What Is Chavin De Huantar? - Alternative View

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What Is Chavin De Huantar? - Alternative View
What Is Chavin De Huantar? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Chavin De Huantar? - Alternative View

Video: What Is Chavin De Huantar? - Alternative View
Video: Chavin De Huantar and the Religious Revolution 2024, October

On this occasion, orthodox science has said so much that it is better not to retell, but to quote everything verbatim. That is why I will give the floor to Alan F. Alford, who writes in his book Gods of the New Millennium:

“The ruins of the Chavin de Huantar lie at an altitude of 3500 m in the Peruvian Andes, between two mountain ranges. One mountain range fences them off from the sea coast, the other from the jungles of the Amazon. It is difficult to find a more inaccessible and securely sheltered place. And yet, 2500 years ago, Chavin became one of the most sacred cities in South America, and in 500-200 BC had a great influence on the distant coastal regions of Peru.


The main export from Chavin was a religion based on the cult of the jaguar with bared teeth. As a result of the spread of this strange cult, the remote city of Chavin has become an extraordinary center for regional craft, and examples of characteristic Chavin art have spread throughout ancient Peru. During its heyday, Chavin de Huantar occupied an area of about 40 hectares, and its population was about 3000 people - a small, according to our concepts, but an unusually large settlement for Peru at that time.


The main ritual center of the Chavin de Huantara covered an area of approximately 4 hectares. Although the local natives called Chavin El Castillo (castle), its inhabitants were not warlike. The embankments around Chavin de Huantar were called pyramids for some reason, although they are not pyramids at all. Archaeological excavations have uncovered a series of flat-roofed temples that surround a square central square on three sides. These unique “temples” are some of the most amazing structures in the ancient world.

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The main temple, also called the Old Temple, is a horseshoe-shaped structure oriented exactly to the east for sunrise. Inside it there is a whole labyrinth of narrow underground passages, many of which, for some unknown reason, end in dead ends. However, one of these narrow tunnels leads into a strange cross-shaped dungeon. Here, at the junction of the passages, in the very sanctuary of the temple, a stone in the form of a knife or a spearhead descends from the ceiling to the floor. This stone is known as El Lanzon - Spear.


El Lanzon is a monolith cut from a single piece of granite 5 m high. It is believed to be the main shrine of the Chavin religion. An image is carved on the stone, where the fangs and claws of the deity are clearly visible. Despite the fact that the fangs seem to be associated with the cult of the jaguar, the image as a whole rather resembles a hybrid of a man and a bull, and snakes crawl out of his head. The right hand of God is raised up, the left is lowered, as if he were announcing his covenant. Some interpreters have noticed that the lifeline is missing in the raised palm of the god, and on this basis they assumed that this is the god of death. Others, on the contrary, consider him to be the image of a merciful god and call him “the smiling god of Chavin”.

Although the exact purpose of the El Lanzon stone remains unknown, one thing is clear - this obelisk played a significant role. Its slender, tapering upper part fits exactly with the opening in the roof, which indicates that the entire temple was planned around the stone. Thus, apparently, this sacred relic was specially hidden in the depths of the temple so that it could not be taken out of here. Why did the priests try so hard to hide and protect this sacred idol? Perhaps the clue to the riddle - in the irregular shape of the stone (especially its front) - suggests that the carvings in the stone were made after it was damaged. If so, then the stone was sacred even then. It is possible that the priests of Chavin carved the images on El Lanzon and hid it to protect it from further damage.


On the outer walls of the Old Church, there were once more than two hundred stone heads of a frightening appearance - partly animal heads, but mainly human. Today, only one of these terrible heads remains in its place. All of these Chavin heads have protruding fangs and typical large noses, as well as a strange knobby growth on top of their heads. The meaning of these images is not clear. It is especially strange that these inhospitable stone faces should have met pilgrims who make a grueling pilgrimage to Chavin.

Why did Chavin de Huantar suddenly become a religious center? Why did the pilgrims flock here, overcoming almost a hundred miles of very difficult trek through mountainous terrain? Obviously, there was something special about this place - something that we cannot immediately find in the ruins of the temples that stood here around 500 BC. Perhaps Chavin has some earlier mysterious past?

Indeed, archaeologists have found evidence of earlier settlements in Chavin de Huantar - a carbon isotope sample date back to 1400 BC. And this suggests that the important role of this site predates the construction of temples by at least 800 years. What was happening then in this remote mountainous area? Perhaps the answer to this mystery stems from the first phase of construction, an underground network of superbly executed stone canals that carried water from a nearby river and through an amazingly perfect plumbing system underneath the building. In her book Chavin de Huantar - A Brief Eternity, archaeologist Nancy Abanto de Hoogendorn writes: “… an extensive and very complex system of water pipes in and around the temple. One of the canals draws water from the Huacexa River,… another underground channel leads her out of the temple to the Mosna River”. Several water supply canals lead the water flows to the underground gallery and collect there under the square area. On one side of the square is a large rectangular building called the North Platform. Hogendorn describes the interior of this platform as follows: "… a large tunnel completely lined with hewn stones and equipped with a complex hydraulic system …"

It is assumed that the heavily damaged South Platform on the other side of the square had a similar purpose to the North. Directly behind the square, all water streams merge together, and then the water flows through the canal into the Mosna River.


Why, one wonders, to begin the construction of a settlement with the creation of such a sophisticated underground water supply system? It is natural to assume that this was done for the sake of providing drinking water and sewerage needs. But, if this is so, then this structure in its scale significantly exceeds the needs and is unprecedented in the ancient world. Another version is that the builders planned such a spillway system to regulate the flow of water in the Huacexa River and thus prevent the danger of flooding. It's hard to say how much such an idea would work in practice. And, on the other hand, if the danger of flooding was known in advance, then why, one wonders, to build a settlement in this very dangerous place? After all, there were many other, safer places nearby.

On the contrary, it can be assumed that one of the few advantages of the Chavin's location was precisely its proximity to these two rivers. This logic of reasoning leads us to the question - maybe the builders of Chavin deliberately chose this place, in particular, in order to use running water? It is hard to believe that they regulated the water levels in these two rivers without any specific purpose. So why did they need all this? The point is, water is absolutely essential for most manufacturing processes. There is too little physical evidence left in Chavin to help us figure out what kind of production it might have been, but one authoritative expert recently suggested that it might have been a gold panning. Indeed, one ancient Inca legend says,that somewhere under the foundation of the temple treasures are hidden - gold, silver and precious stones. Unfortunately, the first real excavations in Chavin de Huantar, begun by Julio Tello in 1919, were never completed due to a terrible flood, as a result of which the entire village was flooded with a 10-meter layer of mud and stones. Since then, the efforts of archaeologists have been aimed at restoring everything to its original form.

The excavation was halted just at that critical moment when they reached the level of the site where the heart of Chavin's hydraulic system is located. The construction time of the site was attributed to the late Chavin era - approximately 400-300 BC, and one can only guess what earlier forms of construction may be under it. Maybe Chavin was once an industrial center and the solution to its role as a sacred center lies in its mysterious past? This is hardly a coincidence - the seemingly overly complicated construction of the water supply system in Chavin and the equally high level of engineering technology of the Akapana water supply system in Tiahuanaco."

Zecharia Sitchin, following the classic view, in her book “The Lost Kingdoms” deals more with Chavin's highly artistic images:

“The interior of the complex was even more complicated. Inside the three buildings there were corridors and intricate passages, interconnected galleries, rooms, staircases and dead ends - all this was called a labyrinth. Some of the galleries were faced with smooth stone slabs, some of which were decorated with elegant carvings. All the passages were covered with stone slabs, so skillfully laid that they held out for several millennia. Inside there are many niches and protrusions of unknown purpose, and vertical or inclined channels could, according to archaeologists, serve for ventilation.


But, for what purpose was Chavin de Huantar built? The only plausible hypothesis that scientists could put forward is that the city was a religious center, something like the ancient "Mecca". This version is supported by three of the most amazing and mysterious objects found in this place.

One of them is the so-called Tello obelisk, striking the imagination with its unusually intricate carving. It depicts a pile of faces and bodies - human, but with clawed cat paws and wings. In addition, on the column you can see animals, birds, trees that radiate the radiance of the gods, and various geometric shapes. Is it a totem that was worshiped, or an attempt by the ancient "Picasso" to reproduce all the myths and legends on one column? There is no satisfactory answer to this question yet.

The second carved stone is called the Raimondi Monolith, after the archaeologist who found it. It is believed that it originally stood on a corrugated stone at the southwest corner of a low square, in line with a giant staircase. The monolith is currently on display at the Lima Museum.

An ancient artist carved on this seven-foot granite column an image of a god holding some kind of weapon in each hand (some experts believe that it is lightning). The body and limbs of the god in general can be considered anthropomorphic, but his face puzzled scientists. It is not an image (including a stylized one) of any local animal, but rather represents the artist's idea of a so-called mythological animal, which the author of the carving has heard about, but which he never saw.

The third unusual and mysterious column from the Chavin de Huantar is called El Lanson because it is shaped like a spear. It was found in the center of the building and left in place because it is twelve feet tall than the ten-foot gallery. Thus, the top of the monolith passes through a neat square hole in the floor of the upper floor and rises above it. The image on this monolith has also been the subject of heated debate; in our opinion, this is also a humanized bull's face. Does this mean that the people who erected the column - quite obviously, before the building itself, since it was built around the column - worshiped God in the form of a bull?

It was the high artistic level of the artifacts found in Chavin de Huantar, and not the complexity and unusualness of the buildings, that made an indelible impression on scientists and led them to the conclusion that the Chavin culture formed the basis of the civilization of the northern and central regions of Peru, and the city itself served as a religious center. However, recent finds made at Chavin de Huantar indicate that the city's purpose was not religious but rather utilitarian. As a result of the excavations, a network of underground tunnels cut into the thickness of the rock was discovered. They permeate the entire area, both built up with buildings and free, and connect the rows of underground rooms, forming several chains”.

Further - a word to our compatriot - Galina Ershova, from the pages of her book "Ancient America: Flight in Time and Space":

“Chavin de Huantar existed from 850 BC. e. up to 200 BC e. This was the heyday of the Chavin culture. And here we see a harmonious combination of platforms, temples and squares. At the same time, the squares, located quite symmetrically relative to the east-west axis, are surrounded on three sides by buildings forming the shape of the letter U. The entrance to the complex is located on the east side - where traces of a large circular square, surrounded from the north, west and south by rectangular platforms, which had to climb the steps of the stairs. This part of the complex, oriented towards the sun and symbolizing living space, was considered profane (secular, not related to religious, A. M.). And the very shape of the square in the shape of a circle was a symbol of the sun.

Two symmetrically located pyramids were erected behind the northern and southern platforms. Between them was the so-called "jaguar staircase", which led to the platform of the main palace and ritual ensemble.

A staircase with a portal led to the western, sacred part of the complex - the so-called “Castillo”. It was the largest building in the complex, standing on a wide platform. The "Castillo" area at the base is almost an exact square with sides of 75 m and 72.5 m. The walls were made of stone slabs lying flat. It is curious that two rows were laid out of rather thin slabs, and then there was a layer of stone blocks of greater thickness.

The height of this huge structure on the platform reached about 13 m. Its thickness was filled with a mixture of earth and broken stone. And in this artificial mass there were as many as three floors! Each had numerous corridors, rooms, galleries, staircases, ventilation hatches and drainage shafts. The inner walls were laid with the same masonry as the outer ones. Ceilings and ceilings were made of large solid slabs.

However, the most curious monument of Chavin de Huantar is considered to be the oldest building - a small building adjacent to the northwestern corner of Castillo. Archaeologists believe that the sanctuary was rebuilt several times, and once this part of the complex was considered the main one. It was a U-shaped temple with a courtyard closed on three sides. Moreover, the southern part - what later became “Castillo” - was much smaller than it is now. At the last stage of Chavin's existence, the structure called the "Old Temple" was a bulk, rather narrow structure with two intersecting inner galleries in the shape of a cross. At the intersection of the "Gallery of the Cross" is a strange 4.5-meter stele made of white granite in the form of a complex polyhedron with a pointed top. The stele looked like a spearhead,which gave him the name "Spear" or, in Spanish, "Lanson". This monument is perhaps one of the most mysterious in South America. The embossed image on the stele is undoubtedly Chavin by its characteristics. This is the figure of the jaguar-snake-man. Such elements as a special cat's mouth with long fangs, round eyes, “flaming” eyebrows, snake elements are superbly executed. According to archaeoastronomers, this stele had a special astronomical significance.this stele had a special astronomical significance.this stele had a special astronomical significance.

In Chavin, two more monumental monuments were discovered, which are rather difficult to give an exact definition. One of them was named "Obelisk". It is a quadrangular pillar embossed with two feline alligators. Another monument was named “Raimondi Stone”. On it we see an image of a figure with a feline face, holding an elegant wand in each paw-hand”.


Summarizing the essence of the statements, we note the main thing:

- Chavin "temples" were erected by someone who does not know why;

- but, as a hypothesis that scientists could only put forward, it was a religious center, a source of invented “culture”, which had to be called Chavin …

And note, this is said by venerable scientists of the classical worldview, who, to paraphrase the poetess, are not so “young to carry such nonsense” ?!

Chronology, affiliation

Of course, the functional purpose of the Chavin de Huantar is quite different. But, more on that later, but for now …

While we need to decide on the chronology of the settlement, and in it - with belonging: whose is it?

Various archaeological sources give a fairly wide chronological range of the appearance of the so-called. Chavin culture - from 1500 to 1200 BC But the appearance of the Chavin de Huantar complex is already attributed to a later period - from 1200 to 850 BC. And here, for the life of me, I cannot understand: how can one separate the emergence of the Chavin culture and the complex itself, especially since the very concept of “Chavin culture” is based on such unique artifacts of the complex as the Lanson and Tello monoliths and the Raimondi stele - together with drawings applied to them.

But let's move on …

The decline of the Chavin culture, together with the abandonment of the complex, is already attributed by classical researchers to the period from 400 to 200 BC. Moreover, a common mystery is that they really "appear", appear as if from nowhere, and just as unexpectedly and mysteriously disappear.

I am a techie, and, of course, I will be interested in "hardware", i.e. all parameters related to the complex of pyramids called Chavin de Huantar. And here, be that as it may, it is possible to roughly relate the time of its functioning to the period from 1500 to 200 BC.

And now let's see - which of the potential “gods” could act here.


Ishkur-Yahweh? This one couldn't. Its mining operations were widely operated throughout South America until 3113. And then, after the cometary strike on Atlantis, serious and tragic events took place:

- not only Atlantis went under the water, but also the north-polar Hyperborea;

- by a powerful blow, the Earth was knocked out into another space orbit, when its annual length increased from 360 to 365.25 days;

- when the comet hit the Earth, the effect of “pseudonuclear winter” manifested itself, when the planet's circumpolar waters instantly froze, enveloping in eternal ice both the space above the sunken Hyperborea and the surface of the entire Antarctic continent;

- as a result of the same impact on the planet's surface, all biological life died; volcanoes woke up, burning everything on Earth; a huge ocean wave has repeatedly passed over the entire earth's surface, cleaning it up and completing its destruction;

- the planet changed its own cosmic frequency (SCF) of rotation, changing the vibrations of 7.1 cm of the wavelength range by 7.23 cm, which led to an atomic restructuring of all artificial matter on the planet, completing the death of all living things and underground;

- turned around by ~ 30 degrees. the South American lithospheric plate together with the continent of the same name lying on it, at once depriving all mining sources of energy sources (see the article "Machu Picchu").

And all these consequences led to the fact that the “old gods” of Sumer had to curtail all their activities here for a long time.

And here on the stage of the planet a new player appears - the Hathors, the new “gods” of MesoAmerica, these settlers from Venus. Who came here much later than 3113, having finished, first of all, by 2000 BC, the construction of fortified cities of their new metropolis. And given the fact that they also had to create their own man, but not a servant, not an auxiliary worker - like the Sumerians, but a warrior who is able to fight for a place in this life on a par with their "gods", this period of their own formation on the planet dragged on even more.

Apparently, it was not difficult for the Hathors to dislodge the remnants of the Sumerian miners from the South American continent, and then start their own development. And here is the chronological mark "1500 BC" just may become that milestone when the Chavin de Huantar complex began its work.

So, the first stage of our research pointed not only to the period of functioning of our station, but also to its potential owner - the Mesoamerican “gods”. But, as you know, the latter carried out construction in Tiwanaku, having built a base there for air transportation of the mined minerals to the metropolis. And what is characteristic, the construction team was originally noted there, leaving stone images of their faces on the walls of the Temple of Stone Heads (left photo).


But, exactly the same stone heads, with a slightly different appearance of the tribe, were found here, on the walls of Chavin de Huantara (2nd and 3rd pictures). And this already says a lot, and first of all, about the continuity of traditions, and therefore about the possible participation of Mesoamerican workers in the construction of the local complex.


Another fact in favor of the Hathors, as possible owners of Chavin de Huantar, is a new picture found on one of its stones (photo on the left). Above, in the hands of 3 subjects, there is a jagalette - this individual aircraft. The same indLA are in the hands of the Mesoamerican warriors (code Zouche-Nuttall, pp. 2, 14, 18, picture on the right), where this device already performs 2 main functions: the actual aircraft and weapons. Mining workers do not need weapons, because their devices do not have a warhead - a rocket bundle. But, in all the pictures you can see a feather plume: either on the head, or behind the backs, or on the jaglets. The importance of this attribute is also evidenced by the fact that the same feather fan remained the main attribute of all generations of American Indians. And what is interesting, this is not decoration at all,its ancient functional purpose is to be a device for the drain of electric charges, in the set formed during the operation of the jagalet propeller. The device is delicate, fragile, but you can't fly without this arrester! It is important for me to note that indLAs of a similar design were encountered on Earth only among the Hathors, these “gods” from Yucatan.

Many researchers in many cases note other factors that directly indicate the connection between Chavin de Huantara and Yucatan counterparts, and therefore, I think, it is time to draw some intermediate conclusions:

- ~ 1500 BC in Chavin de Huantar, settlement construction began;

- only the Mesoamerican "gods" could have owned it.

And then … then I will make some stuffing of information, which may seem far-fetched or even absurd, but I will do it. In order to further prove its only true essence and historical significance.

So, the basic functional formula:

- Chavin de Huantar is a site equipped with radio communications and air defense, intended for the export of fossils by air.

Author: Alexander Makhov