Mysterious Island Of Nuku-Hiva: Traces Of Paleocontact, Frozen In Stone - Alternative View

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Mysterious Island Of Nuku-Hiva: Traces Of Paleocontact, Frozen In Stone - Alternative View
Mysterious Island Of Nuku-Hiva: Traces Of Paleocontact, Frozen In Stone - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Island Of Nuku-Hiva: Traces Of Paleocontact, Frozen In Stone - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Island Of Nuku-Hiva: Traces Of Paleocontact, Frozen In Stone - Alternative View
Video: Каннибалы полинезии. Исследую остров Нуку Хива. Маркизские острова, Французская Полинезия 2024, September

They have everything written on their faces!.

Nuku Hiva Island is the largest atoll of the Marquesas archipelago in French Polynesia, formerly known as Madison. Temehea Tohua is located on the territory of this unique island, where some of the most amazing statues that man has ever seen are located. Some of the ancient sculptures clearly represent unearthly creatures that visited Earth at the dawn of human history, or (there is also such a version) representatives of the Reptilian race …

At first glance, these are just "big statues", but on closer examination, more and more interesting features begin to appear, causing bewilderment about the "models" that served as inspiration for the sculptors. Among them are massive and oblong heads, large eyes, huge and frail bodies. Who created them and who served as "nature"?..

In ancient times, the island of Nuku-Hiva was divided into two regions: the province of Te Lii (more than 2/3 of the territory) and Tai Pi.

Legends mention the creator god Ono, who promised his wife that he would build a house in one day. To do this, he gathered together the land and created islands that became parts of it - Nuku Hiva was the roof, and the island of Wa-Huka was created from the unused land.

The first settlers arrived in Nuku Hiva from Samoa about 2,000 years ago. Later they colonized New Zealand, the Cook Islands and Tahiti in Hawaii.

It is curious that the local tribes practiced cannibalism with might and main. The victim of this cruel ritual was hung from a tree for a while, and then her brains were knocked out with a club. It is believed that for women and children cannibalism served only as food, while male warriors ate defeated opponents to gain their strength. For this, they also preserved their skulls.

Is it possible that people could "spy" the bloody custom just from those creatures that are depicted on the statues?.. After all, some "harsh, but powerful creatures" really practiced something similar in the distant past, however, for other purposes than the aborigines perceived this … However, this is only a version.

Promotional video:

An interesting video about the mysterious statues of the island of Nuku Hiva: