The Elongated Skulls Puzzle - Alternative View

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The Elongated Skulls Puzzle - Alternative View
The Elongated Skulls Puzzle - Alternative View

Video: The Elongated Skulls Puzzle - Alternative View

Video: The Elongated Skulls Puzzle - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Elongated Skull's Origins (Season 12, Episode 6) | History 2024, October

Who were the Crimean macrocephals - the descendants of the gods, a separate race of people, or the victims of artificial deformation?

People with an unusual, elongated skull shape have been known since Antiquity. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and the historian Strabo mention macrocephals, saying that this mysterious people lives somewhere in the region of Lake Meoti - the present Sea of Azov. And the earliest description was given in the IV century BC by the famous physician Hippocrates: “There is no nation that has such a head shape. Macrocephals are considered the noblest those who have the longest heads …

All over Crimea …

Artificially deformed skulls have been found all over the world. However, the Crimean skulls of macrocephals are of such a characteristic type that it cannot be confused with samples from other countries - the deformation of the samples found here reaches an extreme degree and is very different from the samples from Peru or Western Europe. And the geography of the finds is extremely extensive: at different times, elongated skulls were found in Kerch, in the Bakhchisarai region, in Alushta, Gurzuf, Sudak, in the vicinity of Simferopol, in Inkerman and on the territory of Chersonesos.

Previously, the peninsula had its own outstanding specialists who have devoted many years to the study of unusual skulls. Among them, it is worth noting, perhaps, the head of the Department of Anatomy of the Crimean Medical University, Professor V. Bobin, who collected a unique collection of 30 deformed skulls found in the Crimea.

Nowadays, the skulls of macrocephals on the territory of the Crimea can be seen in the collections of the Kerch and Bakhchisarai museums.

Where and when did people with such a head shape appear on the peninsula? And who were they? Among the most daring assumptions of independent researchers is the version that the owners of long heads, whose skulls are found in the Crimea by archaeologists, were representatives of a special race that once colonized this territory. Say, before the Crimean peninsula was the center of habitation and culture of such people, whom contemporaries considered a special, divine race with superpowers, and then became a kind of "preserve of long-headed", of which there are very few, because the overwhelming part of them died along with Atlantis, and the remains that civilization must be sought at the bottom of the Sea of Azov. More restrained versions say that Crimea really was a kind of reserve, but the custom of giving an elongated shape to skulls appeared here as a fragment of culture,previously widespread in many regions of the earth.

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There are also supporters of the alien version - they say that the deformation of skulls was practiced among the upper layers of the then society and was, according to the hypothesis of the famous Swiss researcher of various secrets and mysteries Eric von Deniken, copying the shape of the head of aliens, heavenly gods who visited Earth in prehistoric times, so that in the eyes of the simple people look like their descendants.


Cradle torture

In the scientific community, the generally accepted opinion is the opinion about the process of spreading this custom, but not about the spread of some people who supposedly had an exclusive tradition for the most part. That is, the so-called race of macrocephals did not exist, but there were individual people to whom the tribesmen for some reason changed the shape of the skull. There are many direct indications that since ancient times, the shape of the head of macrocephals was created artificially, and the owners of long skulls belonged to the most privileged strata of society. It seems that it was so in the Crimea.

In particular, the ancient physician Hippocrates, who left the most ancient written evidence of the existence of macrocephals, mentions: “Their custom is as follows: as soon as a child is born and while his head is still tender and flexible, they form it and make it grow in length, surrounding it with a bandage and using the appropriate facilities. At first it was done artificially, but over time mechanical actions turned out to be superfluous, because nature itself began to develop such noble heads by inheritance. And, taking into account that Hippocrates called the region of the present-day Sea of Azov, to which the Crimea partly belongs, the habitat of macrocephals, one can add up an idea of some of the peculiarities of the worldview of the ancient local population.

Be like gods?

Why were children subjected to such a painful procedure? Is it only for the sake of a peculiar concept of beauty or to designate a special status? And where in general could such a strange ritual come from, which, moreover, threatens with death or incorrigible injury?

Supporters of paleocontacts see here a direct relationship with the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization, whose representatives some earthlings wanted to be like. And as evidence, they cite, for example, the fact that contactees often see aliens with just such an extended head.

And those researchers who adhere to the so-called earthly versions assure: these were attempts to influence the brain. Say, already in ancient times, people realized that various incomprehensible states of consciousness, spiritual practices, divine providences depend on the activity of the brain. And that this activity can be controlled. And, therefore, they carried out experiments, trying to influence one or another of its parts, including by changing the shape of the skull …

Yaroslav PYTLIVY

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