The Coronavirus Intervened In The Plans Of Many Alternatives - Alternative View

The Coronavirus Intervened In The Plans Of Many Alternatives - Alternative View
The Coronavirus Intervened In The Plans Of Many Alternatives - Alternative View

Video: The Coronavirus Intervened In The Plans Of Many Alternatives - Alternative View

Video: The Coronavirus Intervened In The Plans Of Many Alternatives - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 11th 2024, September

I must say that the global coronavirus pandemic disrupted the plans of many researchers of the real past to visit various parts of our planet with independent expeditions. But is it worth it to be so upset and discouraged? Probably not. For some reason, since the days of the legendary "Laboratory of Alternative History", many of our alternative people like a magnet have been drawn to foreign countries, but at the same time many really interesting places in our own country are simply ignored by them.

Are not all the recent events that have interrupted the possibility of foreign travel a kind of "sign of heaven" for some alternative researchers, showing that it is time to turn their eyes to a lot of hushed up artifacts? found on the territory of our country? Well, the global "tourism centers" of our planet, in the end, will not go anywhere. Moreover, many of these well-known world-class artifacts have been recreated by modern archaeologists in accordance with their own ideas about their appearance and are no longer original ancient structures, but only their modern reconstruction.

By the way, some researchers of the real past have already guessed about this. Therefore, you should not be seriously upset about the temporary inability to visit them. Nor should those alternatives who are used to giving live lectures and communicating with the audience to get upset. I think. that restrictions on mass events in the coming months will be lifted. In the meantime, you can focus on the posts and videos, and start exploring the available archival materials of the past online. In general, you should not hang your nose. Good luck, colleagues! And more real interesting discoveries of the pages of our real past instead of internal showdowns and clarification of relations with each other in the struggle for subscribers and views.

Remember: everyone has the right to their own opinion and their own vision of the picture of the past. But you just need to completely correctly call this your opinion and vision by such a term as "hypothesis", and not imagine yourself "great discoverers of great discoveries." But, unfortunately, not all alternatives do this, bringing a real chaos to the common task of finding out the truth. So maybe quarantine measures will help them realize the fallacy of this approach in their activities? In any case, the higher powers gave them such a choice.

But the most important thing is that we were all given the opportunity to better study our own country, which means that we can come to grips with the mysteries of its past and visit truly beautiful "places of power" and majestic, albeit unrecognized by official science, ancient megaliths, presented by scientists for natural formations ". And believe me, there are quite a few such interesting and truly beautiful places in our country. Moreover, in some of them you can also take part in shamanic rituals of communication with the elements of the Earth as soon as the self-isolation regimes for the regions of Russia are removed. In the meantime, you can explore these places virtually through videos, posts and books by independent researchers of the real past.

Under the conditions of this forced quarantine, engage in self-development and understanding of your purpose in this world, as well as your own health, as the Russian writer, traveler, researcher of ethnography and shamanic tradition of the peoples of the north-east of Siberia G. Tymnetagin advised us in his recent video message to like-minded people. Then this difficult time will fly by for you more easily, imperceptibly and most importantly - with the benefit of your own evolution of consciousness and health. Remember that a person who has ceased to evolve, to learn from the world, to comprehend and study something new, to help others, is a useless biomass for the intelligent Universe, which will gradually be "cleaned" from our world for new incarnations.

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