Aliens Steal Uranium From Us - Alternative View

Aliens Steal Uranium From Us - Alternative View
Aliens Steal Uranium From Us - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Steal Uranium From Us - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Steal Uranium From Us - Alternative View
Video: The Moment in Time: The Manhattan Project 2024, September

We have already written more than once that aliens are on our planet not only out of pure curiosity, but also observe their material interests here, for example, they steal water, earth and, most importantly, minerals from us.

According to the authors of the new documentary, which we invite you to watch, aliens on Earth also steal uranium, that is, fuel for their interplanetary ships (or for performing some other tasks).

Of course, this is just a hypothesis, however, according to Valery Uvarov, director of the MITSUFI (International Information Center for UFO Research), in the most impassable places of the Kola Peninsula, seventeen (so far the researchers have counted just so many) workings of a gigantic size can be seen from a helicopter. Moreover, in these wild places there are no roads, no human movement, not to mention the mining structure or technology. And there are workings, and very high-tech ones, moreover, scientists have long assumed that these places in the Murmansk region contain the richest deposits of uranium rocks. It's just that Russia is not yet ready for such a large-scale production, and at this time the aliens, as we see, have already extracted and stolen somewhere billions of tons of uranium.

The documentary offered for viewing is interesting, of course, not only for this shocking information, it also tells about the highly developed civilization of Mars and Uranus, about the death of these planets as a result of collisions with giant asteroids, about the birth of the Moon (a fragment of Uranus), reconstruction of our solar system with the appearance of Venus in it and much more. And behind all this there are civilizations, compared with which our earthly one is not even a kindergarten with a sandbox, but a nursery with wet diapers and a pacifier in the mouth for a sweet dream …