Computers Of The Ancient Gods - Alternative View

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Computers Of The Ancient Gods - Alternative View
Computers Of The Ancient Gods - Alternative View

Video: Computers Of The Ancient Gods - Alternative View

Video: Computers Of The Ancient Gods - Alternative View
Video: The God-King of Monitors 2024, September

Descriptions of amazing number systems with the use of unknown mechanisms periodically appear in ancient manuscripts. The press most often mentions the ancient computers of China, but there are mechanisms that are much more ancient. But no one has yet explained the principle of their work. So what are these ancient computers?

With this question, we turned to the famous writer, specialist in ancient languages V. N. DEGTYAREV.

The computer of ancient China is usually called the "Book of Changes" with its mathematical calculations


Vladimir Nikolaevich, are the computers of the gods an allegory or did they really exist?

“You see, man and counting have been inseparable since the first days of the emergence of civilization. And, I am sure, not only human civilization. Everyone always needs to count something - both people, and gods, and "little green men". Of course, sooner or later the first calculating device was to appear. When it is necessary to calculate something, an intelligent entity will quickly make its way from its own fingers to prototype calculators, and from them to protocomputers.

In order not to be unfounded, I will quote from the ancient Sumerian text: "The god Enlil, with the help of the Ben-Ben stone, threw a green luminous network on the globe and calculated the points and distances of a combat strike against his enemy, the god Enki,".

In turn, in the legend "Mergen and the sea king" of the Nivkh tribe, who have been living on the Amur river since ancient times, it is said: “The king struck a large cubic stone with his staff, the stone became transparent, and there, like in a pond, Mergen saw different fish that were swimming in different directions. He saw his camp and saw how huge beluga whales and other various edible fish swim up to the shore near the camp”.

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Directly a saucer with a pouring apple - an ancient TV …

- Exactly! Russian fairy tales are the same ancient chronicles preserved for us orally. Remember how Baba Yaga put a cauldron of water on the fire, threw in various powders, stirred them with a broomstick, and whispered incantations.


“And then Ivan Tsarevich could see himself in the green muddy water - lying, dead”. And in the Ural Mountains, where the wise men lived, “they showed a smooth iron plate. On it slid square and round, multi-colored pebbles with signs embossed on them. Here one could find out the distance from Mount Chalyab to Uch Sumer (Mount Belukha), one could learn the secrets of planets and stars …”.

Suppose you are right, and the ancient peoples had prototypes of computers. Then tell me, what number system did they work on - binary, decimal, or whatever?

- On the most different. The basis, however, was most often the fingers, but not always the person. For example, the Sumerian counting is based on the number 60, which comes from the number 6. Do you know who had six fingers? The amphibious dragons on ancient engravings, from which, according to the chronicles, originate from the Sumerians. According to ancient scriptures, it was the dragons who created the Sumerians as assistants.

At the same time, the ancient Indian account is based on the number 40, which came from the four fingers of the half-humans, half-snakes - nagas. By the way, not so long ago, by historical standards, we also used a similar account: "forty forty sables", "forty forty churches."

Really not a single people of the Earth tried to count on their own, and not alien, even divine, fingers?

- Arabs! They were the first to build a numbering system on their own, and not on someone else's fingers. But! Using finger decimal counting, the Arabs were able to deduce a simple formula that counting must start from zero - they could only because they had an unknown calculating machine at their disposal that operated exactly zero.

By the way, it is believed that binary counting was created for modern electronic computers. This is not true.


Binary counting was used by the Indians of South America, when they operated on woolen multi-colored threads with knots tied on them. A round stick was attached to a bundle of threads, always and everywhere of the same diameter. A thread was wound around it.

Empty loops (no knot) indicated an even number of sacks of corn. If there are one or two knots on the turn, this meant part of the bags, for example: three empty turns are three full bags, a turn of a thread with a knot is an incomplete bag. The nodal counting principle thus made it possible to count even the smallest objects, down to atoms.

But these are number systems, not computers at all …

- One does not exist without the other. Even a simple nodular writing could not have been born without a powerful computing machine. The multiplication table existed in Sumer and worked just as accurately as the modern multiplication table. A stone is a crystal. Bring contact energy wires to it or act on it non-contact - it will give a result.

Each computer contains a stone - a processor. But it only works in two dimensions. Back and forth, left and right. This is a primitive technology. The ancient creatures possessed a three-dimensional processor capable of controlling galaxies.

We read the papyri: "They broke in the large gallery all 48 stones of space and all 12 stones of time, and only then the god hiding in the device came out and stood in front of them." This is an ancient Egyptian story about how the gods caught the god Set.

Using the pyramid machine, Seth adjusted the space of the pyramid so that it was not visible. The pyramid was a huge processor. There are many pyramids on the planet. And any of them could be a giant 3D computing center. Researchers, talking about the wonders of Tibet, do not suspect that powerful, voluminous computers are still standing there in complete inactivity.

The assumptions are certainly interesting, but where is the evidence? And what is the mechanism of these computing centers?

- I conduct research on the deciphering of toponyms, study ancient manuscripts in dead languages, and ancient texts sometimes give completely unique information.


For example, the place names Mecca and Kaaba. This is the sacred center of Islam. But why did he end up here, and not, say, in Medina or Baghdad? Because modern buildings have hidden and disguised what was forbidden and sacred in these territories since ancient times.

The concept of KAABA is "a large, long, light shaft of the universal god." An ancient computer is a ball, rectangle or cube poured out of stone. I believe that it is made in the shape of an octahedron, and is poured from various minerals under enormous pressure.

It looks like a young, strong granite. At the corners of its faces there are points that must be touched by the input and output devices. Such devices are found in all drawings of the gods. They are called ME ("God's Instrument") and look like modern day bras. There is little left - to find such a stone-computer.

Do you think such a find is possible?

- Without a doubt. According to the ancient chronicles and manuscripts, they should have been in the sacred buildings of the ancients. They were worshiped even in our historical era, but they were no longer able to use them. In the book of Berossus, the scribe of the priest of Beluza, it is written: “It was impossible to sit on a stone of thought in gold-woven clothing and jewelry made of metals. Death befell the violator …"

There is an ancient Egyptian image in which the god of the second order Khnum sculpts people from clay. It is important that he sits on a special chair, under which there is a square stone. This is the computer.


To create a man and a woman, as you can imagine, is not easy. Chromosomes alone require many billions of operations per second. The question arises: why did the kings and queens of Great Britain for 700 years in a row put a “stone of fate” weighing 150 kilograms under the throne?

Obviously that stone meant something important. By the way, once during the reign of King James I, the servants suddenly found a stone hanging from the ceiling in the corner. Then he repeatedly traveled around the throne room.

So sacred boulders are ancient computers?

- Not always. When something special was built in ancient times, the old construction site was definitely destroyed and the foundation stone was transferred from there. Apparently, he was a special stone. To date, all our chronicles have been rewritten or destroyed. There are fairy tales left. An old Novgorod fairy tale says that merchants secretly put a “whispering stone” in a corner of a basement under the chambers of commerce - he gave useful financial advice.

When the New Jerusalem monastery was being built, Patriarch Nikon bought an Indian stone from an unknown monastery from Arab merchants. The Arabs tried to cheat the patriarch and first gave him an ordinary cobblestone. But the patriarch touched another pack with his staff, and blessed music came from there. A real stone sang. Patriarch Nikon alone, at night, embedded this stone in the foundation of the monastery, but no one knows where.

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV