The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View

The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View
The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View

Video: The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View

Video: The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View
Video: ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT (UNITY) 2024, September

The events that we hear about from blue screens, print publications and mass disinformation media concern mainly politics and economics. The attention of the modern man in the street deliberately focuses on these two areas in order to hide things of no less importance from him. What we are talking about, we will tell you in detail below.

Currently, the planet is swept by a chain of local wars. It began immediately after the West declared a cold war on the Soviet Union. First events in Korea, then in Vietnam, Africa, Asia Minor, etc. Now we see how the war that has broken out in the north of the African continent is slowly approaching our borders. Everyone understands that if Syria falls, then Iran will be next. And what about Iran? Perhaps NATO's war with China, but most likely, the reactionary forces of the West in alliance with Muslim fundamentalists will attack Ukraine and then Russia. But this is only the external background of what is happening, so to speak, the visible part of the iceberg, consisting of political confrontation and economic problems of our time.

What is hidden under the thickness of the invisible and unknown? And here is what is hidden: wherever military operations take place, it does not matter, in Korea, Vietnam, in Indonesia, in northern Africa or in the vastness of Western Asia, everywhere, following the NATO troops behind American, European and Muslim warriors, such as ours in Chechnya or in the same Afghanistan, the invisible army of the force that is trying to rule the world is advancing.

What are these, to put it mildly, representatives of the military presence doing, if their main duty is to destroy museums in the occupied territories? They are engaged in the appropriation of the most valuable, which is under the protection of the countries occupied by NATO forces. As a rule, after a military conflict in a particular territory, historical museums turn into a real dump of broken and confused artifacts. Into such chaos, which is difficult to understand even for a major specialist. All this is done deliberately, but the question is: “Where does the loot disappear, really to the British Museum or other museums in Europe? Maybe - to the national history museums of America or Canada?"

Interestingly, the captured values do not appear in any of the above-named establishments and therefore it is impossible to present an invoice to any European country, as well as to Americans and Canadians. Question: where are the things taken from the history museum of Baghdad, Egypt, Libya and other museums deposited, where the foot of a NATO soldier or a mercenary from the French international legion has stepped?

One thing is clear that all stolen artifacts go directly to secret Masonic vaults, or to the Vatican dungeons. The question involuntarily arises: what are the globalists and their accomplices trying to hide from the public? Judging by what we were able to understand, things and artifacts related to the ancient history of mankind come to the caches of the Masonic order. For example, the sculpture of the winged demon Patsutsu disappeared from the Baghdad museum, according to the assumption that this demon was the image of some creatures who came to Earth in time immemorial. What is its danger? In that he could suggest that people are not the products of evolutionary development according to Darwin's theory, but the direct descendants of aliens from outer space.

On the example of the Patsutsu sculpture and related artifacts, we can conclude that Masonic bloodhounds are stealing artifacts from museums that tell about the true history of mankind. Moreover, this is happening not only in the West, but also in our country, on the territory of Russia. In my first book of chronological-esoteric analysis, I mentioned the Tisulian find, where in 1972 marble sarcophagi with white people lying in an unknown liquid were raised from a depth of 70 meters from under a coal seam. According to those who saw them, they are exactly the same as we are Russians, Scandinavians or Germans. I learned about this find by chance from an old woman from the village of Rzhavchik, who told how the burial site was cordoned off, and how the sarcophagi were removed, and how all the witnesses of the incident died in 2 years for unknown reasons.

Question: where were the people lying in the sarcophagi taken to? According to geologists, they were buried in the Precambrian, about 800 million years ago. One thing is clear, the scientific community knows nothing about the Tisulian find. Consequently, in Soviet times, the same secret organization was operating on the territory of the country to seal ancient artifacts as in the West. Without a doubt, it works in our time. We were convinced of this quite recently.

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Several years ago, to study the ancient heritage of our ancestors, on the territory of the Tomsk region, we organized a permanent search expedition. In the very first year of the expedition's work on one of the Siberian rivers, we discovered 2 solar temples and 4 settlements. And all this is practically in one place. But when a year later we went on an expedition again, we met strange people at the place of our finds. What were they doing there? Unclear. The men were well armed and behaved very arrogantly. After our meeting with these strange people, literally a month later, one of our acquaintances, a local resident, called us and said that unknown people were doing something at the settlements and temples we found.

What attracted these people to our findings? It's simple: we managed to find fine ceramics with ancient Sumerian ornaments both on temples and on settlements. We reported about our find in the report, which was transferred to the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society of the Tomsk region.

The casket opened quite simply: if a small search expedition of local ethnographers came across the ancestral home of the ancient Sumerians of Siberia, then this fundamentally contradicts the biblical concept, which directly says that only wise Semites can be the most ancient culture carriers on Earth, but not representatives of the white race, the ancestral home which is located in the north of Europe and in the vast expanses of Siberia. If the ancestral home of the Sumerians is discovered in the Middle Ob region, then, logically, the Sumerians come from the ethnic "cauldron" of the ancestral home of the white race. Consequently, every Russian, Germanic or Balt automatically turns into close relatives of the most ancient race on the planet.

In fact, it is necessary to rewrite history anew, and this is already a mess. It is still unclear what the "unknowns" were doing on the ruins we discovered. Perhaps, they hastily destroyed traces of ceramics, and maybe the artifacts themselves. This remains to be seen. But the fact that strange people arrived from Moscow speaks volumes. It is gratifying that all these prospectors for the destruction of traces of ancient civilization and the facts that modern mankind has a cosmic origin, are not able to destroy what is on the ground, in the mountains or under water.

It's easier with museums, everything is collected in them, come and take it. The main thing is to seize the country, and there I don't want to plunder. Climb into the vaults and follow strict instructions. Therefore, we do not need to be particularly upset. Here, here, in Siberia and in the Urals, there are such ruins, the ruins of ancient capitals and cultural centers that even the most perfect modern weapons cannot destroy. The only thing they can, these representatives of dark forces, manipulators of public consciousness, is to keep silent about the findings and force science to play its game, which has long been done. Therefore, our scientists, mainly historians and ethnographers, do not see the obvious things point-blank. And if they do, they try to forget right there. This is understandable, as soon as you open your mouth, you will lose your title, and a warm, paid job, or even life itself. But since we, patriots of our people,If we are not dependent on scientific dictate and the influence of Masonic lodges, then our research is almost impossible to stop.

This year, after the northern expedition in June, our small group went to the south of the Kemerovo region to Gornaya Shoria. Why did we decide to visit this region? Because a number of familiar geologists told us that in the mountains at an altitude of 1000 meters or more lie the ancient ruins of a lost civilization, according to mythology, the civilization of our ancestors. And here we are, at the end of September in three jeeps we broke into the very heart of Gornaya Shoria. Our guides were the same geologists who reported the find: highly educated people who know their land and have an idea of the age of rocks.

Together with them, we managed to climb to the first artifact - a giant stone wall built on top of the mountain. What we saw is impossible to describe. Before us stood a megalithic masonry made up of blocks, some of which reached 20 meters in length and 6 meters in height. The foundation of the building is made of such bricks. Above were smaller blocks. But they also amazed with their mass and size. When we examined the ruins, we saw traces of obvious ancient melting on some of them. This discovery prompted us to think about the death of the structure due to the powerful thermal effect. According to geologists, an ancient thermonuclear bomb exploded here, which destroyed the structure, but even its strength was not enough to move the megalithic foundation and part of the wall of the ancient artifact. When we examined the mountain, it became clear to usthat granite blocks of more than 100 tons and more.


The explosion flew in different directions. They filled the gorge and filled up the mountain slopes. But how the ancients could lift giant boulders to such a height, and where they took them for us, remained a mystery. When we asked our guides about what was nearby in the mountains, they replied that there was something like an ancient giant capacitor. It is assembled from vertically placed granite blocks, and in some places of this structure, overlaps are still visible. It is unclear what it was, but the fact that the artifact was made by the hands of a person or some other intelligent creatures is beyond doubt. We managed to explore these ruins, but as it turned out, a huge area around is also covered with the same remains.

A natural question arises: “How could it have happened that for so many years these megaliths have not been visited by our vaunted scientists? Did they believe Academician Miller, the one who wrote the history of Siberia that it is an unhistorical territory? And that's why they refused to study it? Isn't that why Mason Miller came up with his theory in order to hide the ruins of the once-lost civilization of our distant ancestors in Siberia? Frankly, cleverly thought up.

With one stroke of the pen, take away from our people, and from all representatives of the white race, their distant past. I wonder what will come up with "friends-friends" abroad and from our Russian Masonic organizations to hide such a find from the public? In Soviet times, there were several camps on this territory, but now they are not there and therefore any journalist and scientist can get here. There is only one thing left, to do it in the American way, they have developed the technology for a long time - to set up military bases on ancient ruins. As, for example, they did in Iraq, on the site of the destroyed Babylon or in Alaska, where on the seashore stands a huge stone city safe and sound.

But the trouble is that not only in the mountainous Shoria there are such ruins, traces of the great distant past. As we managed to find out, exactly the same ruins, composed of giant blocks and polygonal masonry, stand in Altai, Sayan, Urals, on the Verkhoyansk ridge, Evenkia and even in Chukotka. The whole country cannot be made a military base and it is impossible to blow up such ruins. So, it seems that we will have to finish with the biblical concept, its time has come to an end, and what the henchmen of the Masonic lodges are doing now is like the agony of a drowned man who clings to a straw. We invite everyone to see for themselves what we managed to find. Let people see what the mountains of Siberia, in particular Gornaya Shoria and Kuznetsk Alatau, hide in themselves.

G. A. Sidorov
