Alien Surgery - Alternative View

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Alien Surgery - Alternative View
Alien Surgery - Alternative View

Video: Alien Surgery - Alternative View

Video: Alien Surgery - Alternative View
Video: Aliens Are Real, Says Harvard Astronomer 2024, September

“In fact, we are now in a state

contact, just do not suspect about it.

Aliens nestled in the Zones and are carefully studying us, while preparing for the "cruel wonders of the future …"

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic".

In recent years, more and more often in the press there have been reports of the discovery of mysterious mini-transmitters (or something similar) in human bodies. These miniature devices, which are implanted into the mucous membranes, under the scalp, on the knuckles of the hands or feet, in any part of the human body, as a rule, do not cause obvious discomfort, are discovered by accident, for example, during X-rays, but when taken out into the light, invariably baffle researchers.

There are so many reports of such implants that they simply cannot be ignored. And in this regard, ufologists talk about an ominous conspiracy of aliens against the inhabitants of our planet, that is, against all of us.

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Are the aliens already on Earth?

“They put a long tube up my nose and squeezed something deep into my head. I don't know what it was, but then for a year I suffered from headaches. " The 30-year-old cashier Astrid Ramush, whom, according to her, on the night of May 18, 1993, some creatures took her straight from her bed to their spacecraft, addressed dozens of doctors with such a complaint. “When I talked about my alien abduction, everyone took me for a madman. However, now they are forced to believe me, because there is direct evidence of this."

Proof of this was obtained by the famous surgeon Antonio Borja, who in June 1994 performed a unique operation in the Portuguese city of Braga. He discovered and removed from the head of the patient a miniature device, which, according to the scientists who studied him, is most likely a transmitter with the help of which all movements of this woman were controlled. “I understand why other doctors were unable to determine the cause of the migraines,” says the doctor. - The fact is that the mechanism we have extracted is made of an unusual material that is not visible on an X-ray photograph. Only a thorough scan showed the presence of some foreign object in the right temporal lobe of her brain. No one living on Earth could have done such an implantation, because modern surgery has not yet reached such a level."

Most often, in those who have been abducted (abducted), such objects are found in the head: in the depression under the eyeball, in the brain, in the ears, in the nose. But there are implants in other parts of the body: in the arms, hips, feet. Some of these devices resemble a spider, whose numerous thinnest "legs" are inexplicably connected to human nerve fibers. Others look like long needles with spiky balls 2.5 millimeters in diameter at the end. Sometimes, instead of a ball, there is a loop at the end.

A similar device of clearly industrial production (it included aluminum) was demonstrated at a UFO conference in Philadelphia. In addition, two more samples of implants were presented there, which were organic formations.

Since implants are not always found on X-ray images, magnetic resonance medical devices are now used to detect them. And then it turned out that there are not so few people with miniature devices embedded in them. According to the estimates of one of the researchers of this problem - the legendary American pilot John Lear, at least 10 percent of the population in the United States has been "marked" with such micro devices.

So, in 2001, the therapist Madi Nolan discovered a whole group of adult men and women, who - absolutely all! - there was the same type of subcutaneous implant on the inner thigh, just above the knee. They were in the shape of a small cylinder and were so close to the surface of the skin that in this place the skin was slightly inflamed and reddened.

During conversations with Madi, each of these people remembered the same thing: being in the room, a person suddenly heard a loud noise - something like a thunderclap (some claimed that they saw the light), and the next thing that the person realized was from life approximately two hours fell! These factors suggest that in this case it is not possible to do without the intervention of technological UFO techniques. “I realized,” Madi writes, “that some kind of tracking signal or something like that comes from the implant (or is fed into it).”

There is no reason to suspect earthly special services of implantation of implants: the purpose of such mass control is inexplicable, very expensive, and the structure of the investigated implants clearly exceeds the level of earthly technology. The mysterious implants have been studied using laser emission spectroscopy by Dr. Darrell Sims, surgeon Roger K. Leir, and others.

D. Sims created the Foundation for Interactive Space Technology Research (FIRST) in the United States to develop rules for such operations, microanalysis of the composition of the implant substance and correct recording of the results. Dozens of operations were carried out here and the elemental composition of the introduced micro-devices was revealed. The chemical analysis of the mysterious items is amazing. This is a whole factory of elements on an area of maximum 4x5 mm! The composition of one of the implants studied and described by Dr. R. G. Leira includes Al, Ca, Fe, Ba, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Zn, Si, Ti …

As ufologists emphasize, this is very similar to the composition of our microcircuits, which are used in computer technology. But what are the functions and purposes of these devices? Tracking the location of people, monitoring their physical condition, making the necessary communication … It is possible that implants affect the way of thinking, actions of the experimental …

Meanwhile, the official science and traditional medicine are completely unaware of this problem. Nobody informed them about it, did not set any tasks for the study of implants.

Moreover, there is such skepticism in the domestic healthcare system towards UFOs and aliens that some enthusiasts even come to the idea of a successful cover operation.

There are many versions of why implants are needed. For example, that an implanted device is a kind of energy unit that is capable of removing a wide variety of information from a person. Or that programs-implants siphon psychic energy out of a person, and maybe they program his behavior.

Assumptions that there are worlds in the Universe parasitizing on alien energies have been expressed earlier. According to this version, both crime and endless wars on Earth are also a kind of huge stream production of the energies of fear, which superbly feed the parasitic worlds. True, traditional science, as before, refuses to even discuss such a possibility.

It is not worth saying that the problem is far-fetched or that only foreigners are being implanted.

Svetlana Mamaysur, an art healer from Kiev, is sure: she does not suffer from memory gaps and does not suffer from persecution mania. According to the woman, she was indeed abducted by aliens and tortured. The Kiev woman also has proof. One day, metal squares like microcircuits fell out of her nose. According to the woman, they were forgotten in her body … by aliens. Svetlana said that undersized (up to 120 cm) gray humanoids came into contact with her.

“They had thin limbs and a large bald head without a posterior cranial bone: you could see how the soft brain pulsed behind the gray skin on the back of the head,” Mamaysur recalls. - The aliens explained that their civilization was once very developed. Cloning, with the help of which the "grays" maintain the population, has led to the impoverishment of their gene pool. That is why they show interest in earthlings. To do this, they telepathically communicate with people, moving around the universe. I did not notice how the aliens paralyzed my will …

Her further story is shocking. Svetlana was kidnapped and transported on a flying saucer to the base, where the woman saw the aliens taking biomaterial from the man tied to the table. Without anesthesia, blood and bone marrow were taken from him with coarse needles, sperm was withdrawn with rigid catheters. The prisoner wriggled, shouted furiously. The same was in store for her. Waking up in bed at home, Svetlana found scars on her arms. But she did not remember the torment - according to her assumption, the memory was erased. However, lethargy, loss of interest in life alerted her. A few days later, Svetlana was taking a bath and suddenly felt a sharp pain just below the bridge of her nose. Soon, metal rectangles fell out of the nose along with blood. The woman mechanically washed them away with a shower. Two weeks later, it all happened again. But now Svetlana has picked up pieces of metal,carefully wrapped them in a napkin and handed them over for examination.

“Metal with such a composition does not exist,” says Artem Bilyk, an employee of the center of anomalous phenomena. - Analysis of objects introduced by aliens into Svetlana's body showed that stainless steel contains 94% iron, 1.44% carbon and admixtures of phosphorus and manganese.

- These are microchips that have been inserted into my body "gray", - the victim is sure. - As soon as they fell out, I began to feel as before.

Andrey Shkolin, a chanson performer, has no doubt that he also met with newcomers. The musician claims that he was abducted by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations for experiments. As a keepsake, the singer was left with a steel splinter between the vertebrae. At the same time, there are no traces of operations on the body. Doctors shrug their shoulders.

- I have already been examined in 5–6 clinics. The reaction of doctors: "This cannot be!" How and who implanted this 4.5 mm long and 6.5 mm metal rod into my body? The technology has not yet been created on Earth that would allow such an operation. Little by little I remember the details of what happened. Precisely, the operation itself was in the bathroom, and I woke up in a clearing near Tomsk. Let me explain, those entities - they can come to us in any form, even a dinosaur. It's easy for them. They simply believe that we will best perceive them as we imagined them. By the way, they have neither space nor space. They are non-dimensional beings.

The musician does not believe that aliens are evil. On the contrary, he believes that thanks to this plate his back pains disappeared!

The well-known ufologist Gennady Belimov has twice encountered implants from his compatriots. In one case, an implant in the form of a thin wire with a notch at the end was removed from the scalp of N. F. Volzhanin. Pakhomov, but was lost, falling on a fluffy carpet; in another, the chip did not take root in a resident of the city of Kotovo A. P. Vasiliev, expelling along with purulent formations.

G. Belimov also met with a resident of one of the villages in the Rostov region, Alexander Georgiemich N., who claimed that he had received an implant, and he remembers well the circumstances of the operation. Alexander Georgievich dreamed of finding a surgeon, and this material evidence, better than any stories about UFOs, can testify to extraterrestrial activity on our planet. Here's what he said:

And then it turned out that when he was in the first grade, this is the year 1968, he had some strange dreams, and he woke up from wild screams. "I remember the fear that gripped me …"

It turns out that he lived here, on the same street in the house opposite, where his mother still lives. In a dream, he fell somewhere, then opened his eyes and found that he was in some dark place. “And there are some kind of incomprehensible apparatus, like plates. One huge flies, and many, many fly out of it. They start circling around me. And then I began to scream terribly. I was even afraid of everything from fear, trembling beat. Mom came running, calmed me down, and I could hardly fall asleep. But I don't remember anything else."

The dreams gradually disappeared, but the fact that Alexander saw the "plates" when nothing was written about them anywhere in 1967-1968! - inspired certain thoughts. It could have turned out that the tracking of Alexander was established in childhood. For what purpose? This remains a mystery.

Belimov continued consultations about the strange implant continued. Healer Valery Moskalev helped to understand something.

Astral implant

Valery Borisovich drew attention to the unusual configuration of the implant, if it was actually him: not at all miniature dimensions and, as it were, not the material substance of a mini-device.

- No surgeon can help here! - he said confidently. - This contraption has an astral origin, that is, a subtle-material basis, which you cannot pick out with a scalpel, it can only be seen with extrasensory - astral vision or the "third eye".

- But the ultrasound shows something …

- Right! Ultrasound detects irregularities in the body …

Valery said that in his practice, although rarely, there were moments when he felt extraneous inclusions that were not fixed at the material level. He believes that there are some kind of intelligent extraterrestrial structures that implant subtle-material implant chips into human bodies. But for what?

- Most likely, such a chip is some kind of multifunctional program that can have various purposes, - reasoned Moskalev. - There may also be navigation functions, that is, notching the location of a person at any moment in time, but, most likely, this is some kind of energy block that is capable of removing a wide variety of information from a person. However, I do not exclude the possibility that a series of events of a person can be formed with the help of a chip-implant, the success or failure of his everyday activities, and some superpowers can appear. It would be nice to follow the fate of the villager for a number of years …

- Will he want to inform about all the intricacies of his life? - I doubted. - Even now he is burdened by the role of a guinea pig, believes that in some way he is not free, that he is “under the hood” of certain forces. Once a month he feels severe discomfort … But how can you help, how to remove the implant, even if it is astral?.. Not for the same purpose it was placed so that people could easily remove it …

“It’s worse if the implant programs are aimed at removing the energies from a person that they need,” Moskalev thought. - For example, sexual, psychic or fear energy. Many alcoholics or drug addicts find themselves connected to portals through which not only their psychic energy is downloaded, but also the energy of those people from his environment who suffer from an alcoholic or drug addict. The unfortunates themselves cannot do anything: they are programmed to drink or drugs to feed their invisible masters.

Valery Moskalev argued that in recent years, a program to excite pleasure centers has been purposefully introduced into society … Flooding of mass media with sexual and hedonistic products, when consumers, especially young people, are hammered into one thought: "Take everything from life!" - this is a consequence of programs for the massive intake of astral energy. But for whom is all this done? The question is, of course, interesting …

It looks like there are worlds in the Universe parasitizing on alien energies. This was guessed about earlier, but now more and more knowledge and confidence appear that the biblical "tax collectors" are the very parasitic worlds that "graze" on the inhabitants of earthly civilization. Probably, both crime and endless wars on Earth are also a kind of huge stream production of the energies of fear, which superbly feed the parasitic worlds. They, like air, need constant injections of energies, which they download from people in fear. It is very difficult to get rid of such "tax collectors", because we know almost nothing about the nature and laws of those worlds that use our vital energies. And, judging by the state and attitude to this problem of "big" science, we do not want to know. There remains one thing - to continue to feed the communities alien to us,losing their own vitality. Maybe the "hellish worlds" are the very biblical "tax collectors"?

- But where does the implant of the villager have to do with it?

“Maybe it has nothing to do with it,” Valery agreed, “but he was put on for a reason and, of course, carries some of his own functions that we do not understand. It is, perhaps, possible to get rid of him by eniodological methods, as suggested by Viktor Rogozhkin, but, most likely, this will be possible if Alexander begins to raise his spiritual level, turns to religion, and begins to work on raising his vibrations. That is, he will cultivate kindness and pure thoughts in his life. Then such an embedded structure will fall off the person, unable to withstand high vibrations.

- That is, the way to salvation is in the person himself?

- That's it. It has always been and always happens …

Author: Alexander Zakharov