On Easter Island Live "bird People" - Alternative View

On Easter Island Live "bird People" - Alternative View
On Easter Island Live "bird People" - Alternative View

Video: On Easter Island Live "bird People" - Alternative View

Video: On Easter Island Live
Video: Blackbirds: A Journey Through the Americas by Alvaro Jaramillo 2024, September

In ancient paintings and drawings, you can often see images of winged creatures that resemble humans. And numerous eyewitness accounts claim that mysterious "human birds" are still found today.

According to the well-known Russian researcher Ernst Muldashev, these creatures can dwell deep underground on Easter Island … The seals of the Akkadian era often depict scenes of the trial of the "bird-men", obviously, something that did not please the deities. Legends about the race of "human birds" that once existed on earth are transmitted orally and in writing.

But there is a hypothesis that they still live on our planet. A lot of meetings with such creatures took place in Mexico and the Amur region of Russia. Eyewitnesses give roughly the same descriptions: the body is covered with gray plumage, clawed paws, the wingspan reaches 4 meters, the head looks like a human, but the mouth and nose are barely distinguishable …

On the ground, creatures move with a "jumping" gait. Notes about such episodes flashed in the press as far back as the nineteenth century. For example, in 1887 in Brooklyn, passers-by saw a "man-bird" soaring in the sky. In 1900, a similar episode took place in New Jersey. In 1952, in Kyoto, Japan, an Air Force employee Sinclair Taylor heard a clapping sound while on night duty and saw a tall stranger in front of him with huge wings on his back …


Taylor managed to knock down the "bird-man", and he fell to the ground before his eyes, but when the sentry ran to this place, the creature disappeared. In the fall of 1966, about 100 cases of winged creatures with luminous eyes were recorded in the United States, England and the Scandinavian countries.

The famous writer VK Arsenyev in the book "Dersu Uzala" describes an incident that happened to him in the Far East in 1908. In foggy weather, the writer was walking with his dog along the river and suddenly noticed a footprint on the ground that looked like a human. Immediately there was a clatter and a crack of broken branches, but the stranger was in no hurry to go out onto the path. Then Arsenyev threw a stone into the bushes. Then there was a flapping of wings, something large and dark flew out of the bushes, rose up and flew away.


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This incident scared the dog very much. Subsequently, local hunters told the writer that there is a "flying man" in these parts. The greatest number of meetings with the "bird-people" took place in Primorye in the 1930-1940s and 1980-1990s. Sometimes they behaved aggressively towards the person. So, the hunter A. I. Kurentsev once, sitting by the fire, felt someone's gaze on him and caught some movement.

Intuitively, he fell to the ground and at the same moment saw a “man” hovering above with membranous, like those of a bat, wings. The hunter got the impression that this "Batman" was going to attack him. Just in case, until the morning, the man hid behind a tree so that the flying man would not notice him …

Repeatedly they tried to photograph the "birdmen" on camera. But for some reason, the frames were always fuzzy. Amur zoologists even somehow set a trap with a bait on the "bird-man", but the bait disappeared, and no one got into the trap … The famous researcher Ernst Muldashev, who searches for "parallel" earthly civilizations, believes that winged people can live on the island Easter.


In addition to the famous idols, there are also mysterious stone structures, which scientists have long mistaken for ancient chicken coops. But one of the local aborigines told Muldashev that it was dangerous to go down to these “chicken houses”, as there one could meet a “birdman”. There are legends among the local population that once such creatures lived next to ordinary people, but then they left to live underground, and the entrances to their dwellings were camouflaged with "chicken houses".

According to the aborigines, they try not to harm people, but they also do not let them close to them. If a person steps on their territory, they send him a mental order to leave … The “birdmen” attack only those who show aggression towards them. Indeed, on Easter Island, underground tunnels were discovered that could theoretically have been built by "birdmen" …

By the way, similar tunnels were found during excavations of Mongolian burial mounds. Archaeologists stumbled upon a cave of a strange spherical shape, apparently of artificial origin. On its back wall was painted a huge, several meters high, image of a man with wings. According to the Mongols, the cave was once a ritual. And when a stone was thrown into the hole, there was no sound of falling. But when people stopped visiting the cave for ritual purposes and started throwing garbage down - one day they heard a crash below, as if a slab had moved …

It seems that the "inhabitants of the dungeon" closed the gap and finally fenced themselves off from the people …

Margarita Troitsyna
