Rio Sinju: The Secret Of The Inca Underground Tunnel. - Alternative View

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Rio Sinju: The Secret Of The Inca Underground Tunnel. - Alternative View
Rio Sinju: The Secret Of The Inca Underground Tunnel. - Alternative View

Video: Rio Sinju: The Secret Of The Inca Underground Tunnel. - Alternative View

Video: Rio Sinju: The Secret Of The Inca Underground Tunnel. - Alternative View
Video: HIDDEN TEMPLES OF ATLANTIS. The forbidden Dungeon of the Incas. 2024, September

In 1991, a group of Peruvian cavers organized an expedition to the region of the Brazilian Rio Sinju River. There is a system of underground caves 300 meters deep. They are little explored, as they are located in rugged jungle

In these places in 1925 the expedition of the British Colonel Percy Fawcett disappeared. For several years, the colonel explored the area on the instructions of the English Royal Geographical Society. According to his testimony, a wild tribe of light-skinned people lived in the impenetrable jungle, who lived in caves underground. Curiously, they possessed a hypertrophied sense of smell, like animals. Thanks to their instinct, the Indians learned about the invasion of their territory by strangers when they were still far away. They carefully guarded the entrances to their underground dwellings.

After the disappearance of Colonel Fawcett, a new expedition was sent to search for him in 1926, but no traces of the disappeared explorers were ever found. Maybe the British were captured by a wild tribe? But most likely they lost their way and died.

According to one of the versions, the underground caves in the Riu Sinzhu floodplain, to which the expedition of speleologists was heading, could be the underground dwellings of fair-skinned people mentioned by the colonel.

The legend of the existence of underground cities in the jungles of South America is very tenacious. They were allegedly built by the surviving inhabitants of Atlantis, who, after a disaster that destroyed their island, moved to the mainland. In this they were helped by the gods, who laid twelve paths across the sea. It can be assumed that the tribe that Fawcett met were descendants of the Atlanteans, or, according to another version, the builders of underground cities died long ago and their homes were inhabited by a wild tribe.

As you know, the Spanish conquistadors, led by Francisco Pizarro, conquered the lands of the Incas in the 30s of the 16th century. In his reports to the Spanish king, Pissaro reported that he had discovered the entrances to underground tunnels located on Guascaran, the sacred mountain of the Incas, at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level. The entrances were covered with giant stone slabs. History is silent as to whether Pizarro managed to enter the tunnels and what he found there.

The cavers of the 1991 expedition were very well equipped with ropes, winches, powerful lamps and other equipment needed to explore underground caves. The latter turned out to be indescribably beautiful. Countless stalactites of every possible color hung from the vaults. From below, stalagmites rose to meet them, forming bizarre columns. Streams flowed down the walls, filling the underground grottoes with melodic murmur. In the caves, the researchers found rare algae of bright red color. They formed extraordinary designs on the stone walls, similar to lace. However, no traces of human presence in the grottoes were found.

At a depth of 70 meters, a huge stone slab blocked the way for the group. Its surface, in contrast to the surrounding walls of the cave, was very smooth, which suggested an artificial origin. With the help of a winch, they managed to move the huge stone. It turned out that the slab revolved around stone balls, which acted like door hinges. Behind the slab was a long tunnel going down at an angle of 14 degrees. The cavers lit up the darkness with powerful searchlights. The floor of the underground corridor was lined with small slabs that fit together exactly. On the surface along the walls, two hollowed out gutters were found. One of the researchers suggested that they could be used as rails on which the wheels of a loaded bogie rolled, similar to those on which coal is taken out of adits in mines. Each slab bore a carved image of a bird that looked like a peacock.

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In 1991, the cavers did not reach the end of the tunnel. Reports of the discovery of a mysterious underground structure made a lot of noise and interested scientists around the world. In 1995, an international expedition was organized with the participation of not only speleologists, but also historians and archaeologists from different countries. It turned out that the underground tunnel stretches for 90 kilometers and, finally, goes under water. The researchers were surprised to find that the water is salty. It really turned out to be sea, since part of the tunnel was 10 meters below sea level. There were several small islands along the coast, and it is likely that the tunnel led to one of them. It was not possible to find out where it ended.

Based on the data obtained by the expedition, scientists concluded that to build the discovered tunnel, knowledge was needed that were not available to the inhabitants of ancient Peru, including the Incas who were conquered by Pizarro. In addition, as historians have established, the images on the slabs of birds resembling peacocks are not characteristic of any of the peoples of South America. Both ancient and modern. Some evidence indicates that the tunnel was built before the heyday of the Inca state. A number of scientists believe that it owes its existence to the Atlanteans who survived the global cataclysm. Others are of the opinion that the tunnel was built by representatives of some unknown ethnic group who died after the water flooded it.

The famous Peruvian researcher of the ancient cultures of South America, Jorge Perez, considers it likely that the tunnel was built by the builders of Tiahuanaco and huge megalithic monuments. The Indians of this tribe lived in the mountains on the shores of Lake Titicaca and were the ancestors of the Incas. Perhaps there are underground tunnels of enormous length, originating under the ruins of Tiahuanaco and reaching distant points of the continent.

The testimony of the Spanish chronicler of the 15th century Cristobal de Molina, who arrived in South America with the conquistadors, is interesting. He reports on a kind of legend of the indigenous Indian population. The myth tells of the omnipotent Father of humanity, who lives in the underworld. Having completed the act of creating everything on Earth, God went into his underworld. There are similar myths about underground gods in China and among the peoples of Northern Siberia. In subsequent years, attempts were made to find a way out of an underground tunnel on islets along the coast of Peru. All of them were unsuccessful. In 1998, another Peruvian expedition to underground caves was equipped. Unfortunately, the researchers were completely disappointed. A collapse occurred in the cave system, and a huge mass of stones covered the access to the tunnel entrance. To clear the colossal blockagespecial equipment is required, which cannot be delivered to a remote mountainous area. The secret of the tunnel has not yet been revealed. The hope remains that it will be possible to solve it in the future.

"UFO" No. 5.