Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

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Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View
Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of The Sun - Alternative View
Video: Temple of the Sun 2024, July

The Parthenon is good for everyone! Here you have architecture and the dust of centuries! Look - I don't want to, or rather - I can't: all year round, the temple is surrounded by tourists 24 hours a day. Cameras click, a hubbub of different languages is heard from everywhere, laughter, everyone is taking selfies … In a word, an attraction. But if you really want to touch eternity, feel the breath of history, and most importantly, get the support of the ancient gods, you have to go to a completely different place: to Armenia!


There, 28 km from Yerevan, in the town of Garni, on the edge of an enchantingly beautiful mountain gorge, along the bottom of which the Azat River rushes headlong, there is an extraordinary monument of Armenian history - a real Hellenistic temple. How? Where from? What is he doing here - among the mountains of Armenia? There is something to be surprised at. A pagan temple in the center of the country, which was the first to abandon the faith of the fathers and adopt Christianity as the state religion, is a real miracle. A strict rectangle surrounded by columns on all four sides. Almost the Parthenon. Only with Armenian ornaments on the stones - the capitals are decorated with grape vines and pomegranate fruits. Only in silence and solitude …

The beauty here is such - that it takes your breath away: there is no horizon - only mountains, cut by gorges. It is no coincidence that this place was so loved by the powers that be, who appreciated not only its aesthetic appeal, but also its strategically advantageous location. In ancient times, the fortifications around Garni reliably sheltered the Urartian rulers. Then came the hour of the Armenian kings. They approached the matter more thoroughly. They erected a powerful fortress, the outer walls of which were reliably protected by sheer cliffs hanging over the Azat River. Alas, they did not save Garni from the devastating march of the Roman legionaries. There is a legend among the enlightened local population, according to which the word "garrison" was born exactly here: allegedly in a letter to Cleopatra, Mark Antony said that he had set up a military camp near Garni - a garrison. This, of course, does not correspond to the truth.


In the 1st century. n. e. the Armenian throne became a bone of contention between Rome and Parthia. The ruler of the Parthian kingdom, from the point of view of the Romans, had the audacity to put his brother Tiridates (Trdat) on the throne of Great Armenia. A war ensued that stretched out for a whole decade. It all ended with the victory of the Parthians. But further developments are interesting! The warring parties shook hands and signed a peace treaty, as a result of which … Trdat again received the Armenian throne, but already as a vassal of Rome. He, apparently, did not care who to obey - just to rule. He gladly came to Rome, where he was crowned by Nero himself, walked around the Eternal City and - impressed - departed for his kingdom, accompanied by a whole army of builders supplied by the emperor. The craftsmen began to eliminate the destruction caused by the military actions,but Trdat stopped them: I want, they say, a temple - like in Rome!

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As you can imagine, this is how Garni acquired his own antiquity.

In the interior of the temple, on the elevation of the altar, they erected a statue of Mithra - the god of the sun, heavenly light and justice. Moreover, they placed it in such a way that it could be seen from the street. And that's why. On the days of the solstice, the priests performed a mystical performance in front of their parishioners. It was on these days - at certain times of the day - that the sun's rays penetrated through a square hole in the roof of the temple and fell on a polished rectangular stone located above the entrance to the sanctuary. They were reflected from him and "fell" onto a hole in the floor in the center of the temple, previously filled with water. Reflected now from the water surface - and illuminated the statue of the god Mithra with a bright light. So the miracle of the divine Sun was born - the triumph of Mithra.


Needless to say, the Garni temple flourished? Very soon, a palace and classic Roman baths with a mosaic floor appeared next to it.

At the end of the 17th century, little remained of its former splendor: the Temple of the Sun was destroyed by an earthquake in 1679. Its restoration was started only in 1966-1976. Archaeologists and historians had to sweat: the temple slabs were scattered, some were completely lost. Low bow to the locals: for several years they have been collecting pieces of the destroyed building on the surrounding slopes. So the restoration of the temple was more like assembling a puzzle. During the reconstruction, the new elements were specially made from basalt of a different color. So that everyone can see: where is the living history, and where is the remake. The results exceeded all expectations: more than 80% of the stones are original.

At the same time, the reconstruction was carried out in compliance with the ancient construction technology - without the use of mortar. As in ancient times, basalt slabs were fastened together with iron brackets, and the holes around them were filled with lead.

It did not work to restore the palace with the baths: they suffered more. But in the baths, mosaic floors have survived, to this day "appealing to justice": the inscription included in the ornament informs that the builders were not paid for the work!


However, it's time for us to return to Trdat, this time the Third.

In 301, Armenia became the first country in the world with Christianity as the state religion. It is believed that this is the merit of Tsar Trdat III.

He came to the throne as a convinced pagan. 40 Christian girls who fled from Rome also met a pagan. One of them - Hripsime - was incredibly beautiful. And she already suffered a lot because of her attractiveness: the emperor Diocletian himself molested her. He even offered to marry! But Hripsime did not want to become his wife and left the country. And then a new misfortune - Trdat III sent matchmakers. Bitter experience taught nothing to the obstinate Christian woman: she refused this groom too. Trdat was furious and ordered to stone both Hripsime and her girlfriends. 40 Ripsimians went to the kingdom of God. Trdat was struck by a serious illness. At first he fell into depression, and then completely moved his mind.

Nobody knew how to treat the king. But one day his sister-princess had a dream: Trdat would be saved by the priestess of the Temple of the Sun. At that time, a priestess really lived in Garni, who had won the glory of a soothsayer. The princess hurried to her and found out: only Gregory the Illuminator could heal the king. And I must say, by order of the same Trdat III, the future first Catholicos of all Armenians by this time had already been sitting in a dark dungeon for 15 years. The princess, at her own peril and risk, freed Gregory and took him to her brother. And - lo and behold! - Reason returned to the king. To celebrate, he did not think of anything better than to be baptized as a Christian urgently! The subjects were forced to do the same. He destroyed all the persistent with true Christian mercy. And he destroyed their temples, and only the refuge of Mithras in Garni survived. The Priestess of the Sun also had to be somehow thanked - and she asked to save her house,Temple of the Sun in Garni. That's why he survived! The only one in the whole of Armenia.


There is a unique antique temple in the Armenian mountains that amazes the imagination, reminds of the events of bygone days. It is almost always quiet and deserted here. But only not on the days of the autumn and spring equinox, when newly-minted Armenian pagans gather in front of the temple of Mithra, hoping to receive support from higher powers. However, let us tell you a secret: you don't have to become an idol worshiper to do this. On the days of the equinoxes, cosmic energy is very strong here - it will nourish everyone who comes to the temple of the Sun. The universe is completely indifferent to our religion: it is much more sensitive to energy vibrations and vibrations in and around us than to rituals. But - for the sake of peace - when going to the Temple of the Sun, be sure to take with you a silk ribbon - better than yellow, sunny color. Her - as a sign thatthat you have established a connection with higher powers, you need to tie it on one of the trees growing next to the temple. After that, ask Myrtha not to leave you with her cares and support, open your heart to him and boldly speak about your innermost desire. There is no doubt: the god of light and justice will definitely hear you!

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