Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View

Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View
Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View

Video: Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View

Video: Who Unleashed The Second World War: Hitler, Stalin Or The Poles Themselves? - Alternative View
Video: World War Two – the final months | DW Documentary 2024, September

As many people know, Polish politicians and envious representatives of other countries, with persistence worthy of better use, are trying to prove that the Second World War, at least, was unleashed together by Hitler and Stalin. I wrote "at least" because I am one hundred percent sure that Hitler's next step will be struck off the list. For the simple reason that you won't earn much on it.

It seems to me that the goals and reasons for such revisions of history are rather stupid and hopeless.

Well, first of all, all this is at the level of conversations anyway. Information war is a great thing, and you can drive such nonsense into people's heads that they themselves are surprised later. Well, let's say, and this is secondly, someone decides to believe it, even if all Poles without exception, even if all Papuans with Eskimos. So what? You might think that the bad attitude of the Poles towards Russia will change something dramatically? Well, let them even convince the Germans, and all the polls will show that the German population is very bad about Russia? Will they refuse to build Nord Stream 3?

We have relations with the British for centuries worse than ever, which does not affect in any way when it comes to something more serious, such as money.

Or is someone indulging themselves with some crazy idea, such as depriving Russia of its veto right in the UN Security Council? First, for this to happen, Russia itself must want it very strongly … which also does not give a guarantee. And secondly, even if the Security Council collapses completely (and this will happen if Russia leaves it), then the dream of the Poles will not come true. They want Russia to disappear somewhere. Well, at least it fell apart into thousands of little bears. Polish politicians have had this fixed idea since a very long time ago. Even when Suvorov drove through all their costumes, etc.

What annoys the Poles is that Russia is huge and great nearby, and they can't be called anyone. And their whole idea of a great Polish power from sea to sea, as a certain center of the Slavic world, remained unrealizable forever. It's hard to live with it. When I talked with some Poles infected with this bacillus, I felt sorry for them sincerely. But there is nothing to help, such diseases cannot be cured.

On the one hand, I understand that any attacks in politics must be answered, and even the Elephant must respond to Pug. But on the other hand, the overly emotional reaction of some of our people is incomprehensible to me.

Moreover, if you approach the issue without unnecessary emotions.

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And what is Russia actually accused of? The fact that Hitler and Stalin divided Poland?

Let's try to figure it out.

First, this is what is called the past. The fact that the Soviet Union, whose legal successor Russia became, did, let's say, some not entirely correct actions, was officially recognized in our country. We can safely say (and this will be true from the point of view of international law) that today's Russia does not bear any responsibility for the actions of the USSR. And if you stir up the past, then Russia has even more claims to Poland, since the Poles have somehow still not apologized for 1612, for example. And if now the whole past begins to revise and replay, then Poland will definitely not benefit from this: they will either lose a lot or disappear as a state. Since it exists in general of our free will. So it turns out if you dig deeper.

Secondly, the claims that Stalin had some kind of agreement with Hitler look absolutely ridiculous. Well, if only because all countries had some kind of relations and agreements with him. Fascism is, of course, the greatest evil, but I want to remind you that before the start of the Second World War, no one in the Third Reich considered the fiend of hell. Because they knew little about the crimes of the Nazis, and even less believed in them. In fact, everything became known for real only when the Red Army began to liberate Auschwitz and other death camps, and on the other side of Europe, the British did the same with the Americans. And all these today's "discoveries", that they say, already in 1942 in the United States there were reports that massacres were taking place in Auschwitz, nothing at all.

All this I mean is that making claims about cooperation with Hitler is somehow too retroactive.

Moreover, who would say so. Poland itself had quite normal relations with Nazi Germany, and the option of a joint war between Poland and Germany against the USSR is not an invention.

There are interesting documents in which the Soviet command is developing plans in the event of an attack on the Soviet Union by joint forces of Poland and Germany (and also Romania with the Baltic countries), and these are not empty fantasies. Since such a possibility was actually considered in the 1930s in Warsaw, Berlin and Moscow.

And yet … World war is a world war, because it is essentially started by everyone. And then the one who lost this war is appointed the guilty one. Because accusations can be found (and can be made up) for anyone. And for Poland, by the way, too. And very easily.

And indeed, to consider the German attack on Poland as the beginning of World War II is a big convention. If it ended with a victory over Japan, then it is worth remembering that Japan has been waging this very war for many years. Yes, and with the partition of Poland, in fact, the world war has not yet begun … By the way, France and Great Britain, grumbling for decency, reacted with understanding to the actions of the USSR: after all, Stalin only returned the legal territories of the former empire and did not encroached on.

And if the Poles really want to restore the details of the Second World War, in which there are still a lot of blank spots, then there is a very interesting topic.

It is still unknown how many Polish citizens fought in the Wehrmacht and SS, against the Soviet, British and American armies. Even from the bits of data that we already have, it turns out that almost more Poles fought for Hitler than against him. That would be where to figure it out, if only for love of historical science and facts.

Otherwise, we don't even pay attention to many interesting moments.

I just recently published an article about a very good film "Calling Fire on Ourselves", where the Poles are also mentioned.

Author: Kirill Shishkin