Church Curse Of Bludovo Village - Alternative View

Church Curse Of Bludovo Village - Alternative View
Church Curse Of Bludovo Village - Alternative View

The Russian land has long been famous for its various "religious phenomena". I will cite one more of them. According to the journalist Vlada Ros from the city of Orel, this happened in the early seventies.

There was a functioning church in the village of Bludovo (now Platonovo) in the Oryol region. But then the priest who served in it died. And at the direction of the local authorities, the church was immediately liquidated as a place of worship.

The crosses were pulled from the domes with a tractor, old icons were thrown into the street. One boy even managed to climb the iconostasis and fulfill his natural needs. The mocked temple was turned into a warehouse. Over the next two years, without exception, all the people who participated in the destruction of the church died!

And this is what happened to the boy who urinated on the iconostasis.

The schoolchildren were taken in the back of a car to the place of free slave labor of children on the collective farm field. On the way, the car turned over and rolled into a ravine. None of the guys were hurt, except for that boy. Having hit his head on a stone, he received a severe concussion and died. The rest escaped with minor bruises.

Of course, we can say that the boy's death was completely accidental, that it had nothing to do with his hooligan trick in the destroyed church … But, strictly speaking, this is not the point. And in what happened next in the village.

One of the elderly old residents of the area says:

- In the evening, as always, I fiddled around the stove. I saw my husband walked into the kitchen completely silently. I also thought, "Why didn't I hear him pass through two doors?" Both doors are very creaky … I began to ask my husband some trivial questions on everyday topics, but he does not answer. Is silent. He sat down on a chair and looked at me … Somehow I immediately felt creepy! Then suddenly I heard - a door creaked in the senets, and then another door creaked in the corridor. And the husband comes into the kitchen! And the other husband - well, an exact copy of the one who entered! - sits on a chair. I just died. The one who was sitting on the chair glared at the newcomer and disappeared, melted into thin air. Fyodor Mikhailovich, my husband, also saw with his own eyes this exact copy of himself, sitting on a chair … And at night our whole house was suddenly shaking. The house creaked, and some invisible demon howled in it, groaned - frightened, in general, us,means.

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A few days later, the local young tractor driver Valery N. was returning from a party. His path ran past the river. The mood was excellent. And then suddenly Valery sees - on the river surface, like on dry land, a woman is walking in the white moonlight. The tractor driver was taken aback and began to wipe his eyes with his hands. No, it was not imagined! Indeed, a woman is walking on the water.

Valery began to look around in the hope of seeing someone else from among the witnesses of this amazing phenomenon. His gaze accidentally fell on the church, which, as we remember, was recently a warehouse. Where the bells used to hang on the belfry, a bright light blazed in the night.

- I still thought, - says the tractor driver, - how is it that the one who lets in the light from there managed to climb the bell tower? After all, the steps leading upward have been taken apart to one … I was scared! A certain lady walks on the water. The church bell tower glows by itself … I ran at full speed, without looking back, home. I ran past the house of our neighbors, and in their garden two people in black raincoats were walking between the trees. Yes, they don't just walk, they seem to dance … Well, here I was completely taken aback! I don't remember how I got home.

Only Valery saw the mysterious light on the bell tower that evening … Several more days passed.

Village women gathered for a gathering. One of the old ladies says:

- Tonight is a special night - a night to bewitch money with the help of devils.

The audience took her statement incredulously. We sat and chatted about this and that. They began to disperse.

When parting, they ask that grandmother:

- Well, are you going to be fortunate for money tonight?

- I will.

- Okay. Let's see if you add up a lot …

Exactly one month later, this 67-year-old grandmother began to receive "monthly alimony" from her son from the Khabarovsk Territory in the amount of 120 rubles. Earlier, for many years, the son did not send her a single ruble, generally forgot about her existence.

So do not believe the conspiracies after that.

One local grandfather Kuzmich told the journalist Vlada Ros from Orel:

- When I was young I sailed along the river in a boat. And it was too late. In my young years I was not afraid of anything. I looked, a green man emerged from the water and said: "Take me to the shore." What am I? And he didn't blink an eye. I say: "Sit down." He jumped into the boat, is silent. Only the eyes glow in the dark. Well, he drove him to the shore, and he jumped into the water and disappeared. A lot of mud was left from it inside the boat.

- Why, grandfather, he didn't take you with him?

Kuzmich laughs:

- I to him with good, and he to me with good too!

- Grandpa, is it scary at night in the village?

- Scary, of course. People say, until the church was built two centuries ago, here the same thing as now, it was - all sorts of "unclean miracles." The dark forces tried to drive people out of these places … Why is the village of Bludovo called, you know? Because all sorts of goblin were fornicating here, devils and brownies - they did not let people live. Here is Bludovo. The name suggested itself … And then the church was built, and the “fornication of the unclean” stopped. And when recently the church was defiled - turned into a warehouse, fornication began again. People have no mind, they have destroyed their defenses. And now the damned village of Bludovo stands on the Oryol land! You go home, ask what has been going on here in recent years, what tricks the evil spirits are throwing away!.. Previously, it was not happening. Not.