Alien Abducted, Hybrid Children And Alien Influence - Alternative View

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Alien Abducted, Hybrid Children And Alien Influence - Alternative View
Alien Abducted, Hybrid Children And Alien Influence - Alternative View

Video: Alien Abducted, Hybrid Children And Alien Influence - Alternative View

Video: Alien Abducted, Hybrid Children And Alien Influence - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

People abducted by aliens often talk about the painful medical procedures they underwent on the alien ship. Also contactees meet children with whom they feel in no way, it would seem, an unjustified relationship.

The abducted persons are absolutely sure that they are the parents of children, but they don't remember anything about it! But is this possible? If you believe one of the theories about extraterrestrial activity on Earth, which talks about hybrid children, then yes, it is possible.

In fact, some people are re-abducted by aliens, probably giving a chance to look at their children - born of an alien. Although, it is difficult to imagine what the “strangers” are guided by in reality.

Hybrid children

As an experience, aliens sometimes feed the hybrids with human milk, and sometimes kidnap Earth children to play with the hybrid babies. Hybrids are probably also an object of study by aliens, like people.

When a hybrid is born, it is given the opportunity to interact with a human mother. At the same time, the aliens themselves avoid close relationships with hybrid children. With the help of robots, they transport children in metal containers, allowing communication with the mother, the only one who can give the love and care that babies need so much.

During hypnosis sessions, victims of abduction remember what happened to them and experience understandable despair and horror. During their monstrous experiments, aliens inspire people that they will not harm, and the event itself will be erased from memory.

Promotional video:

In addition, the aliens use strong anesthetics. Therefore, during the experiments, the abducted people feel a pleasant light vibration, peace and relaxation.

But there are times when anesthesia does not work, and a person completely surrenders to feelings of indignation, rage and despair, which he cannot control. Of course, the aliens' attitude towards victims as experimental animals is extremely offensive to the captive.

Even a forgotten psychological trauma has an irreversible effect on the consciousness of the abducted person. Obviously, some of the experiments are in the field of genetic engineering.

Aliens with inexplicable stubbornness pursue the goal of breeding hybrids of humans and aliens. And although doctors have not found any abnormalities in the reproductive system in the subjects' bodies to date, nothing can be said for sure, especially when an unknown intelligence is involved.

Alien Information Messages

In addition to the trick with genetic engineering, aliens clearly manipulate the minds of people. They provide information that does not contain cognitive data. Obviously, they want to penetrate the emotional sphere and change the worldview of the abducted person.

The content of the information packages does not differ in variety. As a rule, it is like a justified concern for the fate of the planet. Instilling concern over unreasonable and destructive human activities on Earth. Information can be transmitted both telepathically and through demonstration on monitors.

At the same time, there is a significant difference - such an impact captures all organs and feelings of a person, deeply implanted in consciousness. An alien, transmitting information, inspires a person that the information received is of vital importance both for him and for all mankind as a whole.

The abducted person is shown pictures of the biblical apocalypse: people see the vivid consequences of the activities of "unreasonable" humanity - scenes of survival during a nuclear winter, destroyed nature, floods, terrible footage of epic conflagrations. Earthquakes are ripping apart the planet so hard that it literally bursts into pieces!

Along with this, the aliens mournfully confess how deeply saddened they are, how they suffer from the fact that they are forced to traumatize the human psyche. Sometimes people are inspired that they have had a high mission to bring the light of the "clean world" to the survivors of a nuclear disaster.

Not the entire population of the Earth will die, as the newcomers claim, the best of the best will be saved. They will move to other planets and become participants in the creative processes of the Universe. But how much can you believe those who came from other stars?

Are the lying aliens preparing an invasion?

Is it possible to believe that the aliens are driven solely by concern for the fate of the unfortunate Earth? Or are they interested in the reaction of the experimental to vivid imaginative impressions, in other words, the processes taking place in the nervous system? After all, it is no accident that they do not go to the highest echelons of power, usually kidnapping ordinary people

Concern for our planet is a hoax! Some ufologists believe that aliens want to gradually seize the Earth, since they have already lost their own planet as a result of their unreasonable activities - pictures of this are shown to forced contactees.

Some people, probably possessing a sufficiently strong will and little suggestibility, ask a logical question: why would "good" aliens not appear to humanity and reveal the true state of affairs, why do they act indirectly?

The answer sounds extremely strange: people are too aggressive and irreconcilable, they are not yet able to realize the importance of the present moment and do not want to accept what is contrary to their worldview. - Probably, in the eyes of aliens, it is easier to convey the truth by kidnapping housewives.

However, sarcasm aside: The main obstacle, according to alien agents, is radically different methods of influence. They allegedly do not want to engage in primitive persuasion. Their goal lies deeper - to rebuild the psychology of a person so that he independently realizes his own wrong and embarks on a progressive path of development.

Sometimes, apocalyptic information is complemented by space battles of a global nature, between two alien races. One race of aliens favorably disposed towards humanity, seeing us as partners and friends. Another race is vicious, openly aggressive and wants to destroy the human race on Earth!

However, let's not forget that all reports about the aliens, the nature of the incidents, are brought by people allegedly abducted by aliens. Upon returning home, people later remember what happened to them, not all of them, of course.

The abducted recollection of the return home is more vague than the abduction process. Usually people are returned to the place where the kidnapping took place. But sometimes, a person is left several kilometers from the house, although such misunderstandings are extremely rare.

What do you think about this? To what extent can reality reflect what is happening under the note "aliens"?
