Death - As A Principle Of Liberation. How To Confirm The Belief In Eternal Life And The Fact Of Human Immortality - Alternative View

Death - As A Principle Of Liberation. How To Confirm The Belief In Eternal Life And The Fact Of Human Immortality - Alternative View
Death - As A Principle Of Liberation. How To Confirm The Belief In Eternal Life And The Fact Of Human Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Death - As A Principle Of Liberation. How To Confirm The Belief In Eternal Life And The Fact Of Human Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Death - As A Principle Of Liberation. How To Confirm The Belief In Eternal Life And The Fact Of Human Immortality - Alternative View
Video: The Immortality of the Soul (Aquinas 101) 2024, September

Death is the principle of liberation, not limitation. The whole should be considered as having more significance than the part. Death is only part of human existence.

Death, for an ordinary, thinking person, is the peak of a catastrophic crisis. This is an interruption, the cessation of everything familiar, desired, loved, this is a stunning exile into the unknown, into the indefinite, sudden end of all plans and projects.


No matter how strong the belief in spiritual values, no matter how undeniable the speculations about immortality seem, no matter how convincing the proof of eternal existence, there is still doubt, and the possibility of an absolute end, disappearance, and cessation of all activity, any reaction, thought, emotions, desires, or intentions. A passionate desire to survive, a sense of continuity even for the most stubborn in the faith, rests on probability, on a precarious foundation, on the testimony of other people, but people do not really return from the afterlife to tell the truth. And then how to confirm your faith.


Death is the principle of liberation, not limitation. Death itself is part of the illusion that man has built around himself. Life and death should be approached from the perspective of an observer, not a participant in the current experiment. Death is in reality - the unconsciousness of the form, which is not a Spiritual essence, it is freedom from the limitations of the carnal vehicle.


There is no intimidating process of dissolution, and the only truly unpleasant moments are the fleeting, overwhelming sense of impending danger and extermination. For undeveloped people, death is literally a dream and oblivion, because the mind is not sufficiently aware to react according to the circumstances, there is still no memory of reincarnations in it.

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A strong desire for sensitive existence or attachment is inherent in every material form and inherent in even the wisest.


For a more developed and conscious person, death is a continuation of existence and a life process in consciousness. His consciousness and sense of awareness are invariably the same. He does not experience a catastrophic change and it is just going through an episode of death. True death, according to the highest laws, is caused by the achievement of all goals and therefore the cessation of all life aspirations. When life or Spirit is removed, the form dies. Attachment to form does not contribute to the evolution of Spirit., But rejection, rejection of form and its subsequent decay is a Great evolutionary need
