Ancient Cities. Comparison And Analysis. Part Three - Alternative View

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Ancient Cities. Comparison And Analysis. Part Three - Alternative View
Ancient Cities. Comparison And Analysis. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Cities. Comparison And Analysis. Part Three - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Cities. Comparison And Analysis. Part Three - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 -

Today we'll talk about symbolism, its meaning, as well as its use in architecture as bas-reliefs, framing, about the monuments themselves and the symbolism on them. Recently, I have been studying ancient bas-reliefs with enthusiasm, it is a very valuable source of information. This is material evidence that is not so easy to IMPRESSLY forge. Comparing and analyzing a lot of pictures, I came to very interesting conclusions.

Let's start with the Arch of Constantine in Rome. There is an arch for itself, erected, as we are told, in 315 AD and is dedicated to the victory of Constantine over Maxentius in the battle at the Milvian bridge on October 28, 312. On this day, at noon, the sun burned unbelievably. The Roman army was emaciated, but their fighting spirit prevented them from retreating. Sweat flowed in large drops over their warlike faces, in their heads they had only one thought - victory! For Constantine!

Meanwhile, Constantine was chewing un panino buns in his tent, baked by the caring hands of the Romans in the Vittoriano bakery, which is a kilometer from the picturesque Verocai brook, in which beautiful nymphs were swimming at the same time, splashing in the midday freshness and hiding from the heat. Oh, how the Roman army missed this bliss! Chewing on a green olive tree, Konstantin decided for himself - today will be a victorious day! The whole air seemed to be saturated with victory, and even the flies flying at that time over the carcass of a Sicilian bull, slaughtered specifically for the celebration of the Four Laurels a couple of hundred kilometers from the Milville Bridge, were buzzing about the same.

In what way am I worse than writers from a number of antique stories? I would receive decently, provide for my family, live like a decent person, otherwise you write all the articles incomprehensible, you only excite young minds. Alas, I cannot do otherwise.

So - on the arch itself there seems to be a victory over Maxentius, although, as you yourself understand, nothing is signed. Basically, the arch is simply replete with one event - the campaign of the Romans against the Dacians. These are the captive Dacians:


Promotional video:

By the way, in the first picture, only a distant representation of what the Slavs looked like. Like Constantine.


Now compare the quality of the lower bas-relief with the upper one. Here is Constantine sitting on the throne.


You see, it says in large letters: KONSTANTIN. True, he lost his head somewhere, but that's okay. This is Constantine. And that's it.

But how is the absurd fact that a completely different event is depicted on the arch is explained? And the difference in the quality of the bas-reliefs is visible to the naked eye. The arch is triumphant - in honor of one victory, or am I wrong? Would you put up a monument to Stalin in our place, on which there would be fragments of the Russian-Japanese war after the victory over Hitler? And here everything is very simple - the bas-reliefs and sculptures were removed from older monuments. Even though this goes against common sense, let's pay attention to what Wiki writes to us:

Three explanations have been proposed why elements removed from other structures were used to decorate the arch:

  • Art of the Roman Empire of the 4th century AD e. was in a state of decline, the skills needed to create a triumphal arch that would look dignified along with the old ones were lost. This version was the most popular some time ago, but now there is a recognition of the originality of the art of late Antiquity and its high value, in connection with which this point of view is losing ground.
  • The creators of the monument were put in a narrow time frame (I wonder what - the author's note): the beginning of the work dates back no earlier than the end of 312, and the completion - in the summer of 315.
  • The use of decorative elements from the times of Trajan, Adrian and Marcus Aurelius had a symbolic meaning: in this way Constantine was introduced into the circle of "good emperors" (Good emperor, good, ah, ah, good girl, let me stroke you)

On the attic there are 8 bas-reliefs in pairs, taken from an unknown monument of the era of Marcus Aurelius (161-180), probably a triumphal monument in honor of the war with the Sarmatians (169-175) (so like a trip to the Dacians, isn't it?).

At the top of each column are Dacian figures, probably taken from Trajan's forum. From there, or from the barracks of the Imperial Horse Guards, there are bas-reliefs from the side walls of the attic of the arch and from the central span, depicting the celebration of the victory over the Dacians.

Well, you understand, it's like taking a picture from one nail, hanging it on another. It would be interesting for me to see how with the help of primitives by office. versions of the tools can "remove" one marble bas-relief from something there and "glue" to another object. I'm not talking about expediency.

So this is where I am leading this - there are two types of bas-relief. For myself, I called them "Primitive" and "Antique". In ancient cities, it is the ancient bas-reliefs that appear, on which the sculptors' knowledge of human anatomy is clearly visible, and on which all the details are sculpted very accurately. But "primitive", as for me, are later bas-reliefs that were made much later. The arch ALREADY STANDED when a "primitive" bas-relief was molded on it. It looks like:


Here are examples of "antique" bas-reliefs - the teacher's house in Kiev:


Or the bas-relief on Trajan's column.


Also, instead of a bas-relief, a drawing is possible.

Royal Albert Hall, London, UK.


I will also note that 90 percent of the Romans on the bas-reliefs are bearded, although they should have been shaved for 200 years already. And if you zoom in on the faces of the "shaved" ones, it turns out that they have no stubble, which suggests that these are either young guys, or they do not grow a beard. Many bearded "Romans" look like this emperor - Septimius (seventh) of the North (there is the South, but there is … Who is there in our north?)


And now I will show you a hocus-pocus how to find out the color of a person's hair using arithmetic. Do you think this is nonsense? Let's see now.

Knowing about the Catherine shift in 1168 years and the deviation from this figure + - 3 years and knowing the beginning of the reign of Septimius Severus (193), we add 1168 and get 1361. We are looking for this year as the beginning of the reign of the Russian tsar and we get 1359 - the beginning of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy as Prince of Moscow (sixth in a row. Forgot someone?)


We get the answer - light brown hair.

The most interesting is the description of the double of the Kulikovo battle, the battle of Lugdun. At the time of Septimius Severus in Rome, there is a CIVIL WAR FOR POWER IN ROME! Another confirmation of the myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Septimius Severus had DANUBE legions! The bas-reliefs show the same thing - that on the one hand, that the same people are performing on the other, only the ammunition is different. And sometimes so in general in the same "Roman" attire.

Let's check the hair color again? We take the CORRECTOR Marcus Aurelius - Lucius Vera, who had reddish hair and who "sprinkled it with a special powder to make it shine better" (that's five points.)

We add and get Alexander Vasilyevich Suzdalsky and his CO-COLLECTOR Ivan 1 Kalita.


Is it a coincidence again? Almost all people on the bas-reliefs are LIGHT HAIR, as are the ancient Gods! There is no need to involve anthropologists either - such "waviness" of hair is observed only in fair people. Well, they don't look like modern Italians, no matter how hard you try.


In confirmation of my words - a man from the arch of the General Staff in St. Petersburg. The type of face of the "Romans" is just that.


Or a Moscow warrior.


But we got a little distracted. True, without the above, the picture, as for me, will be incomplete. Now there will be a complete systematization. The "sacred" animals are the Eagle. The eagle was the favorite animal of Zeus or Jupiter. The eagle symbolizes power, power, this is the most common symbol in heraldry. Was a symbol of "ancient" Egypt, "ancient" Greece and Rome. As a bas-relief in architecture:




Eagle over the entrance to the Roman Pantheon.


And the eagle in Kiev.


Monument to the eagle (I note, one-headed, which later was transformed into a two-headed. Initially, the symbol of Rurik was precisely the one-headed eagle. The reason for the transformation is still a mystery).







Next is the lion, a symbol of courage and fearlessness. Most often he steps on the ball. Any lion has a half-open mouth.

An example is Kolkata, India.


Alushta, Crimea.


Odessa, Ukraine.


Saint-Petersburg, Russia.


Madrid, Spain.


An example of a lion without a balloon is Paris France.


Budapest, Hungary.


Further - the sphinxes. A common symbol in the ancient world. In architecture:

Kolkata, India.


Edinburgh, Scotland.


Detached sphinx





Griffins (well, here, I think, everything is clear. One of the most significant "antique" symbols. The combination of the two previous symbols - an eagle (air) and a lion (earth). It personifies the Sun, strength and vigilance. Subsequently - the coat of arms of Great Tartary. you see a griffin - at least this is a reason to think).

Like a bas-relief.


As a sculpture:


Winged lion.


An owl is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Subsequently - the coat of arms of Great Tartary.


Now there are monuments to people and gods.

Gods. The entire "Greco-Roman" pantheon in all its glory.

Most Popular:

Hermes Hyperborean (as the Greeks called him, I did not invent it).


Nika Hyperborean is the goddess of victory.


Frames also arches, holding.

a) Trophy.


b) Banner.


c) Laurel wreath.


With the pen on the shield, she writes the name of the winner. For example, a bas-relief on the Alexander Column (we will still closely examine it).


Or on Trajan's column.


She can also hold the pipe or blow into it (fanfare to the winner).


At the top of the arch he controls the quadriga.


I see no point in showing the entire pantheon of gods with examples. You yourself can easily find such examples even in your city, if such statues have survived.

Let's move on to the monuments to outstanding people.


Usually this is a monument to some king to the emperor on a horse that raised one leg, or reared up. They can be called whatever you like - William, Shmillam, etc., can also be "corrected" faces, or simply altered in order to show at least some resemblance to the one to whom the monument is "erected". Attributes of a person who is immortalized can also be introduced - they usually look like a penguin in Africa on a monument.


They are "burning" very simply. Here are some signs:

1. Under the fifth point of the rider is not a saddle, but a piece of some kind of lining, since the "Romans" did not have a saddle.


2. A rider in "antique" attire. And just do not need to tell that this is such an image. All the monuments made to someone really show him in the dress that he wore during his lifetime.


In the hands of the rider, as a rule, he holds something that resembles a severed stick. It is not a rod, but a certain cylinder. No wonder - that's for sure. Everyone is shouting that Kovtun is a swindler, or maybe not?


3. The rider is shod in sandals, on his head - a laurel wreath.


4. Under the monument, as a rule, there is an "antique" foundation.


Further, there are statues of men holding a rearing horse.



The trophy is the armor removed from the enemy, which was originally hung on the oak, since the oak was considered the sacred tree of Zeus (and again, no hints).


On this shield from the bas-relief framing the Arch of the main headquarters, we see the symbol that was depicted on the "Roman" shields - a spear with some kind of winding and two lightning bolts on the sides. The first association is electric shock. Dmitriyan wrote somewhere about this that it was not for nothing that the hussars had "wings" - they sparkled. Why can't we assume that this "mop" on the head of the "Romans" had the same effect?


We see the same coats of arms on the bas-relief of the Alexander Column.


An identical helmet on the bas-relief of Trajan's column. Russian and "Scythian" helmets, although according to the office. version of the Slavs during the reign of Trajan from the caves have not yet crawled out.


And in Europe, the trophies are mostly "Russian", and on the territory of Tartary (including St. Petersburg) - "Roman", although in St. Petersburg all the soldiers are in "Roman" vestments. And the Alexander column is generally unique in that it shows 4 types of armor - "Greek", "Roman", "Russian" and "Scythian", and scattered on all four sides. Two conclusions suggest themselves

1. Trophies are a reflection of a huge civil war, which is known in the office. history as "Tatar-Mongol yoke".

2. In fact, these are not trophies, but a tribute to the memory and respect of YOUR soldiers who fell in battle.

Time will tell if both of these assumptions are wrong. More trophies:


And here are the trophies in Rome. In the background are the "Captive Daki".


Smaller symbolism.

Swastika ornament.


Laurels and cornucopias (possibly used on technical devices as masking wires).


Shells (or a symbol of the sun?).


And this is Riga (especially for real patriots of their city;).


But the rising sun is red in Russian wooden architecture.


Atlanteans supporting the vault. Both men and women.


Faces of bygone eras.


The symbol of the god Hermes or Mercury is Caduceus.


Triglyphs and guttas.




Now, having more or less streamlined all the elements, we can talk about the infrastructure of the city, energy sources and the principle of operation of some technical devices, as well as their labeling.


As a small addition to the cycle, I suggest one chapter from the book of the 1709 edition (here is the link). The book is dedicated to the events of the Trojan War and is full of interesting and unusual things, if, of course, you can read it. The author, as the anonymous commentary at the beginning of the book says, is the Greek Dit, a true witness of this war. Before her, I read books in the usual pre-revolutionary spelling, but I came across this one by chance and I discovered its value for myself, not only in the history but also in the spiritual, only when I began to make the first attempts to read it. At first, the brain recognizes only familiar words, but due to specific word formation and the construction of a sentence, 50 percent of the meaning is lost. This is at first. Further, if you "switch" the brain to the "image" mode of operation, then you understand absolutely everything,even if you cannot explain in words the meaning of some words (and there are a lot of such words). There is a solid picture in front of you, and you cannot understand whether you are reading or seeing. You just need to catch this wave.

So, despite the abundance of interesting moments, in particular, the inhabitants of the Thessalian kingdom are called “Myr (community, community) Me (me in Old Slavonic) Don (river) yana, helps Jason in search of the golden fleece Ercules, who is a glorious husband, they say that he the son of Zeus (not without reason Alexander Sergeevich wrote “Omir” and “Zeus”, “g” among the Hellenes is aspirated), who performed many feats, but the Greeks, out of excessive madness, made him a god and named him raklem, there is also a clear distinction between the Hellenes and the Greeks as two different peoples.

And now I am citing almost an entire chapter from this book, dedicated to the construction of the city of Troy by Tsar Priyam after its destruction by the Greeks, with a translation into modern Russian (I tried to convey the meaning as accurately as possible, those words that are not used now, I will leave as they are, but in modern spelling). By the way, this is a unique case when, after Peter's reform, they wrote “the old way”, but with innovations (the text lacks the initial letter “z” - the land that Peter removed was replaced by “s” - green). Feel free to flip right through to translation, but I would recommend trying to read and understand.

About the creation of three

For many days, the tsar has been in sobbing and after staying through the day and night, as well as the rest of his life. For the same reason, when the rain deplorable tears of him, I am happy, I have had little rest from my sorrow, and put on good-heartedness. He was pleased to have packaged the three excavated structures, and in his own dignity, put many masters from everywhere, and came to him from all countries of the world, so much of the art, of the husbands of the archives

… I led the excavated place to clear and equalize. And when this is done, he commanded to approve of the foundation, even to the beginning of the city life, and for this formerly, the command to lay the city around the city, to start all together according to the command of his brotherhood, in the same way sѣlo хітрѣ, ї you have more time in your hands Їхъ, ї sіzhdakhu lѣta, no real history does not declare, but it was only a miracle ї great, the greatness of the city is as many as three days lakot byache. The gates of his їkhі building sѣlo khіtrѣ are arranged byahu, decorated with marble, ї by a sign, the height of їkhі three hundred lactates byasha, by means of protection, the entrance of the same city to the sixth gate is arranged byashe,Near the city of that ditch, there is a deep stone wall inside the fence, through the same gate against the gates, stone bridges are built byahu. Along the end of the bridges, the onokh towers were erected byahu slo wonderful, with various marble decorations, covered with adornments, as if the entrances were dear to others. the enemy is cruel to the scandal of the problems. In the middle of the city of that, there is a certain stankus of the commander. Yazhe grad on is two parts equal to rasdlyashe. In the middle of the city of that one in the united countries of the country, the king of his wonderful royal house commanded to build, he has a wonderful house, he is famous for his family, whose height is five hundred lacquers, which is decorated with a wonderful marble purely signed, covered with beauty, shining to prosperity everywhere, and all man to urge his beauty,ї Velmy udїvlyasha. Inside, the walls, the chambers of the same slatom, with silver, with musieu sѣlo khirtrѣ, are decorated with a byahu. Similarly, the doors and windows of the ward are wonderful, with the previous adornment byahu wonderful. At the top of the chamber of the heavenly god, the flowing beautiful slo is imagined, such is the ward, as if no one before his former tsar in the whole universe didn’t get back, about her wonderful napisa of the gift. Likewise, many wonderful chambers in the courtyard of the kingdoms were built byahu, and with marble and marble, they were adorned with a family of racial similarities, as well as a sign of protection. The space of the courtyard of this one is great, but its walls are just as different as marbles and decorations are wonderful …by the previous adornment of the wonderful byahu decoration. At the top of the chamber of the heavenly god, the flowing beautiful slo is imagined, such is the ward, as if no one before his former tsar in the whole universe didn’t get back, about her wonderful napisa of the gift. Likewise, many wonderful chambers in the courtyard of the kingdoms were built byahu, and with marble and marble, they were adorned with a family of racial similarities, as well as a sign of protection. The space of the courtyard of this one is great, but its walls are just as different as marbles and decorations are wonderful …by the previous adornment of the wonderful byahu decoration. At the top of the chamber of the heavenly god, the flowing beautiful slo is imagined, such is the ward, as if no one before his former tsar in the whole universe didn’t get back, about her wonderful napisa of the gift. Likewise, many wonderful chambers in the courtyard of the kingdoms were built byahu, and with marble and marble, they were adorned with a family of racial similarities, as well as a sign of protection. The space of the courtyard of this one is great, but its walls are so different with different marbles and decoration byahu wonderful …Likewise, many wonderful chambers in the courtyard of the kingdoms were built byahu, and with marble and marble, they were adorned with a family of racial similarities, as well as a sign of protection. The space of the courtyard of this one is great, but its walls are so different with different marbles and decoration byahu wonderful …Likewise, many wonderful chambers in the courtyard of the kingdoms were built byahu, and with marble and marble, they were adorned with a family of racial similarities, as well as a sign of protection. The space of the courtyard of this one is great, but its walls are so different with different marbles and decoration byahu wonderful …

… In the middle of the courtyard of this tree, there is a kind of man-made hityrosty, wonderfully arranged byasha. the most of this tree, even to the top of it, from the slya chist is learned byasha. His rosgї byahu are silver, the ladder is also from the sacrifice of the truth, it was built very cunningly. The fruit of that tree is from the stone of the dragago ї bїser uchіnen bѣ. The height of that Lakte tree is about five ten. On the tree of this bird, on the other hand, there’s a great deal of similarity from the tree, every day, every time we’re able to get away from the good news, like from the sound of all the good things. Inside the city of that, the princely and Velmozhskiy house and the chambers around the royal court were set up by the godless, the streets all over the city are equal to the size of the city, in all the warriors in the art of the blessing people of the human race. Ovo people, ovo dealers, ovo lewkas, ovos of the boarders, ovo silver smiths, ovo people, ovo brass, ovos saddles, ovos, others, ovos, people of all countries, ovos of all countries they, the population of the three great ones, their reigning city, the fast many people, the rich, there are many more wise people, the warlike curses of the wonderful, the first great speedy chess tough, siern, that tragedy, the comedy of everyday life, is forgiven, and other merry musically honored, when it is feared, in which kingdom is such a city glorified by the city of great greatness, all the great grace of its ownovo levkasniy, ovo slatoliyately, ovo silversmiths, ovo medykovachi, ovo bronne, ovo saddle, ovo glasses, ovo shevtsy, ovo usmar, ovo tecton, ovoy to the great people of the country, from all the people of the country he is a reigning city, a city of many people, a rich city, many more wise people, a warrior, a scolding bearer of wonderful, the first time of chess, good fortunes, good times of great happiness The comedy of everyday life is honored, and other merry muscular їgrania when it is feared, in which kingdom is such a city glorified by the city of great greatness, only great beauty, what wonderful cities of all.ovo levkasniy, ovo slatoliyately, ovo silversmiths, ovo medykovachi, ovo bronne, ovo saddle, ovo glasses, ovo shevtsy, ovo usmar, ovo tecton, ovoy to the great people of the country, from all the people of the country he is a reigning city, a city of many people, a rich city, many more wise people, a warrior, a scolding bearer of wonderful, the first time of chess, good fortunes, good times of great happiness The comedy of everyday life is honored, and other merry muscular їgrania when it is feared, in which kingdom is such a city glorified by the city of great greatness, only great beauty, what wonderful cities of all.ovo bronne, ovo saddle, ovo stklyary, ovo shevtsy, ovo usmarie, ovo tektony, ovo sommetelei and other, from all countries the tsar has commanded many friends of the tsar's wealthy people, same byashe the ¯ premudryh lyudeї, ¯ voїnstvennyh brannonosets chudnyh, ¯ the pervѣe obrѣtoshasya shahmatnyya potѣhї, the ¯ їgrі vskorѣ rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when For it is honored, in which kingdom such is the glorified city of great greatness, great beauty, what a wonderful city of three great, the tsar is ready to embrace himself.ovo bronne, ovo saddle, ovo stklyary, ovo shevtsy, ovo usmarie, ovo tektony, ovo sommetelei and other, from all countries the tsar has commanded many friends of the tsar's wealthy people, same byashe the ¯ premudryh lyudeї, ¯ voїnstvennyh brannonosets chudnyh, ¯ the pervѣe obrѣtoshasya shahmatnyya potѣhї, the ¯ їgrі vskorѣ rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when For it is honored, in which kingdom such is the glorified city of great greatness, great beauty, what a wonderful city of three great, the tsar is ready to embrace himself.from all countries, the king of all countries commanded the brothers to live ony, the population of the three great ones reigning his city and the city of many people, rich, there is much more to the wise people, to the first to be warriors of the wicked warriors rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when bo chtetsya, nї in koem tsarstvїї takov їn preslavlen Grad tolїkogo velїchestva, tolїkїya beauty kakov bѣ chudnyї Grad Troy velїkaya, yuzhe tsar pryam in adoration of himself.from all countries, the king of all countries commanded the brothers to live ony, the population of the three great ones reigning his city and the city of many people, rich, there is much more to the wise people, to the first to be warriors of the wicked warriors rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when bo chtetsya, nї in koem tsarstvїї takov їn preslavlen Grad tolїkogo velїchestva, tolїkїya beauty kakov bѣ chudnyї Grad Troy velїkaya, yuzhe tsar pryam in adoration of himself.the ¯ їgrі vskorѣ rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when Bo chtetsya, nї in koem tsarstvїї takov їn preslavlen Grad tolїkogo velїchestva, tolїkїya beauty kakov bѣ Wonderful city of three great, south of the tsar to embrace himself.the ¯ їgrі vskorѣ rasgnѣvїmyya tavleїnyya, ¯ skoryya the sheets ¯ prїbytkї naprasnyya, sernї, the tragedїya ¯ komedeya їsobrѣtena bytї skasuetsya, ¯ prochїya veselyya musїchnyya їgranїya nї when Bo chtetsya, nї in koem tsarstvїї takov їn preslavlen Grad tolїkogo velїchestva, tolїkїya beauty kakov bѣ Wonderful city of three great, south of the tsar to embrace himself.

About the creation of Troy

Many days later, King Priyam, who was in sobs and tears, lamenting day and night, finding no rest for himself, after being cleansed by the rain of tears, rested a little from sorrow and put on complacency (calmed down). He wanted to rebuild the excavated Troy again, in all his dignity, therefore he commanded to gather for himself many masters from everywhere. And from all countries came to him from all countries exquisite zotchies, and gold-givers, and architectoni (and), and copper-wrought iron (we see a clear distinction between "architects" and "architects", wood architects, stone architects? Or architects build, architects - technical equipment? - Michael) and other intelligent men. And he ordered the excavated places to be cleaned and leveled, after that he commanded with diligence to establish the foundation where the walls of the city should be, and after that he ordered to lay the city walls around the city, to erect everything according to the equation,together with the archers (it is thought that Michael is not for a bow or a crossbow) and gates, and so, at his command, they began to create very skillfully. Quickly, the work was done in their hands and was created, and after the summer (year), some of their real estates did not express (?), But they only built a very wondrous and wonderful and great city, the size of the city is three days, its length is equal to latitude. The height of the walls is two hundred cubits (if you take an average cubit of 44 centimeters - it comes out 88 meters. Perhaps hyperbolization, and perhaps not - Mikhail). His gates and the archers are very elaborately arranged, decorated with various marble and mosaics, their height is three hundred cubits (132 meters), covered with copper, while the entrance to the city was arranged with six gates. Near the city, the ditches were dug, they were quite deep and were fenced with a stone wall from the inside (a real artificial channel, I remind you,that the length of the city is three days of walking).


Over the same moat opposite the gate, stone bridges were thrown.


At the end of the bridges, there were very wonderful towers, decorated with marble and mosaics, covered with gilded copper (as they did in Russia), a friend was kindly allowed to enter, but cruel attacks were forbidden to the enemy. In the middle of the city a river flowed a certain Stankus (a common surname among the Balts, in general their surnames are mostly formed from the names of natural bodies, phenomena or from the names of rivers and localities. Write in the contact "Stankus" and see where all these people are - Mikhail) or Skomandra flows, dividing the city into two equal parts. In the middle of the city, on one side of the river, King Priyam ordered to build a wonderful royal house and a wondrous chamber, which was called Ilion (that's where the legs grow - Michael), its height - five hundred cubits (220 meters. Some kind of skyscraper); it was made very skillfully with wonderful carving framed and decorated with various marble washbasins,and trimmed and covered with pure gold, and everyone admired her beauty. Inside, the walls were decorated with gold and silver and decorated with a mosaic. Also, the windows and doors of the ward were decorated with gilded carvings.


At the top of the heavenly chamber, the current was depicted.


Such was the chamber, not a single king in the entire Universe had such, Phrygius Darius wrote wonderfully about it (an anonymous commentary at the very beginning of the book reads: Dit the Greek, and Phrygius Darius, true witnesses to the Trojan militias, they themselves were scribblers on the battlefield and samovidtsy who were in the addition of their affairs. For this sake of right and wrote y. Then at different times, Omir, Virgil and Ovid Solomensky each wrote them, but not true, there are many more disagreements and fables in them. And this is a true and right story Dit, the Greek, printed in Slovenian by the order of the imperial majesty )

Also, other wonderful chambers in the royal court were located, and were decorated with mosaics with marble, as well as with carvings of various similarities of animals and birds, and trimmed and covered with gold.


The space of the courtyard was very large, and its walls were also decorated with marble and mosaics, as well as the gates. In the middle of the courtyard, a tree was created, everything to the top was of pure gold. The branches were silver plated, the leaves were golden and very finely made, the fruit of the same tree was precious stones and beads. The height of that tree is fifty cubits (22 meters). On the branches there were some birds made of pure gold, which sang songs in a cunning arrangement, as if in a living voice (Tape recorder? Microphone?) And surprised everyone. Inside, countless princely and noble houses and chambers were set up around the royal, while the streets were equal throughout the city.


In them, there were many military and merchant people (warriors and merchants) and various arts of needleworkers, countless, they lived along different streets: icon painters (in the pagan Troy), image cutters, levkasniks (a master who prepares a board for an icon painting), gold-gatherers, silver-smiths, coppersmiths, armors (armourers), saddlers (saddlers), stklyari (glass blowers), shevtsy, usmari (kozhemyaka), tectonia (?), surveyors (surveyors) and others, from all countries the king Priyam ordered to collect, and there was a hail of Troy It is densely populated and rich, there were many wise people and militant warrior-bearers, and then chess was first invented, then games soon appeared - both fast sheets (?) and vain profits (?), and other merry musical playing in no kingdom was such glorified,a magnificent and great city, what was the great city of Troy, which King Priyam created for himself to inhabit.

Here's a chapter. And do not rush to say right off the bat that this is all fiction due to disproportionate heights, this is an historical document, which, in my opinion, is of great interest, I will trust more what was written 300 years ago than modern history textbooks. So make each one for himself certain conclusions.
