Megaliths Speak. Part 7 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 7 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 7 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 7 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 7 - Alternative View
Video: Russian megaliths, interesting part 7 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -

The fact that some of the stone structures were just cast (the word "megalith" itself is a hint), I said above. We will talk about this in more detail later, but now let's talk about those objects that do not give rise to doubts that they are precisely carved from stone, and not cast from concrete, which is similar in composition to natural stone.

Megalith! Are you cast or carved?

The fact that a huge number of stone objects that are located in St. Petersburg are precisely cast, and not carved, no longer raises doubts even among many official scientists. But what about the origin of the famous sphinxes that adorn the University Embankment of the city on the Neva?


First, the official version:

However, in various sources there are some discrepancies regarding numbers and small details. It would be possible not to pay special attention to them, if not for one thing … In the electronic encyclopedia, the following phrase caught my eye: -

As it is not ridiculous look in one sentence two words "ropes" and "rope". Rope and rope are not the same thing. Ropes are made from vegetable and synthetic fibers, and cables are made from metals. In addition, the cable was invented only at the end of the nineteenth century, and industrial production was established only at the beginning of the twentieth!

If it was a cable, then it could damage the granite face of the Sphinx, but in 1830 hemp ropes were in use, and they could not damage the granite in any way. Nevertheless, in 2003, St. Petersburg scientists started the restoration of the sphinxes, including with the aim of "treating the scar" on the sphinx's face, left by the "rope-rope".

And then a real scandal broke out. Some of the restorers gave out a professional secret that the sphinxes were made not of Egyptian syenite at all, but of Karelian granite called brine kiwi. Stubborn archivists were immediately found, and gave information about the stunning find. It turned out that back in 1828, 62 million rubles were allocated from the imperial treasury to purchase two sphinxes from Alexandria.

And as you might guess, it was not officer Muravyov who signed for their receipt, but a certain St. Petersburg merchant with a surname uncharacteristic for Russia. And two years later, this merchant reported for the funds spent, attaching a bill of sale, receipts, invoices, and other documents. And soon someone managed to get information that for two years in one of the warehouses of Kronstadt the best stone cutters sculpted these very "Egyptian" sphinxes. So the "sawing" of state money was invented not today or even yesterday.

When I learned that an acquaintance of mine, a leading Russian Egyptologist Viktor Solkin, participated in the 2003 restoration, I immediately turned to him for clarification. In response, I received an angry rebuke, followed by a notification that the user deleted my account from the list of his friends, and imposed a ban on the right to leave comments on his page on the social network.

I believe that this is the most honest answer to the question of whether it is true that the Sphinxes from the University Embankment in Egypt have never been. However, it is not difficult to verify this with the help of a regular examination, followed by a comparison.

First, take a look at what those sphinxes look like, which were actually in Thebes:


And here is a modern photo, in which the details and the material from which they are made are clearly visible:


And compare them with those in St. Petersburg … The fact is that the sphinxes from the University Embankment are unique and inimitable. They have no analogues in the world. They contradict the very canons of Egyptian sculpture. The wrong heads, the wrong hats, which are also worn incorrectly. Their faces are human, resembling cat's faces, and most importantly, they smile !!! Why are they smiling? Probably, in this way the merchant, who stole 62 million from the treasury, decided to mock the cheated Tsar and his descendants. Oh, how fun he was, from a well-run scam. The wealth that fell on his head turned his head, and he ordered the Kronstadt stone cutters to make smiling faces.

It is quite possible that the sphinxes have lost their beards due to the inconsistency of their size and shape. Maybe they looked like boyars' beards? And now compare the material from which the sphinxes are made and the material of the front part of the pedestal of the bronze monument to Peter the Great from Senate Square:


Why there are two types of granite under the Bronze Horseman is a separate topic that deserves detailed coverage, and it is also associated with an outstanding historical falsification, and the fact of the obvious similarity of granite from which different objects located near each other are made is important for us. The quality of their execution is also similar and corresponds to the level of development of stone-cutting art in Russia in the late eighteenth - early nineteenth centuries. Yes, in the capital the stone was worked wonderfully. And in the provinces, many masterpieces have survived.

But who worked the stone among the dense forests and swamps where it is almost deserted today? Traditionally, it is believed that nothing was ever built of stone in the Russian north. What then did one young priest discover in the fall of 2012 in Indoman? No, Indoman is not in India at all, as you probably thought. Indoman, the place is, north of the White Lake. And this is our original, Vologda name. So,

Vologda megaliths

There is a place in the north of the Vologda Oblast that was once on the territory of a principality called Belaya Rus, an amazing source. It is called the Silver Spring, and the name is not accidental, because the water of this spring has an abnormally high silver content. They say that the mineral water "Silver Spring", which today can be found on the shelves of any store in Russia, is from there, but I do not presume to say that it really is.


So this source is located on the territory between the rivers Kema and Indomanka, called Indoman. Our father had been there many times, he knew the area thoroughly, and was very surprised when, in the vicinity of the village of Bolshaya Chagotma (this is halfway between Ostrov and Nikonova), his attention was attracted by two granite boulders, which in the 50-60s were bulldozed by meliorators to this place from a nearby field.


They are quite large stones, about one and a half meters long, about 80 cm wide and half a meter high. Rounded stones of pink and gray granite. The stones are carved with depressions of a regular quadrangular shape, quite deep about 15 cm. With sides 45X20 cm.


There are two of them on one "pink" stone, they are located on the flat edge of a round boulder on its side, looking at the river.

They are depressions with smooth, skillfully processed edges with a flat bottom, rounded corners, longitudinal edges slightly obliquely to the bottom (i.e., the bottom rectangle is much narrower along and slightly across than the edge rectangle), Both recesses are identical and are located one next to the other at a distance of 10 cm exactly along the longitudinal axis.


The second “gray” boulder is cubic, but also with strongly “washed” faces, it has a depression of the same size, in the middle of the upper face, and therefore it is filled with water and overgrown with moss.

This niche bears only traces of processing, but has neither a given depth, nor a flat bottom, nor a groove-edging.


The priest himself says about all this: “The amazing thing about these megaliths is the fact of their stay in an area where there have never been any stone structures. There was once a chapel in Chagotma, but it was small and wooden. More for many miles around there was nothing that would require to have such stones in one way or another. Their purpose does not imply utilitarian use, and, therefore, it is reasonable to assume their cult purpose. The level of stone processing is comparable to the best examples of the most ancient cultures of the world, and is not inferior to analogues of Ancient Egypt or Mesoamerica.

My assumption regarding the purpose of these megaliths is as follows. Perhaps this base is the foot of a grandiose stone colossus. Now I mean “a pink stone with completed indentations. I suppose that the other not found stone had protrusions of a similar shape at the base, which fit into the recesses like a plug into an outlet, and the surrounding grooves were a kind of centering lines when one megalith was pushing on another. This explains, in particular, only one flat edge on the whole rounded stone. Or is it a part of the wall attached according to the same principle, in this case the line between the niches will be the junction of the two upper stones.

In any case, whatever it may be, this find should become the subject of thorough study of all kinds of specialists, both archaeologists and geologists. Why is it necessary to passportize a cultural and historical object and make all possible measurements and expertise. The answers to all the questions posed by this object can shed light on the ancient history of our region."

We must pay tribute to Father Alexy (Mokievsky). His tenacious gaze, curiosity, logic and reason made it possible for us to learn about the existence of this amazing object. And an excellent education and an analytical mindset, would allow Father Alexy to serve not only God, but also science.

As for the find itself, it is undoubtedly the details of building structures. At the sight of them, the Kiev Chronicle comes to mind, in which a giant pagan temple is mentioned, in which the Chuds performed their rituals. Do these megaliths have something to do with that legendary temple?

I question the fact that these stones are processed by only one mechanical method. It is very likely that in this case we have two types of processing at once. The notches on the side face are not cut out, but appeared as a result of the casting. And the "bath", no doubt, was already cut down later, after the stone became hard.

This example should be a hack. It should never be forgotten that the lifespan of a person is an instant compared to the lifespan of stones. And since the appearance of the stone, representatives of various cultures with different technologies could have left traces on it. In no case should one be like the historians who lump everything together and attribute each artifact to some specific period.

Continued: Part 8.

Author: kadykchanskiy