The Laws Of The Universe In The Ancient Orian Tradition - Alternative View

The Laws Of The Universe In The Ancient Orian Tradition - Alternative View
The Laws Of The Universe In The Ancient Orian Tradition - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of The Universe In The Ancient Orian Tradition - Alternative View

Video: The Laws Of The Universe In The Ancient Orian Tradition - Alternative View
Video: EX-Occultist Reveals Lost Knowledge: The Master Key - Law Of Attraction (33rd Degree Knowledge) 2024, September

According to people who continue to live in accordance with the ancient Orian Vedic tradition of our ancestors, who came to the north of Eurasia from the ruined Arctic continent of Arctida-Oriana, many of the troubles of today's humanity are that it does not live in accordance with the laws of the Universe. This is primarily due to the fact that these laws were hidden from mankind by the dark forces and replaced by false religions of worship of the dark egrego of Amon-Set-Yahweh-Jehovah-Satan.

The dark ones themselves are well aware of these laws and use their knowledge for their own purposes. For the rest of mankind, this knowledge is declared "forbidden" and that is why a real hunt was declared on the carriers of this knowledge, revealing its grains for mankind, in the dark Middle Ages. They were not only subjected to various persecutions by the servants of the dark forces, but were simply physically destroyed, for example, during the Inquisition, Crusades, forced baptism, religious reforms or inter-religious wars.

In our time, the tactics of the dark forces have changed slightly. Now, instead of burning people at the stake or burning dissenters in sketes, they are persecuted through all kinds of "commissions to combat pseudoscience" or through the "yellow press". But the most "stubborn", who come close to the "forbidden knowledge", still end their lives under very strange circumstances.

However, the time is coming when, despite all the efforts of the dark ones and their servants, the secret knowledge of ancient primordial civilizations will be revealed to mankind in order to give him a chance not to destroy himself and the planet in his madness. Part of this knowledge about the laws of the Universe we will open today, based on the information received by the writer, traveler, biologist, anthroologist G. Sidorov from the keepers of the ancient Orian tradition.

Here is a fragment of his dialogue with one of these guardians, which he describes in his book "Sealed with Seven Seals":

Thus, according to the ancient Orian tradition, we are talking about the observance of the five basic laws of the Universe:

- the law of measure;

- the law of conservation of energy;

- the law of action (karma);

- the law of the pendulum;

- the law of free will.

A fuller knowledge of these laws remains to be explored. And in the near future, I think that such an opportunity will open for us.. But even having mastered the very basics, it is already possible and even necessary to learn to think in this direction on our own. It is intention that opens before us the doors of the "library of wisdom" hidden from us, which we still have to comprehend, if we do not want to degrade to the level of monkeys in accordance with the plan of the dark forces.

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