The Expert Spoke About The "alien" Secrets Of The American "Area 51" - Alternative View

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The Expert Spoke About The "alien" Secrets Of The American "Area 51" - Alternative View
The Expert Spoke About The "alien" Secrets Of The American "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: The Expert Spoke About The "alien" Secrets Of The American "Area 51" - Alternative View

Video: The Expert Spoke About The
Video: Annie Jacobsen on Area 51, Cold War and Aliens (Clip) 2024, July

In the US, serious passions flared up around the so-called "Area 51" - a secret US Department of Defense facility in the Nevada desert. It is believed that this is where the Pentagon is harboring fragments of alien ships or investigating forms of extraterrestrial life. The public is going to take by storm an incomprehensible object, and the military promise to protect it. We asked the military expert what secrets Area 51 might hold.

There are already more than 1.4 million wishing to seize the secret object. That is how many Americans have signed up for the "flash mob" on Facebook. In response, Air Force spokesman Laura McAndrews told the Washington Post that "this is a valid US Air Force training ground." “We do not advise anyone to try to enter the territory where we train the US military,” she said.

Officially, the US authorities recognized the existence of "Area 51" only in 2013. None of the officials ever spoke about the secrets kept at the base. Nevertheless, the media, based on various evidences, suggest that we can talk about documentary or even material evidence of the meeting of American pilots with some unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

We asked to comment on the situation around the secret facility of the Pentagon, Honored Military Pilot, Candidate of Technical Sciences, ex-head of the Russian Aviation Search and Rescue Service (2003-2007), Major General Vladimir Popov:

Vladimir Alexandrovich, what secrets can Zone 51 keep?

-You know, as we say: there is no smoke without fire. If such conversations go on, they are not unfounded. In what form it contains information and how is another matter.

It is quite possible that some reserves of scientific and technical creativity are stored on this base. Including those that the United States removed from Germany after the war. It is well known that if it were not for the German Wernher von Braun, the Americans flew into space 10 years later than us. But there were other scientists in Nazi Germany. And research, including military research, was carried out in different areas. It is possible that some scientific ideas are stored there that have not yet been brought to realization, or "know-how" that are not yet available for understanding.

After all, for example, the same experiments of Nikola Tesla have not yet received a scientific explanation until now.

Promotional video:

That is, this is such a repository of "bright ideas" that have not yet found military use?

-Absolutely. They are doing this so that it does not go into mass use, in order to keep it secret. This is what we do. Look, how many people knew for another 25-30 years about optoelectronic technologies. Yes, almost nobody. And today half of the world works for them, including in the military field.

Well, what about rumors that information about UFOs is stored in Nevada?

-It is possible that they could have something, some concomitant factors associated with the "upper" or otherworldly forces.

Do you believe that?

- I can't rule it out. There was such an episode in my flight practice. In the 1980s, near Lvov, while flying on a Su-24 bomber, I witnessed an inexplicable phenomenon. And I'm not alone. In total, it was recorded by 4 or 5 people.

The flight took place at night, in the clouds. At some point, I saw a silhouette of an object and an incomprehensible glow. Everything happened quickly, I had no time to recognize him. I did not see the object itself, I do not know what form it was, what it was, but only indirect signs - shine, flicker.

I understand that unusual optical formations are possible in the atmosphere due to weather conditions, static electricity in the air. But it is possible that this was a manifestation of some incomprehensible objects that fly.

I reported by radio: "there is a foreign object nearby, make sure you don't collide." The same report a minute before me, on his channel, made the chief of staff of the regiment, who was flying alongside. The flight director and the regiment commander heard all this, because all radio channels are displayed at the control tower.

And two more people saw it. One flew after me and observed some "shine". He heard our conversation and took notice. And one more walked aside, also watched.

I was not alone, and that saved me. Otherwise they would have been recognized as "inadequate" and written off from flight operations.

At the same time, there was nothing on the locator, no objects. I didn't hear any noise.

How did the command react?

-Officially everything was described, sealed and in the morning flew by plane to Moscow. They took a subscription from me - to be silent for 10 years. I was only able to tell something 25 years later.

That is, it cannot be ruled out that the Americans also observed something similar, or maybe they received some elements?

-Sure. By the way, Marina Popovich (military test pilot, doctor of technical sciences, colonel-engineer) told me a lot about inexplicable phenomena. She, after retiring from business, was engaged in ufology, went on an expedition.

According to her, there were phenomena that were of great interest to her, as a pilot, a researcher. She very likely believed that something was arriving. And not from deep space, most likely. And it exists somewhere nearby, in a parallel reality. This is something that is beyond our perception.

Something we can not perceive yet for objective reasons. There are a lot of things that we cannot understand yet. We do not know, not because we do not want to know, but because science is not yet able to explain.

If the Americans keep such things at their base, then they are doing the right thing. So the time has not come yet.

Sergey Valchenko
