Dolmens In Gelendzhik: The Mystery Of Stone Crypts - Alternative View

Dolmens In Gelendzhik: The Mystery Of Stone Crypts - Alternative View
Dolmens In Gelendzhik: The Mystery Of Stone Crypts - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens In Gelendzhik: The Mystery Of Stone Crypts - Alternative View

Video: Dolmens In Gelendzhik: The Mystery Of Stone Crypts - Alternative View
Video: Giant Megalithic Structures - Russian Dolmen's 2024, September

Mysterious dolmens located in the vicinity of Gelendzhik are one of the most interesting historical sights of the Krasnodar Territory. In the 19th century, numerous megaliths were discovered near the banks of rivers, in more forests and on hills, more than 120 in total. The age of dolmens, built of huge stones weighing up to 30 tons, reaches five thousand years. Some of the most ancient architectural structures are now badly destroyed, and on some dolmens even petroglyphs have survived - ornaments carved on the walls, figures of animals and people.


Dolmens were first discovered near Gelendzhik in 1818 - not far from the place where the Dogaub River flows into Pshada. The purpose of these stone statues is still a mystery to historians and archaeologists. According to one version, dolmens served as a burial place for the nobility. And local legends say that thousands of years ago the giants living here, out of pity, built houses for their neighbors, the midgets, in which they could hide from the raging elements.


Translated from the Breton language, dolmen means "stone table". Archaeologists have calculated that the dolmens are from 3400 to 4700 years old, that is, they are even older than some of the Egyptian pyramids. There were more than 7 thousand of them in the Caucasus, and about 150 remained, many of which are concentrated just in the Gelendzhik region.


Inside the dolmens, as in the Egyptian pyramids, strong electromagnetic oscillations are observed, and the clock also slows down. It is known that miracles still occur near them. It is believed that different dolmens have their own "specialization": in the area of the Janet River there is a health dolmen, a family and marriage dolmen (according to legend, if a girl crawls inside, she will be married) and others.


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Local psychics said that they spent the night in a dolmen on Mount Nexis and heard strange sounds, they were visited by visions. They are convinced that dolmens serve as means of communication for representatives of a highly developed civilization, descendants of the inhabitants of Atlantis. According to the mythology of the ancient Greeks, immortal giants - titans and the main one of them - Prometheus lived in the territory of the Western Caucasus. In those distant times, on Earth and in Heaven, a war was fought between the titans and the gods - Titanomachy. Prometheus stole fire from heaven and gave it to people. The enraged Zeus chained the giant to the coastal rock, and the eagle tormented his liver, and threw the titans into Tartarus. The Greeks mention that Prometheus was crucified between the Bosphorus of Cimeria (modern Kerch Strait) and Colchis (Sukhumi region). This territory is occupied by the dolmens of the Western Caucasus,many of which are located in the Gelendzhik region.