Gate Of The Gods? - Alternative View

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Gate Of The Gods? - Alternative View
Gate Of The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods? - Alternative View
Video: 👽 Puerta de Hayu Marca - The Gate of the Gods in Peru - A Stargate ? 2024, September

A mysterious structure of large size was found in Howie Marka, a mountainous region in southern Peru, located 35 kilometers from the city of Puno

Among the local Indians, this city is better known as the "City of the Gods" and it has not been fully explored due to its inaccessibility. From the plane in this mountain range, people noticed many structures and semi-destroyed buildings. The Puerta de Hayu Marca (Gateway to the City of Gods / Souls) door was found in one of the rocks of the ridge, it is 2 meters high and 7 meters wide and has a small keyhole-like opening in the center of the door.

This door was discovered by José Luis Delgado Mamani, a guide who leads tourists along the surrounding ruins and paths.

“After I found this door, I began to dream about it more than once. In my dreams, I returned to this place again and again and saw this door. She was slightly open and because of her there was some kind of emerald light,”says Jose in an interview with the local press.


This door was discovered by José Luis Delgado Mamani, a guide who leads tourists along the surrounding ruins and paths.

“After I found this door, I began to dream about it more than once. In my dreams, I returned to this place again and again and saw this door. She was slightly open and because of her there was some kind of emerald light,”says Jose in an interview with the local press.


Since the discovery of this door in 1996, archaeological excavations have been carried out in the area. Based on the Inca epic, this region was the "path of the Gods" and according to legend, the great heroes went to the Gods passing through the gates that were at the end of the path. Curiously, according to the legend of the Incas, not everyone always went to these gates. Some heroes returned from the "Land of the Gods" having received unheard of power and knowledge.


Another legend tells of the Spanish Conquistadors, who, having arrived in Peru, began to plunder Peruvian settlements and one of the Inca priests, whose name was Arami Maru. This priest had a disc, which among the Inca people was called "The Key of the Gods of the Seven Valleys." Once the priest took this disk, gathered the villagers who survived the clashes with the Spaniards and disappeared with them into the "Valley of the Gods". Nobody saw more of these people.

Archaeologists who examined the door found a small, perfectly round hole in it, which may have been intended for a "golden disc".

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Some people who have visited this door say that when they put their hands on it, they felt some kind of energy coming from behind the rock. In 1997, the American psychic Tony Silva visited the Gateway to the City of the Gods. He said that he felt an incredible surge of energy near this door, as well as the starry sky and pillars of fire that shot from the ground opened before his eyes. This vision was accompanied by unusual music, similar to shamanic tambourines. The Mayan people also mention the mysterious "Gates of the Sun", and what is most interesting is that there is a drawing similar to these gates on the Nazca plateau. (I'll try to find it, editor's note) In recent years, people have often begun to see UFOs over this place, spheres of various colors and sizes often hover over this valley.

According to the beliefs of the Peruvians, one day these gates will be opened and the Gods will return to their "solar ships". Sounds very symbolic, doesn't it?