Past Errors - Alternative View

Past Errors - Alternative View
Past Errors - Alternative View

Video: Past Errors - Alternative View

Video: Past Errors - Alternative View
Video: Special Alternative View of Wind Turbines and Global Warming 2024, July

According to the doctrine of reincarnation, each person comes to this world more than once. Unfortunately, we cannot remember our past incarnations. Something or someone is carefully hiding them from us. But if you still try to open the veil of secrecy? Maybe, knowing about our previous mistakes, we could once and for all solve all our problems in this life. Why do we "step on the same rake" every time? Why do we make mistakes over and over again, for which we pay with each new birth? Perhaps, having been born in a new body, one could have avoided illnesses or failures? Thoughts about great Knowledge haunt people who want to change something in their lives.

People who have a subtle perception of reality, trust their intuition and are interested in secret knowledge, at the subconscious level can be aware of their past incarnations. They come to them in dreams, or in meditations. Visions from past lives seem ghostly and unreal, they seem to slip along the edge of consciousness, and again go into the depths of memory. You can become aware of your past lives. To do this, there are techniques such as regressive hypnosis or lucid dreaming techniques. If you master these techniques, then you can come a little closer to the knowledge of your previous travels in this or other worlds. With the help of various magical attributes and artifacts, you can train your intuition and try to find out your past.

For success, for this or that gift that a person receives, he must give something in return. This is similar to how a person who is deaf has excellent eyesight, or, conversely, a person who is blind from birth receives an unusually sharp hearing as a gift from nature. The absence of one organ is compensated by another. The gift of foresight and divination is often possessed by people who are deprived of the nature of what is available to ordinary people. The most striking example of this is the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. Blinded in early childhood, she received a great gift from the Higher Forces - to know the future, see the past and speak with spirits. Gifted people sacrifice a lot in order to preserve and increase their gift.

Often people complain that something is stubbornly not given to them in this life. Most often, the reason lies in past incarnations. If a person in past lives made certain mistakes, behaved "wrongly", then many doors in this life are tightly closed for him.

From childhood, Larisa was interested in everything that was strange, unusual or incomprehensible. The girl did not know such a word as "esotericism". In the child's mind, such things were strongly associated with magic and magic. When she was very young, she was worried about the meaning of life. She tried to talk about this topic with her peers, but did not find support from them. Often the girl asked herself the question "who am I?" She noticed that if she repeated this phrase several times in a row, then a strange feeling came to her. The world around her was changing, space seemed to expand its boundaries, reality changed its colors and outlines. Then Larisa did not yet know that in this way she falls into a state of trance. In this state, the child felt very comfortable. Larisa could sit for hours in one place, looking somewhere at one point. With time,Larisa began to notice that real life interests her less and less. At night, she saw beautiful colored dreams filled with a variety of events. Unlike dreams, her real life was boring and uninteresting.

Having become older, the girl got the opportunity to read books on esotericism, since the era of materialism has sunk into the past. It seemed to the girl that she was about to find answers to all her questions. She was carried away by the theory of lucid dreams, learned to control her exits to the astral plane. Larisa studied books on magic and was fond of fortune telling. At first she wondered only for herself, then she began to help her friends. With the help of tarot cards and immersion in meditation, she helped them seek answers to burning questions. But all this seemed to her not enough. The girl wanted to further develop her gift, and she clearly had it. But it seemed to her that someone or something seemed to be closing the most important door for her. And the answers to the questions that she is looking for elude her understanding.

Once, a young woman managed to talk with a professional fortune teller and medium Inga. The fortune-teller undertook to "see" what prevents Larisa from moving on in the study of secret knowledge. Inga confirmed that Larisa really has a gift, but the Higher powers do not give her the opportunity to use it to the fullest. The reason is that in one of the past incarnations, Larisa angered them. She was a very strong witch, and thought that she could measure her strength with Providence itself. For this she was punished. She was doomed in all her subsequent incarnations to painfully seek answers to questions about the meaning of Being and her place on this earth, to learn secret knowledge, but not to be able to fully realize herself.

Inga advised the young woman to take her answer for granted and not try to argue with the Higher Intelligence. She told the woman that in her current incarnation she needed, first of all, to learn humility. In a past life, pride ruined her. Because of her arrogance, Larisa will now have to start anew the difficult path of the Magician, but the main thing is not to repeat the previous mistakes.

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Larisa listened to the advice of the medium. Much was now clear to her. But even she, endowed with more abilities than other people, still regrets that she does not remember her past lives. But the woman does not despair, she continues to study the secret sciences, and hopes that the Higher powers will still forgive her and give her the opportunity to fully manifest her talents in this incarnation.