Where In Thailand Is The Energy Point Of The Planet - Alternative View

Where In Thailand Is The Energy Point Of The Planet - Alternative View
Where In Thailand Is The Energy Point Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Where In Thailand Is The Energy Point Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Where In Thailand Is The Energy Point Of The Planet - Alternative View
Video: String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality? 2024, September

In the eastern part of the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Thailand, there are the Phi Phi Islands, which are part of the Thai province of Krabi. The islands include two main large and four very small islets. All these Thai islands are considered places of power, and specifically Phi Phi Le was once considered the main "acupuncture" point of the planet in this part of it.

The inhabitants of Thailand themselves call these islands Pee Phi. Only one of them is inhabited - Phi Phi Don. A visit to these truly heavenly places is already considered a must-have event among travelers. White sand, clear blue sea, palm trees - what else does the average holidaymaker need? The most popular movie, however, was The Beach, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, which was filmed in 2000. The filming location is another island of the archipelago - Phi Phi Le, one of its bays and Maya Bay beach. This beach is also a favorite spot for divers.


In 2004, there was a tsunami that shook the entire Indian Ocean. As a result of the collapsed disaster, about two thousand people died on the islands, 1200 of them are still on the list of missing persons. But one of the travel guides to Thailand says that the beach of Phi Phi Le Island after the tsunami began to look much better. This is explained by the fact that thanks to the strongest waves from the beach were washed away all the trees planted by the Fox film company, which filmed "Beach".

Yes, and during the filming between the film company and public organizations in Thailand, scandals have repeatedly occurred. This was due to the action of the workers, who, in order to "make the island more like a paradise", changed the relief of the sand dunes, removed coconut trees and grass. As a result, the country's Supreme Court confirmed the damage caused to nature, not only employees of the American film company, but also some Thai officials were accused.


But there is another little-known feature of these Thai islands among tourists. It has long been known that places of power are located here. And the island of Phi Phi Le is called the "acupuncture" point of the planet in this region. Those who know about the energetic power of the island come here to recuperate, fill themselves with energy, vitality and health.

However, there is another tiny island not far from this island, where whistling is constantly heard. And this is not a sound hallucination, but a sound that is quite audible by all present. Many also note that after staying on the island for more than an hour or two, they feel a deterioration in their health.

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In Andaman mythology, there are various legends that the creator of the world and the first man was a spirit named Puluga. He was personified with the northeastern monsoon and was believed to be capable of sending a storm on people for disobedience and non-observance of certain prohibitions. But, despite the rather simple myths of the islanders, it must be remembered that the Andamans themselves are the last ancestors of the most ancient inhabitants of Hindustan during the Paleolithic era. They began to populate these territories 70 thousand years ago. They even managed to survive several global floods. However, when the Indo-Aryans and Indo-Iranians attacked the Andamans in 2500 BC, the ancient civilization of South Asia did not resist and was assimilated. Today, only a small part of it has survived on the islands of the Thai archipelago, where the conquerors never entered.


The Andamans have their own language, completely unlike any other languages in the world. Linguists believe that this unique language - the language of the Bo tribe - was formed by the first aborigines of the Andaman Islands 70 thousand years ago. Although at that time, according to some researchers, the islands constituted a single whole.