Attention, Intention And Strength - Alternative View

Attention, Intention And Strength - Alternative View
Attention, Intention And Strength - Alternative View

Video: Attention, Intention And Strength - Alternative View

Video: Attention, Intention And Strength - Alternative View
Video: Understanding Intention Energy in Transurfing 111HZ - 777HZ 2024, September

In 1979, the American psychologist Benjamin Libet conducted an experiment that demonstrated the illusory nature of the so-called "free will". The experiment consisted in the fact that the subject measured on the dial at what point in time he would move his hand and when the arrow was in the right place, he performed this action. The results were overwhelming so much that the scientific community doubted them and repeated the experiment many times with various changes, but the meaning still remained unchanged: there is a gap of about 200 milliseconds between making a decision and an action, and only after that it is realized that the action has been performed.

In other words, a person forms an intention, after which the processes that perform the action are launched absolutely automatically, and after 200 milliseconds the person realizes the result. Hence, it is important to understand the following: all processes in our body occur automatically, and if we try to deliberately interfere with them, then a 200 ms delay will be constantly created, which creates errors and, as a result, discomfort. You can see this by trying to consciously adjust processes such as breathing or walking. A striking example is indecisive people who, having formed an intention, constantly try to adjust subsequent actions, without ceasing to doubt their initial decision. What do their movements look like? A bit ridiculous, isn't it?

Based on this, it turns out that for the most part a person does not control his actions, giving everything to the care of the automation of his body. And if he tries to control, then he simply cannot do it because of the built-in restrictions. What then remains? And there are just two things of which in essence the human I consists: Attention and Intention.

We can try to understand with the mind what these two essences are, but to fully realize this is possible only in meditation. So now I will describe them, and you will definitely check everything in practice.


First of all, let's try to define the terms. In this article I will mean first of all the consciousness and the mental essence (mental body) of a person. The ego, as always, does not enter into this I in any way, since it is a product of the activity of the mind (thinking), and not consciousness. Therefore, drop personality, it has nothing to do with these concepts.

Perhaps you have already heard or read somewhere about the invisible witness that is present in each of us, as well as about the doer (doer). So, this is what they are. Attention is the same invisible witness (observer), and intention is the doer. But the most interesting thing is that both of them are the essence of the same thing and become separate only in their manifestations.


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Attention is the Self that tirelessly watches over anything. It can be a part of the body, it can be a process in the body or even outside it. It can be smell or sound, play of light and leaves. Try to focus your attention on something and ask yourself, "Who am I?" Who am I at this very moment of observation? The answer may surprise you. At this moment, you are not a person, not an ego, or even a body. You are the very thing on which attention and attention itself are concentrated at the same time. You are a process of observation.

There is such an expression “get away with your head”. So, when you "go headlong" into a book, into a dream, or into any other process, at this moment you are this process and nothing else, because at this moment nothing else exists.

Attention is completely passive and does not affect what is happening in any way, but only as long as it remains attention. The moment of transition from attention to intention is truly amazing and wonderful. It is very difficult to capture it, but if you manage to do it, you will be overwhelmed. When you completely merge with the object of observation, attention becomes intention and any fleeting thought of yours will become reality.


Intention is the Self that realizes thoughts. The doer. Thoughts without intention are nothing, they are just rubbish that clogs your mind. Only intention turns your thoughts into reality. And for this to happen, the Force is needed.

Strength is a kind of "magic" property of the I, which allows it to influence reality. It is sometimes also called energy. Without strength, the most we can do is control the body. Physical strength is present in everyone, it feeds on the resources of the body, which takes them from food. With the help of physical strength, we constantly do something, form an intention, after which the automatic processes in the body do all the work. But, besides physical strength, there is another force that allows you to change reality outside our body. And most people have very little of this power.

While I have little power, all processes in his life occur in the same way - automatically. Life happens to a person, and he himself simply wallows in the water, floating with the flow, simultaneously brushing off mosquitoes and more dangerous underwater inhabitants. It seems to us that there is a certain free will, but just like the body, this freedom is illusory. There are simply patterns of thinking that most people live by, being nothing more than biorobots, Pavlov's dogs, which swim from one reaction to another in accordance with the program or with their karma.

Where does all the power go? A lot of power remains in the past, quite a large part lies in the future and a huge part of it hovers in the present, but not where it should be, but in the internal dialogue (in thinking). Yes, it is on internal dialogue that most of your strength is spent. I'll tell you about how to maintain strength another time, but for now, just practice stopping your internal dialogue. To do this, use your attention. Remain as passive as possible, surrender completely to the will of the automation. A person in the river can flounder and this will not lead to anything, he will only lose strength, or he can calmly surrender to the current, leaving them at the moment when he will need to purposefully paddle to the bank or wherever he needs.

So, what will happen if I accumulate enough strength and form an intention? Exactly the same thing will happen as in your body. Automatic processes will start that will make reality the way you imagined it at this moment. Doesn't sound realistic? Ravings of a madman? Check it out. Only by checking can you be sure of the truth of the above. To check this, you need to try very hard, but the result will justify all the efforts spent.

Free will is illusory, but it is illusory exactly until a person has accumulated enough strength to change the situation. The exhausted one can only twitch limply.
