Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View

Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View
Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View

Video: Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View

Video: Did Easter Island Residents Pray To A Volcano? - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Easter Island 2024, September

One of the absolutely insoluble mysteries of modern archeology is the so-called moai - monolithic stone statues on Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean. Currently, there are about 1,000 statues on the island, the manufacture and transportation of each of which required enormous labor costs and, as a result, a large number of working hands, which the island cannot feed in principle.

More than 90 percent of the moai were made in a quarry called Rano Raraku. It is a volcanic crater that basically covers less than 1 percent of the island's total area, but nevertheless served as the only source of stone used to create sculptures on the megalithic island.


Most moai are cut from volcanic basalt tuff, a stone formed by the cooling and cementation of material ejected from the volcano. This rock is porous and relatively light, but still not cardboard - the weight of the largest of the statues reaches 80 tons.

And although in themselves these statues are an insoluble mystery, everything is complicated by the fact that about half of the moai remained in the quarry. Moreover, they are not thrown there at random, but stand on stone pedestals and are turned to face the center of the crater. The official explanation for this phenomenon is the delay in transportation. That is, the natives made too many statues, but could not take them to their places.

And although the version about transportation was and is absolutely wild, in November 2019 the officials gave birth to another great scientific explanation, which Sciencealert.com, Express.co.uk, and a bunch of other publications are writing about today.

According to a new study, the island's soil chemistry showed very high levels of elements that are key to plant growth and important for high yields. For such a small island, such rich soil is nonsense, because for many years there have been crowds of natives who constantly grow something, collecting four crops a year and the soil is depleted.

In addition, any island is a very specific system, which itself is constantly losing minerals. For example, fields in Egypt are replenished every year or at least once at some time during the flooding of the Nile. This is a typical situation for continents where there are rivers, where winds constantly carry dust. And there are no rivers on the island - only stone and water. Therefore, the system of education and soil replenishment on Easter Island was incomprehensible.

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Then the researchers began to dig further and found that the source of the soil was most likely the Rano Raraku volcano: the natives chopped down statues there, and the fragments of the stone were crushed and taken to the fields, as a result of which the distribution of minerals in the caldera and in the soil became identical. Well, since this volcano was, as it were, the breadwinner of the island, 400 statues were made and placed in a circle around the caldera to protect this source of food. This is the essence of this scientific discovery.

Among the "academicians" of all times, there were, of course, many clinical idiots, but we have not yet met such idiocy of interpretations. Here, for a hundred years now, various smart people have been puzzling over who and what fed one hundred thousand native stonemasons, while they were sculpting their art in basalt. And now it turns out that another hundred thousand or more natives ran with sacks on their backs and scattered about the island crushed basalt tuff, which another hundred thousand people hammered and ground into powder from morning to evening.

Meanwhile, there is nothing strange with the soils of the island:


Such a buried statue is not alone there, and no one knows how many of them still lie in the ground. But since the statue was buried by something, the island experienced a cataclysm. And what is the most frequent cataclysm on islands of this type? The most frequent cataclysm is a volcanic eruption, which sprinkled the island with pyroclastic flows, after which a record harvest began to be gathered from the fields. It's simple.

The second incomprehensible question remains: what were these huge statues doing near the volcano? However, there is a quite good answer to this question too.

In the last century, there lived such a wonderful French volcanologist Garun Taziev - a descendant of some wise people who fled to Warsaw from glorious Uzbekistan. Mr. Taziev was born in turbulent times and he was helped in life specifically - World War II, French resistance and all that. Therefore, he received his diploma at a relatively late age, during which he saw everything and everyone, that is, he was definitely more experienced than the younger downs who surrounded him, who came to the institute straight from high school.

Perhaps this is why, perhaps due to his origin from Central Asia, where they listen to the instructions of the elderly in both ears, Mr. Taziev also listened attentively to the old people - even if these old people walked with a forehead painted with colored clay and a bare bottom covered with palm leaves. And these leaders somehow enlightened him that a god lives inside each volcano, with whom you need to maintain good relations. And if the relationship develops, everything will be in order, and if it does not work out, it will be like on the Galeras volcano, where a whole expedition of volcanologists was burned to death.

All the secrets. Mr. Taziev does not disclose in his memoirs what he heard from native shamans, but it is reliably known that he had an unprecedented sixth sense of volcanoes. While other volcanologists were poking their fingers at the contour map and thinking where to go - Mr. Taziev went to the ticket office, bought tickets, came to some famous volcano, put a movie camera at a safe distance and went to the tent to drink beer in anticipation of an eruption. than a week later it happened as if ordered.

In the end, a whole retinue of adepts began to ride behind Taziev, as after a renowned broker, and repeat all his actions - especially actions to evacuate their one or another crater. Although everyone listened to his words. Once, Mr. Taziev tried to reach out to the brains of some local officials, recommending that they evacuate the city, but no one listened to him and many were covered with ashes there.

And so, in the light of the above, we believe that the natives had a kind of cult of their volcano, which erupted most likely relatively recently. Who made the statues on the island, by what technology and when - we do not know. But the next generation of aborigines apparently somehow realized that they needed to live in harmony with the volcano, so they dug up as many stone statues as they could, pulled them into the caldera and placed them around like sentries. Perhaps even from time to time, the natives staged gladiatorial volcanic battles in honor of Rano Raraku or simply cut someone's throat on the altar - trying, like the Aztecs, to delay the local End of the World with such methods.

Official science does not and will never recognize such an approach to volcanoes; nevertheless, the cult of volcanoes among the tribes living around them is universally supported and works. And where the aksakals have died out and there are no more cultists, there from time to time they both hammer, and will hammer, until somewhere they hammer very strongly and completely. It is possible then that the next race of humanoids on this planet will be smarter and “academics” will be the first candidates for the altar. In the meantime, it has not finally blasted anywhere - we continue to follow the development of events.