Riddles Of The Soul And Reincarnation - Alternative View

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Riddles Of The Soul And Reincarnation - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Soul And Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Soul And Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Soul And Reincarnation - Alternative View
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The death of the physical body for humans is a frightening inevitability. According to atheistic views, a person's life ends completely with the onset of death. However, almost all religions claim that life continues after the death of the physical shell. The soul, which is immortal, continues its existence in other planes of existence, or returns again to Earth, being born again.

Reincarnation mystery

Buddhist and Hindu religions claim that all living beings after death return to the material world. At the same time, the creature that the soul is to be born with depends on its karmic experience. So, if in a past life a person did a lot of bad things, then in the next incarnation he will either experience a lot of hardships, or he will be reborn as an animal or plant. Therefore, if a person has a difficult and unhappy life, the reasons for this lie in past lives. But, if he lives it with dignity, then in the next incarnation he will be happy.

Transmigration Cases

Despite the fact that official science denies the fact of reincarnation, there are many cases confirming this phenomenon. So, in the 70s of the last century in the Chinese province of Hainan, there lived a boy Tang Jiangshan, who at the age of 3 began to claim that his name was different and earlier he lived with his father in Danzhou. He died in a past life from a saber strike, when the cultural revolution took place. After a while, the boy and his parents visited the place where, according to him, he lived earlier and recognized him. He also found his elderly father in a past life. After Tang told him about some of the details of his past life, the father believed that it was indeed his son who had returned. In addition, the boy recognized other relatives as well as his acquaintances. Later, Tang continued to communicate with his father from a past life.

Similar cases have occurred in Western countries. So, in 1962, a woman came to see Arthur Gedham, an English psychiatrist. She complained of constant nightmares in which she was a member of the Cathar sect in 13th century France. In her nightmares, she was tortured terribly. Later, other people with similar dreams turned to the same specialist. This intrigued Gedham and brought up historical documents. They contained the details described by his patients, while even the smallest details coincided, and people could not recognize them before. Such a case of mass rebirth was unique, since usually cases of reincarnation are rare.

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In this story, as in others like it, the strangest thing is that people know the smallest details of the life of those who, in their opinion, were in a past life. There is still no rational explanation for this.

In Tibet, there is still a tradition of succession of lamas, which implies that after death the preceptor is reborn and returns to the monastery. Before leaving, such lamas, as a rule, tell the monks where they will be born, which greatly facilitates their search. Children, who are the new incarnation of such a spiritual person, almost from birth differ from ordinary children in their judgments and behavior. In the future, such a child continues the work of his predecessor, returning to his abode.

Tibetan Book of the Dead

One of the most unique spiritual complexes in world practice is the Tibetan Book of the Dead. In fact, it is called "The Great Liberation as a result of hearing in the bardo." But the first name is shorter and more succinct. This complex contains prayers and instructions to a dying person, which are read to him by the lama. The texts are designed to prevent the dying consciousness from falling into a swoon and allow the soul to leave this world correctly in order to get rid of a series of rebirths. That is, reading the "Book of the Dead" should help the spirit reach the state of nirvana - the end of the cycle of rebirth. It is to this state that all Buddhists strive, since according to their views, the soul continues to incarnate again and again until it manages to achieve such a state. And in the process of dying, the spirit needs to be helped. If you don't,leaving the body, the soul will not understand for a long time what happened to it. Reading these prayers helps the soul to leave the body correctly and prepare for a more successful rebirth, or even leave the circle of rebirth.

It is in Tibetan Buddhism that great importance is attached to preparing a person for the next rebirth and this is done at the moment of dying. But, nevertheless, in the end, the further path of the soul to a greater extent still depends on its karma. If it is burdened with bad deeds, then such a soul will not achieve nirvana, or a favorable embodiment in the next life.

Scientists have carried out a lot of research in order to prove the existence of the soul and the afterlife, but until now science has not received unambiguous answers. The mysteries of the soul and reincarnation bother many people, so research continues, mainly by enthusiasts. Today there is no unambiguous answer to the question of whether a series of rebirths actually exists, but there are many mysterious cases that confirm this.
