Megaliths Speak. Part 14 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 14 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 14 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 14 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 14 - Alternative View
Video: Prehistoric Civilizations, 9200BC Evidence Speaks for Itself, FRESH CLUES Yuga cycles Lost Knowledge 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 -

Everything that is perfect, that is truly ingenious, is always multifunctional. By force of habit, we scatter this term, endowing it with something that is beautiful in appearance. Painting, sculpture, it certainly pleases the eye, but apart from the aesthetic function, they have nothing. Therefore, from the point of view of a practitioner, they are useless. Of course, you can moralize as much as you like about the role of art in spiritual education, but life points us to the opposite effect.

Megalith, do you have bad dreams from the past?

Compare who has a higher level of spirituality and morality: - An indigenous inhabitant of Taimyr, who did not even hear the name of Mozart, but grew up in the tundra, in harmony with nature and the people around him, or highly educated, brought up on Wagner's music, Heine's poems and Kant's treatises an officer of the Luftwaffe, firing from air cannons ambulance trains with refugees and wounded, following to the rear of the USSR?

Therefore, not everything is so simple with the external beauty. The beauty of thought is much more valuable when a thing created by a genius is not only elegant, but also performs several functions simultaneously. Personally, I never tire of admiring the excellence of gas turbine engines.

Aviation gas turbine jet engine
Aviation gas turbine jet engine

Aviation gas turbine jet engine.

Everything about them is beautiful. There is absolutely nothing superfluous in them, but at the same time, each element of every detail performs some important function, and often not one, but two or more at once. This is one of the most perfect human creations to date. But until recently, the most advanced was the steam engine. And all this is the achievement of the Iron Age. But could the achievements of the Stone Age be just as brilliant?

Promotional video:

I think they could have been even more perfect than ours. We just don't understand how to use them correctly. We have no idea how the pyramids discussed above were used. But the pyramids are not the only structures that we don't know how to use. There are others. The most famous are steles and columns. It is believed that they were created exclusively as monuments. But many researchers do not believe in this for a long time, and there are many reasons for this. A lot of facts indicate that they are also utilitarian objects of practical importance.

And look at the structure of the amphitheaters:

Bodrum. Turkey
Bodrum. Turkey

Bodrum. Turkey.

Like the pyramids, there are thousands of them. Why so many, why made of stone, and why are they so similar to other structures that are not called amphitheaters?

Step well in Chand Baori. India
Step well in Chand Baori. India

Step well in Chand Baori. India.

It is obvious that the design of amphitheaters and step wells is similar, and differs only in geometry. But if there is a close analogue for amphitheaters in our world, and there is little reason to doubt that ancient amphitheatres were used in the same way as in our time, then in the case of wells, historians have problems. It was not possible to determine the purpose of these structures, and they were assigned the function of reservoirs for collecting rainwater.

This version is so "weak" that the absence of an intelligible explanation for the existence of thousands of such objects on the territory of India is likely the reason that few people know about them at all. But in my opinion, the purpose of amphitheaters and stepped wells is the same. These are similar "units", just their models are different. As is the case with the automotive industry. Cars differ from each other in different countries, but they all have wheels, steering wheel and pedals. And their purpose is the same.

Now let's try to link the unconnected … What circumstances are common to pyramids, amphitheaters and step wells?

- there are a lot of them, - they are made of stone, - among them there are no two alike, - they are located in regions that have traces of colossal destruction of all other buildings, but at the same time, they themselves suffered slightly.

- their purpose is unknown, - in the foreseeable historical period, a person has not built anything similar, with the exception of stadiums, which are similar only in appearance.

These six circumstances lead to the following conclusions: -

- we did not build this, - these objects are either some kind of weapon themselves, or have protection from the destructive force that destroyed all the buildings around.

These two conclusions are on the surface, and are the most likely, in my opinion. Other researchers have come to similar conclusions. One of the versions of the answer to the question of what amphitheaters are, suggests that these are ancient evaporators, installations for the extraction of precious and valuable metals from solutions. Another version implies the appointment of stepped wells as air defense means to combat vimanas, whitemars, etc. Both versions are good, but the version of Alexander Makhov is closer to me. (Read more …)

Maybe it's not really air defense, or not just air defense. The main thing is that most of all these funnels resemble some kind of antennas, or emitters (reflectors). And it is very possible that they used psychic energy. Well, or another, but connected with a person. When many people gather in one place, and their emotions have the same vector, then it automatically turns into a powerful factor of influence not only on people, but also on nature. More about another type of dual-use megaliths, we will dwell a little later. Now you need to focus on the following: -

It has long been noticed that where there is a powerful release of negative energy caused by massive manifestations of hostility, hatred and fear, natural disasters occur. And these are not coincidences, but directly related phenomena. Therefore, the energy of the crowd, initiates tried at different times to use, control and direct, thus achieving certain goals. And the role of the stone in this process is probably the most important.

Not much is known about the properties of crystals; nevertheless, these properties are used with success. In electronics, for example. But any mineral contains crystals. All granitoids themselves are crystals, if only because they contain quartz particles to one degree or another. And quartz, as you know, was one of the first crystals, the properties of which were adopted by modern electronics engineers.

It is possible that the shamans who gather the masses of people on cromlechs for rituals did not know anything about exactly how the stones of megalithic structures collect, accumulate, transform and transmit the energy thrown out by the crowd, but they successfully used this phenomenon. By the way, they still use it. It is noticed that on the eve of many significant historical events in Stonehenge, mass rituals were performed by neo-pagans. Whether they do it of their own free will, or are executors of political orders is a separate topic for research. All that matters to us is that it works.

Emotions gathered in stadiums during sports and concerts are used in a similar way. The crowd at such events turns into a separate single organism with the potential of unprecedented strength. Probably it is used for their own purposes by those who rule the world. Therefore, it can be assumed that amphitheaters were created not only with the aim of providing the people with a spectacle, which in itself is already a great result, but also in order to generate, as in a power plant, the necessary type of energy and direct it to the right place.

Who knows how masses of people were attracted inside the stone step wells in India, but it is obvious that there could be more of them there than in amphitheaters. And it is very possible that they meditated, sitting on the steps, achieving a common result. For example, someone gave the crowd a directive: - to mentally imagine a heavy rain. The thoughts of thousands of people representing the same image were summed up by the "well", focused, and directed to the right point, where a cloud began to form, full of moisture, ready to spill on the ground.

Sounds fantastic? No, no. Any witchcraft is called witchcraft, only until a rational explanation is found for it. And materialization "out of nothing" is no longer considered charlatanism. The mechanism of this phenomenon has not yet been identified, but the phenomenon itself has long been not news to anyone. The simplest example is vegetable growing. Plants are grown in soil, or in hydroponics, which do not contain those trace elements that "appear" in ripe vegetables. During the entire period of growth and ripening of the fruit, the plant does not receive anything from the outside, except for what is required for growth. And now, when the fruits are ripe, the analysis shows the content in them of a whole bunch of substances that the plant synthesized itself, from other substances. Isn't it a miracle! But no. This is called the transmutation of stable elements. Nobody knows how it works, but everyone uses it.

Well, what about Russia? She lagged behind India and the Middle East with the Mediterranean? I think no. We had temples. And their design, although it differs radically, had a number of advantages. Just like today. For twenty years, the Americans have been creating high-precision aerial bombs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we simply hung them on old, already existing, small-cost devices, and the result of using such bombs is much more effective.

The same is with temples. Their design even outwardly resembles some kind of device or installation. They were built of white slabs cast from artificial concrete, and inside these structures had a whole set of iron rods and tires, the purpose of which is now fiercely debated by historians, architects and archaeologists. Above - an indispensable drum, and a bell tower on the side. Poppies were crowned not with crosses, but with strange complex structures resembling antennas. And all the churches covered the territory of Russia very, very densely, which resembles, rather, a cellular network than an extensive network of churches.

It is likely that the temples to generate a sufficient amount of energy, thanks to their design, required several times fewer people, and since all the temples were connected together, they acted as a single antenna field. Or as a Unified Energy System. RAO UES. And the pyramids could in this case be used as capacitors - accumulators. Well, a huge number of people cannot live in churches. You need to work hard in the field and celebrate the holiday.

And judging by medieval maps, a dense network of cities with temples covered all of Siberia from the Arctic Ocean to Turkestan until quite recently. Where did it all go? The only answer is disaster. Moreover, on a global scale. If to the west of the Urals, at least something survived, then to the east we see only terrible traces of an unprecedented mudflow that covered the entire territory of Great Tartary:


We got only swamps


terrifying scars in the ground, a series of salt lakes, and huge tongues of mudflows that buried the former civilization.

With the help of a computer service that allows you to examine the terrain in detail, you can find a lot. Here, take a look. With sufficient approximation, tongues of multi-meter sandy-clay drifts are clearly visible. The territories that remained uncovered with soil brought by large water from the northeast have even preserved the markings, lines that were before the flood, and which even today are not overgrown with forest. They are now issued for the so-called "seismic profile". Cuttings left by geologists after seismological exploration.

The red curve shows the heights not affected by the flood
The red curve shows the heights not affected by the flood

The red curve shows the heights not affected by the flood.

I have accumulated a lot of material about this markup, and articles have been written. My opinion is unambiguous: - our civilization uses this markup for its own purposes. For example, in the United States and Australia, highways and railways were laid on the ground using this ready-made grid. But our civilization did not create this markup.


Remains are found and something more significant. Dmitry Marchenko sent his find in this region, and asked to share versions with him. Here is his email address for communication dmitri_67 @

The surviving petal of a giant fort
The surviving petal of a giant fort

The surviving petal of a giant fort.

Apparently, if Dmitry's guess is correct, the overall dimensions of this "star" fortress should be truly gigantic. The length of each side of the surviving ravelin is five kilometers. But this is a topic for a separate work, and we, in order to see the scale of destruction on the ground, and to assess the full power of the catastrophe that destroyed most of our continent, we will go to where the flood came from. To the extreme north-east. There, where the legendary city of Tartarus once stood on the Tartarus River. Today this place is called a word that inspires no less awe in the hearts of our contemporaries than the word "tartarus" instilled in the hearts of the "ancient Greeks." And this word is "kolyma".

Kolyma. Museum of the History of the Global Catastrophe

Everyone, probably, in childhood played the game "What does a cloud look like". So my friends and I, ordinary Kolyma boys, played the game "What does a rock look like?" With minimal effort of imagination, one and the same rock, especially from different angles of view, looks like dozens of images that a person has seen with his own eyes throughout his life. But sometimes it happens that in a certain object many people see the same thing!

The first discovery was "The Wall".


Take a look at the hill to the left. Do you see a hump-shaped growth on it? Well, what does it look like? 9 out of 10 will say - a fortress wall. A bizarre play of nature, no doubt! Very similar. Only on closer inspection we see this:


Again, obviously with the creations of human hands, but…. Sadly, we notice that no … It's just a similarity. The vertical, horizontal position leaves, it would seem, no doubt about the natural origin of the wall. For some time I also drove away from myself "crazy" thoughts. After all, everyone knows that the territory of Kolyma and Chukotka until quite recently was covered with an ice shell like Antarctica, and there could be no life here by definition! Stop, stop, stop..! Life is now found in the bowels of the earth, where the temperature is hundreds of degrees, and life is quite perfect, worms that feed on sulfur and breathe carbon dioxide. And where does the mass of fossilized plants in the coal seams in the mines come from, which the miners bring home as souvenirs from work?


There was life! And not only the grass grew and mammoths (a separate topic) ran. Where did it all go?

I answer:

1) Climate disaster, 2) Tectonic disaster, 3) A natural disaster in the form of a giant tsunami.

Figures are only for fixing various factors. No chronology or sequence. In my opinion, everything happened at the same time. Not for millions of years, as the "scientists" claim, but for a maximum of several days. Judge the nature and scale of the tectonic catastrophe from these images:


Just look at how the sedimentary rocks that were originally formed and were in a horizontal plane for a long time were twisted and reared!


Can you imagine how powerful the forces that have done this should have? The main thing is to understand that this did not happen during a long-term impact, but instantly by geological standards. And there is evidence! Something like this, clearly showed the origin of the giant canyon in the Saint Helen National Park in the United States. The canyon was formed overnight, which baffled the official geology. Now this event is not hidden, but it is tritely hushed up, so as not to rewrite the whole branch of science.


And now it will not be so difficult for you to guess what happened to the structures that were located in the territory subjected to a similar cataclysm. If Moscow had undergone a similar "attack", then even dust would not have remained from it. But megalithic structures are the most perfect that was created on our planet. They are incredibly resistant to this kind of impact, especially those made using a technology called "polygonal".


Of course, in the structures of Palenki, Pisaki, Machu Picchu, Tiwanaku, we do not see such erosion, such destruction. There, as they like to say, between the blocks and the razor blade does not pass. There was no glacier there! And most importantly, there did not collide tectonic plates, and did not overturn vertically, previously horizontal, layers of rocks.

And judging by the nature of the occurrence of dead animals in Kolyma and in Yakutia, the only reasonable conclusion can be drawn: - A giant wave covered the peacefully munching grass, animals, mixed, like in a giant mixer, stones, trees, bodies, and instantly froze. In addition, the crushed layers of soil, some individuals were lifted to the tops of the mountains (of course, nothing could remain of them), while others were literally buried.

The drop in air temperature was rapid and very significant. We are now using this method ourselves. Fast freezing is a real godsend for preserving the healthy qualities of food. This is evidenced by the excellent preservation of animal tissues, not chewed food in the mouth cavities and esophagus, as well as numerous injuries to their bodies at the time of death.

And so, there were three factors: an incredible tectonic shift, a tsunami several hundred meters high, possibly up to a kilometer, and a sharp drop in temperature. Probably, the wave reached the places where the deserts of Mongolia are now. This is how many salt lakes appeared in Siberia, and a seal settled in Lake Baikal. And at the poles of the earth, powerful ice shells formed. Now everything is being restored, the ice is melting and soon the climate should return to its original state. The most probable date of the described events is about 12.5 - 13 thousand years ago. Then global changes occurred with the entire planet, which changed not only the geography and climate, but also its parameters themselves, such as the radius, angle of inclination relative to the sun, the composition of the atmosphere and the force of gravity.

Then the glaciers began to retreat, causing even more significant changes on the surface of the liberated territories, along with the incessant tectonic activity, colossal destruction occurred. Here is what is left as a legacy from a lost civilization:


These are most likely traces of the remnants of that civilization. Evidence of the struggle for survival.


What this building was, we will never know. And I am sincerely sorry for those who are convinced that this fragment of a building is of natural origin.


Fortresses then, in my opinion, were not built. They were simply not needed, but the walls were built for something else. Perhaps these are hydraulic structures, or maybe auxiliary in some kind of production, gold mining, for example.


The cult purpose of ancient buildings, I also sweep aside. Everything that THEY did had a practical, utilitarian purpose that is not yet available to our understanding.


What unites the ancient cities of Mesoamerica and Kolyma !? And again, as always. The main connection is GOLD. Both here and there are the largest gold-bearing regions of the planet. What altars are there … I am afraid that our descendants on the ruins of "ZIL" and will also write dissertations about the barbaric sacrifices in the Likhachev temple on payday.

These are purely industrial facilities, in some way connected with the extraction and, possibly, processing of gold and other valuable minerals and metals. And maybe the service staff were some of the most gifted aborigines who swept in the computer room, and when they returned home from work, they boasted to their fellow tribesmen about some piece of iron that they managed to steal from their superiors.

It remains to solve the most important question: - Where did the remains of people go? In the layers of permafrost, a huge amount of frozen animal remains, including completely extinct ones, are found. Even plants and thermophilic fruits are found, but not primates. There can be only two explanations here: -

- Either people did not exist at that time, - or they were evacuated in time.

And the second, oddly enough, is quite likely. Those who owned such technologies, the meaning of which we are not even able to comprehend today, most likely, such cataclysms were in no way. The indigenous population was deliberately evacuated to safe places, including the neighboring continent, America. And some of them waited out the cataclysm high in the mountains. They then became the basis of the future people - the Yukaghirs. Hence the traces of the DNA of Siberians among the Indians of America, and the advanced knowledge among the Yukaghirs. The only people among the inhabitants of the Arctic, who are fluent in the skills of searching for and extracting minerals, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

But the remaining territory of Siberia, east of the Urals, was also not left to fend for itself. It was then that the time has come to talk about the dual purpose of the remnants.

Continued: Part 15

Author: kadykchanskiy