The Ancient Mystery Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

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The Ancient Mystery Of The Caucasus - Alternative View
The Ancient Mystery Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: The Ancient Mystery Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: The Ancient Mystery Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

There are such amazing places on earth that attract, despite all the time and space constraints in the form of borders and time zones. My friends and I discovered one such thing back in 2000.

There are more questions than answers

IN THE DISTRICT of Gelendzhik (Krasnodar Territory, Russia) there are unusual structures in the mountains, called dolmens. Their height reaches human height, they have the correct proportions. Most often, they consist of five rather thick and heavy stone slabs weighing from 3 to 30 tons (sometimes from many smaller ones). Four stand around the perimeter, and the fifth is in the form of a roof on top. A small round hole with a diameter of 20-30 centimeters is carved in the front slab.

They were first described and mapped by a Russian officer in the First World War. Then there were almost fifteen hundred of them throughout the Caucasus, now there are about one and a half hundred. Interestingly, dolmens can be found in other countries and on other continents.

These historical monuments are a mystery no less intriguing than the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge or the signs of the ancient Incas, but less "untwisted". It is not clear how these slabs were delivered to Mount Nexis, which is at least three thousand meters high, in the 15th millennium BC. What tool were used to cut the “windows” into the block? Scientists have not yet found clear answers to these questions. Just as there is no unambiguous interpretation of what a dolmen is in general.

Translated from Celtic, this word means "stone table" or "man's house." Probably, the dolmens owe this name to the characteristic pattern that is repeated on each of them (a table with four objects).

One of the most incredible versions says that strong, but stupid giants and weak, but cunning dwarfs lived in those days. Then again opinions diverge: either the dwarfs dexterously forced the giants to work for themselves, or the big people themselves, out of pity, built houses for the little ones. But where, then, are the necessary utensils and other traces of the civilization of this life? There is another explanation as well. It is said that hermits left the settlements for the dolmens, wishing to make a voluntary sacrifice for the benefit of humanity. They got into this mysterious structure through the top, which was then covered with a huge slab. Communication with the outside world could only be through that small window that we see today. They say that it was also closed with a stone "plug". Some people believe that dolmens are tombs. But there are no burials in them. Exceptions are relatively recent (several centuries ago) structures made of untreated shell rock. They are not at all like ancient dolmens.