Sumerians - Advanced Civilization Of The Past - Alternative View

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Sumerians - Advanced Civilization Of The Past - Alternative View
Sumerians - Advanced Civilization Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians - Advanced Civilization Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians - Advanced Civilization Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: Did an Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist Millions Of Years Ago? 2024, September

The Sumerians believed that mysterious creatures descended to Earth from heaven, which created people. For many decades, scientists have been concerned with the problem of the origin of the Sumerians and their appearance in southern Mesopotamia. And to this day, this riddle has not come close to its solution, and in connection with new research has become even more confusing.

The people of the mysterious mountain

Almost all scientists working on this topic agree that the Sumerians are an alien people. Sumerian texts say that the ancestors of this people descended between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from some high mountain (or mountains), but arrived to their new homeland by water.

Scientists cannot yet resolve this oddity. One of the most ancient Sumerian legends tells about the creation of the first man from clay on the advice of the wise god Enki. So the gods created a creature that was supposed to work for them. At first, this creature was very primitive. Only after the new intervention of the gods were the gifts of culture sent down to him, first of all - the art of writing.

From the legend we learn that the eyes of these people were turned to the east, where the "sacred mountain of the gods" was located. Perhaps this is how vague memories of the original homeland of the Sumerians are hidden.

This people appeared in Mesopotamia about four and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ. It was already a highly developed civilization, the achievements of which are inexplicable and amazing. The Sumerians conquered the local population, but did not expel it. Scientists admit that it is not easy to establish when the Sumerians entered the area of southern Mesopotamia. Archaeological finds speak of a sharp cultural leap that took place here in the second half of the 4th millennium. It is explained by the arrival of a new, energetic and high-level population.

The first signs of their presence were found during a survey of the southernmost part of Mesopotamia, the city of Eridu. From here, the Sumerian culture spread in the direction opposite to the currents of the Euphrates and Tigris, and left its imprint on the vast areas between the two rivers for almost three thousand years. The path of Sumerian culture leads from Eridu to Uruk, Uru, Lagash, Shuruppak, Adab, Nippur, Kish; its influence is noticeable even further north, in Mari and even in Ashur.

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The Sumerian language also baffles researchers. Neither among the ancient nor among the living languages has it ever been possible to find one that would have at least a distant relationship with the Sumerian. Many linguists attribute this language to the "Caspian language family" invented especially for it. Some researchers artificially bring the Sumerian language closer to Basque, Abkhazian, Tatar, Russian. It is clear that such “findings” have little to do with science.

The Sumerians wrote on clay tablets and illustrations on cylinder seals. Over the past century and a half, archaeologists have discovered thousands of texts and illustrations on astronomy and mathematics at the site of Sumerian cities. Among them are works on fundamental mathematics, calculating the areas of complex shapes, extracting roots, solving equations with two and three unknowns, golden proportions and Fibonacci numbers.

The Sumerians used a very complex numbering system. Systems of this kind began to be used only with the advent of computer technology. In the state structure, this people had all the attributes of a modern developed state: a jury, an analogue of a parliament consisting of elected deputies, civil councils (an analogue of self-government committees). Their culture is characterized by amazing musical achievements. In medicine, the Sumerians used herbal medicine, knew well anatomy, pharmacy and chemistry. Weaving and efficient agriculture were well developed.

The omniscient astronomers of antiquity

The Sumerian texts contain information about the origin of the Universe, about the origin, development and structure of the solar system, including the list and characteristics of the planets. One of the illustrations depicting the solar system in the past is in the eastern section of the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. It depicts the Sun in the center surrounded by twelve - that is, all known to modern science - planets.

However, the figure also differs from the modern understanding of the structure of the solar system. Two of them are the most significant. First, the Sumerians placed Pluto next to Saturn and described it as a satellite of this large planet, which gained independence. Pluto has an elongated orbit with a large inclination to the plane of the ecliptic, and during its movement along it, for a certain period, it is closer to the Sun than Neptune, which was noted by the Sumerians

The second difference is the placement of an unknown large planet between Mars and Jupiter. The Sumerians called this mysterious planet Nibiru, which means in translation "planet crossing". The planet Nibiru has a very elongated and inclined elliptical orbit and orbits between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600 years.

Fifty Came Down from Heaven

It was from this planet, according to legend, that mysterious creatures came to Earth, who created people in the modern sense of the word and gave them the foundations of the greatest knowledge. The Sumerian word "an-nun-na-ki" means: "those fifty who came down from heaven to earth." The Sumerians claim that all knowledge was passed on to them by the Anunnaki. The Annunaki arrived on earth about 445 thousand years ago. They chose the shores of the Persian Gulf in the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and landed there. Then the Anunnaki regularly landed on Earth every 3600 years.

The ancestors of the Anunnaki on Nibiru were An (or Anu), the Lord of Heaven, and his consort Antu, Lady of Heaven. By order of Anu, a group of 50 Anunnaki led by his eldest son, Ea (Enki) - the god of water among the Sumerians - set out on an expedition to the solar system.

As follows from the Sumerian texts, the planet Nibiru faced an environmental problem. To protect the increasingly subtle atmosphere of their planet, the Anunnaki created a kind of shield of golden particles. By the way, exactly the same principle is used in modern spacecraft and spacesuits to protect astronauts from radiation.

The Annunaki needed gold. They found him on the seventh planet according to the calculation of the Sumerians - that is, on Earth, and sent the first expedition. The aliens took up the development of gold mining in Southeast Africa. About 300 thousand years ago, the Annunaki, who worked in gold mining, revolted, and then alien scientists, using genetic engineering and cloning, created workers - humans, our species, homo-sapiens (in Sumerian - "adamu").

In the Book of Genesis, Adam is initially designated as a certain being, and not as a proper name. And "adamach" is translated as "earth", "dam" - "blood." These were the ancestors of the Sumerians and all people. The whole process of creating modern people is told in detail, including

descriptions of genetic operations that surprised even modern genetic engineers.

The discovery of the geneticist Wesley Brown "about a mitochondrial Eve, one for all people on Earth," that is, that all people descend from the same ancestor, one mother, indirectly confirmed this legend. When people, having replaced more than one or two generations, “became beautiful,” the Anunnaki began to marry earthly women, from whom they even gave birth to viable, healthy offspring. The Old Testament, whose texts are based on older sources, mainly on the texts of the Sumerians, directly speaks of the events of deep antiquity. “When people began to multiply on Earth and daughters were born to them, then the sons of God took the daughters of men as their wives, whatever they chose.

At that time there were giants on Earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them. " These "giants", called in the Book of Genesis anakim or nephilim, are the very heavenly guests of the Earth.

Archaeological research confirms that ancient South Africa was

mining work. Back in 1970 in Swaziland, archaeologists discovered vast gold-mining mines up to 20 meters deep. An international group of physicists in 1988 determined the age of the mines - from 80 to 100 thousand years. Legends of the Zulu tribe say: slaves of flesh and blood, artificially created by the "first people", worked in these mines. The existence of the dead planet Nibiru has recently been confirmed by the discovery by American astronomers of fragments of this planet, approaching the Earth once every 3600 years.

Enki's Wisdom

Enki was the first ruler of Earth, then his brother Enlil took over. Later, the brothers cast lots. Enki went to the southern hemisphere, and Enlil to the northern. In the Greek pantheon, Enki was interpreted as Poseidon, the god of the seas, and Enlil as his brother, the god Zeus. Enki was concerned with the ordering of life on Earth, while Enlil always gave only general instructions. So, wisdom and knowledge were presented to people (initially - the Sumerians) by the Anunnaki. For the transmission and dissemination of this information, priests were selected and specially trained. The priests were called "clean" or "anointed."

Hence the anointed of God. The priestly dignity was inherited, and the priests could communicate with the gods. Enki passed on the knowledge of the calendar, mathematics and writing to his youngest son Ningishzida, whom the Egyptians called Thoth. Elder - Marduk (Indian Quetzalcoatl, Yucatan Kukulcan) Enki passed on the knowledge of medicine and the secret of reviving the dead. The Egyptians knew Marduk as Ra. The knowledge transmitted to earthlings by Enki suggests the possibility of salvation, the possibility of resisting the catastrophes that will bring the arrival of the planet Nibiru to the solar system.

The next coming of Nibiru should be expected in 2013-2158. The Mayan calendar pointed to December 21, 2012, and modern scientists call it 2060-2158.

Will the next coming of Nibiru bring a catastrophe, or will earthlings be saved? There is no answer to this question. But the knowledge passed on to earthlings by Enki implies the possibility of talking with the gods on equal terms.