How Do Artifacts "inconvenient" For Historians Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

How Do Artifacts "inconvenient" For Historians Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View
How Do Artifacts "inconvenient" For Historians Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Artifacts "inconvenient" For Historians Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Artifacts
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There are a lot of finds that are difficult to explain by the official history, they are inexplicable in terms of processing, the officially declared capabilities of ancient people, and sometimes even age, since some artifacts are estimated at an age when people, in principle, should not have existed.


In this topic, it is difficult to mark any specific finds, since there are hundreds, and possibly thousands. Moreover, you may not know about many at all, that is, there is not even any general information.

As for artifacts that contradict history only because of their age, an example is an artifact that the most ordinary inhabitant of Vladivostok found in a piece of coal.


All this happened in 2012, a piece of aluminum with deep corrosion was found in a piece of coal, and the specialist who received the artifact in his hands estimated it at about 300 million years, that is, when people, according to the official history, were out of the question.

As a result, at one point all information about the artifact simply disappeared, and its further fate is unknown.

Further, an example is an artifact, the processing of which, as well as its purpose, raises certain questions.

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Once, during the excavation of a burial ground in Novosibirsk, a metal part was discovered, or as it was called a "figurine", although the purpose of course remains in question.

Interestingly, according to archaeologists, the material of the find could not be determined, supposedly it could be extraterrestrial at all, or unknown to science. As a result, as you might guess, the artifact disappeared and all that remains now is a couple of pictures.


What are the various bolts in the fossils and mechanisms discovered over the past century. All of them were estimated at millions and tens of millions of years, and then disappeared, although, obviously, thanks to many such artifacts, history can be completely rewritten.


And some artifacts do not disappear, but simply lie around unnecessarily in museums.

For example, a basalt dish found in Egypt. It doesn't even make sense to say that this was done not with primitive tools, but with technologies, and the processing is really at a high level.


Now this artifact is in the British Museum, its age is estimated at 2-3 thousand years, and the processing corresponds to the current level of technology development, but this does not bother anyone.

And there are really a lot of such artifacts, some are in museums, some have simply disappeared without a trace and now their fate remains a mystery.

Artifacts from the Mapuche Museum, allegedly created several thousand years ago, by primitive instruments
Artifacts from the Mapuche Museum, allegedly created several thousand years ago, by primitive instruments

Artifacts from the Mapuche Museum, allegedly created several thousand years ago, by primitive instruments.

But it should be obvious to everyone that if you collect not all, but at least most of these artifacts together and consider everything, then there will be no doubt that the official history is nonsense.

In reality, everything happens differently and, apparently, the official representatives of the real story are simply not interested, and most likely, it is not beneficial to anyone.
