Versions: The Bible Was Written In The 16th Century - Alternative View

Versions: The Bible Was Written In The 16th Century - Alternative View
Versions: The Bible Was Written In The 16th Century - Alternative View

Video: Versions: The Bible Was Written In The 16th Century - Alternative View

Video: Versions: The Bible Was Written In The 16th Century - Alternative View
Video: Is the King James Version of the Bible the most accurate translation? 2024, October

“Everything will be fine!” - God said and created the Earth. Then he created the sky and all kinds of creatures in pairs, he also did not forget about the vegetation, so that the creatures had something to eat, and, of course, he created in his own image and likeness of man, so that there was someone to dominate and make fun of his mistakes and violations of the commandments of the Lord …

Almost all of us are sure that this is how it actually happened. What the supposedly holy book, which is so ingeniously called “The Book,” only in Greek, assures us. But its Greek name - "Bible" has stuck on the ear.

Believers are well aware that this Book is made up of 77 lesser books and two parts, the Old and New Testaments. And does any of us know that hundreds of other small books were not included in this big Book only because the church "bosses" - the high priests - an intermediate link, the so-called mediators between people and God, decided so among themselves? At the same time, not only the composition of the books included in the large Book itself, but also the contents of these smallest books, has repeatedly changed.

The evolution of the Bible as a single book lasted for several centuries, and this is confirmed by the churchmen themselves in their internal books written for the clergy, and not for the flock. And this ecclesiastical struggle continues to this day, despite the fact that the Jerusalem Council of 1672 issued a "Definition": "We believe that this Divine and Sacred Scripture is communicated by God, and therefore we must believe it without any reasoning, not like anyone he wants, but how it was interpreted and transmitted by the Catholic Church."

In the 85th Apostolic Canon, the 60th Canon of the Laodicean Council, the 33rd (24) Canon of the Carthaginian Council, and in the 39th Canonical Epistle of St. Athanasius, in the canons of St. Gregory the Theologian and Amphilochius of Iconium give lists of the sacred books of the Old and New Testaments. And these lists don't quite match. So, in the 85th Apostolic Canon, in addition to the canonical Old Testament books, non-canonical ones are also named: three books of the Maccabees, the book of Jesus the son of Sirach, and between the New Testament books - two Epistles of Clement of Rome and eight books of the Apostolic Decisions, but the Apocalypse is not mentioned. There is no mention of the Apocalypse and in the 60th rule of the Laodice Cathedral, in the poetic catalog of the Holy Books of St. Gregory the Theologian.

Athanasius the Great said this about the Apocalypse: "The Revelation of John is now ranked among the Holy Books, and many call it inauthentic." In the list of canonical Old Testament books by St. Athanasius did not mention Esther, whom he, along with the Wisdom of Solomon, the Wisdom of Jesus the son of Sirach, Judith and the book of Tobit, as well as the "Shepherd Herma" and "The Teaching of the Apostles," he reckons among the books "appointed by the Fathers for reading to those who are newly entering and wanting to announce the word of piety."

The 33 (24) -th rule of the Carthage Council offers the following list of canonical biblical books: The canonical scriptures are the essence of these: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Jesus Na-vin, Judges, Ruth, Kings four books; Chronicles two, Job, Psalms, Solomon books four. There are two ten prophetic books, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Tobiah, Judith, Esther, Ezhyu two books. The New Testament: the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles one book, the Epistles of Paul four - hope, Peter the Apostle two, John the Apostle three, James the Apostle one, Judas the Apostle one. The Apocalypse of John the book is one."

Oddly enough, only two are mentioned in the 1568 English translation of the Bible. And this Bible itself consists of 73 books instead of 77, as it is now approved.

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Only in the 13th century were biblical books divided into chapters, and only in the 16th century were chapters divided into verses. Before forming the biblical canon, the churchmen sifted through more than one heap of primary sources - small books, choosing the "correct" texts, which subsequently folded a large book - the Bible. It is from their submission that we can judge the deeds of bygone days, described in the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, it turns out that the Bible, which many may have read, was formed as a single book only in the 18th century! And several Russian translations of it have come down to us, the most famous of which is the synodal one.

The first mentions of the Bible in Russia became known from Valery Yerchak's book "The Word and Deed of Ivan the Terrible", and it turned out to be psalters: "In Russia, only lists of books of the New Testament and the Psalter were recognized (the oldest list is the Galich Gospel, 1144). The full text of the Bible was first translated only in 1499 at the initiative of the Novgorod Archbishop Gennady Gonozov or Gonzov (1484-1504, Chudov Monastery of the Moscow Kremlin), who undertook this work in connection with the heresy of the Judaizers. Various service books were used in Russia.

For example, the Aprakos Gospel existed in two varieties: the full aprakos includes the entire Gospel text, the short one includes only the Gospel of John, the rest of the Gospels in the volume of no more than 30-40% of the text. The Gospel of John was read in its entirety. In modern liturgical practice, the Gospel of John ch. 8, verse 44 about the genealogy of the Jewish family is not read …"

Why is the Bible called synodal and why is it the most popular? It's simple. It turns out that only the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church - a council of the highest church hierarchs - has the right, at its discretion, to INTERPRET Bible texts, edit them as they please, introduce or remove any books from the Bible, approve biographies of supposedly holy church men, and much more.

So who wrote this supposedly holy book and what is holy in it?

Only in Russian there are the following Bible translations: Gennady Bible (15th century), Ostrog Bible (16th century), Elizabethan Bible (18th century), Archimandrite Macarius' Bible translation, Synodal Bible translation (19th century), and in 2011 the last version was published Bible - Bible in modern Russian translation. The text of the Russian Bible, which is known to all of us and which is called synodal, was first published only in 1876. And this happened almost three centuries later, after the appearance of the original Church Slavonic Bible. And this, I recall, is only Russian translations of the Bible, and there are at least six known translations among them.

But the Bible has been translated into all languages of the world and at different times. And, thanks to this, the translators have inherited, and almost identical texts still reflect some moments in different ways. And where they forgot to wipe, for example, forbidden mentions of the area, or the description of the weather, or the names, or the names of attractions, there remained the original texts that shed light of truth on what happened in those not so ancient times, in general. And a thinking person is helped to put the scattered pieces of the mosaic into a single and integral picture in order to get a more or less complete picture of our past.

Recently I came across a book by Erich von Daniken "Aliens from Space. New Findings and Discoveries”, consisting of separate articles by different authors on the topic of the cosmic origin of mankind. One of the articles is called "Original Bible Texts" by Walter-Jörg Langbein. Some of the facts he found, I want to quote to you, as they reveal a lot about the so-called truth of the biblical texts.

So, Langbein wrote about the fact that they are full of errors, which for some reason believers do not pay any attention: “The“original”biblical texts available today are filled with thousands and thousands of easily discovered and well-known errors. The most famous "original" text, the Codex Sinai, contains no less than 16,000 corrections, "authorship" of which belongs to seven different correctors.


Some passages have been changed three times and replaced by a fourth "original" text. The theologian Friedrich Delitzsch, compiler of the Hebrew dictionary, found in this "original" text about 3000 scribal errors alone …"

These facts are impressive! It is not surprising that they are carefully hiding from everyone - not only religious fanatics, but even sane people who are looking for the truth and want to figure out on their own in the creation of the Bible.

Professor Robert Kehl from Zurich wrote on the issue of falsifications in ancient biblical texts: “Quite often it happened that one and the same place was“corrected”by one corrector in one sense, and another was“redirected”in the opposite, depending on what dogmatic the views were held in the respective school …"

And further in the same article, the author makes a simply remarkable conclusion: “All, without exception, existing today“original”biblical texts are copies of copies, and those, presumably, in turn, are copies of copies. None of the copies are the same as any other. There are over 80,000 (!) Different readings. From copy to copy, the poems were perceived differently by compassionate scribes and reworked in the spirit of the times. With such a mass of falsifications and contradictions, to continue talking about the "word of the Lord", each time picking up the Bible, means bordering on schizophrenia …"

And here is the fact of when and where the famous evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote their new testaments. The famous English writer Charles Dickens wrote a book in the 19th century called Child's History of England. This translates into Russian as "History of England for Children." This interesting book tells about the English rulers whom the young English should have known well. It says in black and white that during the coronation of Princess Elizabeth I, four evangelists and a certain Saint Paul were prisoners in England and were freed under an amnesty.


In 2005 this book was published in Russia. I will cite a small fragment from it (chapter XXXI):

“… The coronation went splendidly, and the next day one of the courtiers, according to custom, submitted to Elizabeth a petition for the release of several prisoners and among them four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as well as St. Paul, whom for some time they a strange language that the people have completely forgotten how to understand them. But the queen replied that it was better to first ask the saints themselves whether they wanted to be released, and then a grandiose public discussion was scheduled in Westminster Abbey - a kind of religious tournament - with the participation of some of the most prominent champions of both faiths (meaning, most likely, Protestantism). As you can imagine, all sane people quickly figured out that only understandable words should be repeated and read. In this regard, it was decided to conduct the church service in English, accessible to all, and other laws and regulations were adopted that revived the most important cause of the Reformation. Nevertheless, Catholic bishops and adherents of the Roman Church did not persecute, and the royal ministers showed prudence and mercy …"

The written testimony of Charles Dickens (he wrote this book for his children, whom he clearly did not intend to deceive) that the evangelists lived in the 16th century, published about 150 years ago in England, cannot be easily discarded. This automatically leads to the irrefutable conclusion that the New Testament of the Bible was written, at the earliest, in the 16th century! And it immediately becomes clear that this so-called Christian religion is based on a big lie! That “good news” - as the word “gospel” is translated from the Greek - is nothing more than cynical inventions, and there is nothing good in them.

But that's not all. The description of the construction of the walls of Jerusalem, given in the book of Nehemiah, in all respects coincides with the description of the construction of the Moscow Kremlin (according to the decoding of Nosovsky and Fomenko), which was made … also in the 16th century. So what is it that not only the New Testament, but also the Old Testament, i.e. the whole Bible was written in recent times - in the 16th century ?!

The facts given by me are enough for any thinking person to start "digging" and look for confirmation on their own, to form their own holistic picture of understanding what is happening.

Alexander NOVAK

The X-Files newspaper 2014