A Way Has Been Found To Destroy Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy - Alternative View

A Way Has Been Found To Destroy Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy - Alternative View
A Way Has Been Found To Destroy Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy - Alternative View

Video: A Way Has Been Found To Destroy Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy - Alternative View

Video: A Way Has Been Found To Destroy Cancer Cells, Leaving Healthy - Alternative View
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The XX century and the XXI century that followed it brought a lot of innovations to medicine in the field of treatment of various diseases. But, despite all the successes, many diseases still remain extremely resistant to various kinds of therapy. Cancer is one such disease. At the moment, there are many methods of treatment, but none of them, unfortunately, gives 100% of the result. In addition, almost all modern methods of dealing with this ailment negatively affect the human body. But that could all change thanks to the development of scientists from the University of Huddersfield. According to the publication Medical Xpress, they have managed to develop and have already patented a method for treating cancer, which does not affect living cells of the body.

The study was authored by Dr. Chris Danneel and Nick Georgopoulos. The treatment method patented by them is based on the effect on cancer cells of the CD40 differentiation cluster protein molecules. A distinctive feature of CD40 is that it is capable of destroying only cancer cells, leaving healthy cells in the body alive. If it is possible to create a medicine based on this protein, it will not have harmful side effects for the human body. Scientists first discovered the amazing property of this protein back in 2002, after which they continued to study. In the course of research, it was found that a positive effect is achieved due to the "breakdown" of the protective system of cancer cells. Thus, these abnormal cells become "visible" to the immune system, and it begins to fight the tumor. At the moment, experts are preparing to conduct clinical trials, if successful, the appearance of a drug against cancer without side effects will not be far off.

