: Buddhist Statues [Museums] - #TOKYO [Japan] 2024, September

How did our ancestors imagine the appearance of their gods?

The art of Ancient Greece, for example, depicted them as beautiful supermen. But ancient Greek culture is relatively young. And the oldest earthly gods are snake-like creatures. The world serpent Yormugand among the Scandinavians, the Egyptian Geb, the Slavic Chernobog and the snake Indrik, the Indian god Sankarshan and the snake Airavata, Shesha, Vritra … There are a lot of them.


In the Buddhist temple complex Horyuji (considered one of the oldest wooden buildings in the world), located in the Japanese city of Nara, until recently, statues of muscular gods with snake or lizard-like heads could be seen. But now it is an exhibit of a closed private collection: the ancient statues were bought, and now their location has not been established.

This is not the first time this has happened. There are dozens of cases in history when the most mysterious artifacts that official science cannot explain - be it the bones of giants, mummies of unknown origin, magic books, etc. - hid from the public under various pretexts. What is so special about Japanese statues?

Humanoid figures with the heads of lizards, birds and other animals can be found in any part of the world, from Asia to America. The pages of the antediluvian manuscripts and the walls of ritual structures of different peoples of the Earth are rich in such images. A video is included with this article, which provides you with some amazing examples. In addition to Japanese statues, you can look at individual pages of ancient Japanese books, the main characters of which are amphibious monsters with human bodies.


The selection is organically complemented by ancient African and Sumerian figurines and Sicilian cave paintings, images of the ancient Egyptian god Sobek and figurines from Ecuador (South America), statues of family groups of aliens from the island of Nuku Hiva, Indian nagas, Mayan frescoes depicting a reptile with a human face, Chinese mummies "Dragon people".

Promotional video:

There is also information about an unusual dinosaur skull found in the Canadian province of Alberta by paleontologist Dale Russell (the event took place in the 1970s). Studies of the skull showed that there was a huge brain inside, many times larger than the brain of modern reptiles and monkeys.

What kind of occult power is contained in these thousand-year-old works of art? Who were the creatures depicted on them? The results of the first experiments of the creators of mankind, hybrids of humanoids and animals? Or do they represent a special race that was worshiped as gods in the past and, quite possibly, still lives today?

Conspiracy theorists, led by David Icke, write entire tomes about the reptilian race inhabiting our planet since ancient times. According to the conspiracy theory, this is a civilization hostile to earthlings that flew in from another part of the galaxy (according to another version, these are the surviving descendants of intelligent dinosaurs).

Not being human, they have enslaved humanity and control it to this day, using the human race as food (our fear, hatred, aggression and other negative emotions feed them energetically) and as a means of production for gold mining. Gold is needed for interdimensional travel by reptilians.

Also, the precious metal is able to significantly improve the state of their nervous system and increase their mental capacity. This and much more is described in the books of Zechariah Sitchin and the writings of Helena Blavatsky.


These creatures are extremely intelligent and are able to communicate telepathically. They live in deep underground tunnels because they don't like sunlight. The Indian epic "Mahabharata" tells about the war of the gods - reptilians and white Nordic aliens, as a result of which the first were expelled underground.

You can believe in reptilians or consider them nothing more than a joke and an ancient myth. But it is hard not to notice that the world is ruled by a force much more powerful than alliances of states. Perhaps these are the descendants of the first earthly gods.

Elena Muravyova for