The Swamp Of Life - Alternative View

The Swamp Of Life - Alternative View
The Swamp Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Swamp Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Swamp Of Life - Alternative View
Video: 20 ДНЕЙ В ЧЕРНОБЫЛЬСКОЙ ЗОНЕ - первые впечатления, трудности и вотэтовсе | Припять 2021 | Чернобыль 2024, October

Most often you have to start from the beginning not from a good life. But there are situations when it is simply necessary, not to mention those moments when it is necessary not only to be able to start over, but also to have time to do it on time, otherwise it will be too late and nothing can be changed.

The "swamp of life" is one such situation. It resembles the famous Augean stables from the twelve labors of Hercules. A swamp is formed from unresolved problems that accumulate over a long time, months, and sometimes years, relations that have frozen or oppress us, routine formal work, situations and conditions that suppress the impulses of the soul. The longer they hesitate, the more they oppress us, the deeper we sink into them and the more difficult it is to get out of them.

There are a lot of similar situations in life. For example, a failed relationship, when people who are completely alien to each other live together. Their coexistence lasts for years, grief, disappointment, quarrels or simply misunderstanding accumulate. The chasm between them is getting deeper, not only two suffer from this, but everyone around them … But the habit does its job, external decency is respected, and everything else has long been left to chance.

Or, for example, inertia, which often becomes a component of our gray everyday life. For months, for years, you go to the same boring job, then you return home, do the same boring household chores, watch the same boring TV - and so every day. Sometimes you realize that everything is damn tired, you see that there is emptiness in your soul, and you want something different, new - but you don't know what exactly, and you cannot do anything, because it means turning everything upside down. head, "and why do we need extra trouble, in the end I feel good …"

Another example is situations created as a result of failures and unsuccessful attempts at self-assertion at work or in personal life. Often one "swamp" entails another, even more pernicious, and, plunging into it more and more, a person is rolling down faster and faster … When we come to a painful addiction to alcohol, sleeping pills and other pills, drugs, to constant depression, fears, obsessions, then we no longer care, since we do not find any way to break out of this vicious circle.

Unraveling the Gordian knot of the “swamp” situation is very difficult. The more you start analyzing, grabbing at straws, the worse you get, the deeper you get stuck and the more you feel the heaviness of all this, a terrible burden that makes you a being even weaker, inert and helpless. Ultimately, you resign yourself and stop thinking about the painful, because it's easier.

It is almost impossible to start over by small permutations in our life, continuing to wallow in the same swamp, in which we are already suffocating. To start over in a swamp situation is to get out of it. The lesson of Hercules is useful: realizing that no one can remove the manure that has accumulated over the years using the usual, small ways, he changes the course of two rivers, and streams of clean water in an instant carry away all the dirt of the Augean stables. To get out of the swamp, to start over, in this case, means to find the strength to change the course of your own destiny.

On the one hand, you need to put an end, by a strong-willed decision, "with one blow" to cut what you got stuck up to your throat, what makes not only us, but those around you unhappy - like Alexander the Great, who cut the Gordian knot, knowing what to unravel its useless. On the other hand, it is required to take concrete steps, take certain actions, or rather even grope for a chain of actions that will ultimately lead to fundamental changes in our destiny and in the destiny of those we hold dear. Let it be a trial and error method, the main thing is to get something off the ground. It will take some time, and these efforts will certainly begin to yield results.

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To start over in a “swamp” situation means to create a new situation, to change the situation from the outside, in order for something to change from within. In this case, you cannot hesitate, postpone the moment of making a decision indefinitely, ask yourself a thousand times whether it is good or bad - all this can have sad consequences: if you don’t decide now, then you can get scared of what you started, and everything will return to square one own.

Of course, such decisions should be well-grounded, well thought out, especially from a moral and ethical point of view. However, the necessary thinking process should not be confused with another, similar thinking process, when what we call analysis, waiting - not to take any steps or wait for the right conditions - actually turns into excuses that we come up with, only would not make this important breakthrough "leap" needed to start over.

The philosophers of antiquity said that it is necessary to change the external situation in order for the soul to receive the possibility of a new birth, and Fate - the opportunity to provide new conditions for this. Fate never gives new opportunities and conditions in the swamp, because it knows that they will be absorbed by it, and we are with them.

The eyes with which I see God are the same ones with which God sees me.

Author: Rudi Olga Davydovna