Iran Announced The Creation Of A "time Machine" - Alternative View

Iran Announced The Creation Of A "time Machine" - Alternative View
Iran Announced The Creation Of A "time Machine" - Alternative View

Video: Iran Announced The Creation Of A "time Machine" - Alternative View

Video: Iran Announced The Creation Of A
Video: Is Time Travel Possible? 2024, September

An Iranian scientist proclaimed himself the inventor of the time machine. With its help, anyone can look into their future 5-8 years ahead - that is, "penetrate" as much as 2021, the young talent assures.

The machine will primarily be used to solve problems of national importance, but as soon as it is launched into mass production, ordinary Iranian citizens will be able to appreciate its advantage, said inventor Ali Ragezi.

The scientist explained that this is a "time machine" not in the literal sense. It doesn't look like a vintage DeLorean car like in Back to the Future.



Ali Razegi, 27, is the director of the Iranian State Invention Center. According to him, he worked within his walls for ten years on the Aryayek Time Travel Machine. Along the way, he became the creator of 179 other innovations, but he achieved his main achievement only now.

The Iranian said that the time machine, which operates using algorithms, is able to predict from five to eight years of the life of any person with an accuracy of 98%. At the same time, all that is required of a person is to touch the machine, the inventor of the miracle unit assures.

The scientist explained that this is a "time machine" not in the literal sense. It doesn't look at all like a vintage DeLorean car like in Back to the Future. “This device is no larger than a personal computer. You will not get into the future with it, this future will come to you,”the scientist said. There is much less romance in the work of his invention - predictions are issued in the form of printouts.

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The benefits of such an invention are obvious, says Razegi. First, it will help Iran to know the situation in the next few years in the foreign policy arena, where, as you know, because of the nuclear program, things are not going very smoothly. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to find out how oil prices will change. “Simply put, the government will be able to protect itself from those phenomena that can destabilize its work,” explains the scientist. After the authorities are equipped with time machines, he expects to bring the invention to the mass market. “Then any Iranian consumer can improve his life,” the inventor hopes.

However, so far his close friends, who were the first to know about Razega's achievement, are not enthusiastic about his work. True, this does not concern the qualities of the new device, but their religious attitudes. “They accuse me of taking on the role of God and playing with fate,” the scientist admitted. But his critics are wrong, he said. “It has nothing to do with religion. The whole world is struggling to create a time machine. The Americans have spent millions of dollars on these attempts, but I have everything ready,”the Iranian is proud.

Meanwhile, journalists are skeptical about the invention. “He invented a time machine? Is that what she told him?”- the Australian site Gizmodo sneers. “How do we know if the predictions are true? This is more of a fortune-telling that teenage girls are doing,”concluded The New York Observer.


Time travel has been one of the most popular topics in science fiction since H. G. Wells. At the level of hypotheses, modern science admits several possible ways of traveling to the future.

This is, for example, movement at a speed close to the speed of light. The travel time measured by the clock of the one who was moving at such speed is always less than the time measured by the clock of the one who remained motionless. This conclusion is one of the consequences of the theory of relativity, which assumes that bodies with a large mass bend space-time, and the time of objects moving with sublight speed slows down.

Another option, also following from Einstein's theory, could be getting into a region of ultra-high gravity, for example, somewhere in the region of the "black hole" event horizon.

Any object that reaches it is sucked into the depths of the "black hole", and "outside" it is not visible what is happening "inside." Presumably, the laws of physics in the depths of the "black hole" cease to operate, and the spatial and temporal coordinates, roughly speaking, change places, and travel in space becomes travel in time.

Finally, just as hypothetically, a biological method is allowed - a complete stop of the body's metabolism with its subsequent restoration.
