Homunculus: Creating Little Men In Alchemy - Alternative View

Homunculus: Creating Little Men In Alchemy - Alternative View
Homunculus: Creating Little Men In Alchemy - Alternative View

Science has made great progress over the past century. But the scientific community is faced with numerous ethical problems, for example, artificially creating life. For some, this is a logical continuation of scientific development. For others, this is an area in which people should not interfere.

Artificial creation of life, such as genetic engineering and cloning, are modern ideas. However, the idea of artificial creation of life existed in ancient times. Alchemists did this in the Middle Ages. In alchemy, there was the idea of the creation of a homunculus, which in Latin means "little man".

The first mention of a homunculus is found in 16th century alchemy texts, but the idea itself is even older. The concept of creating small but fully formed men existed in the early Middle Ages (400-1000). It is based in part on Aristotle's idea that the sperm plays a more important role in the production of offspring than the egg.


The first description of the creation of a homunculus is contained in the Arabic text "The Book of the Cow". To create a homunculus, a human seed, a cow or sheep, and animal blood were needed. The cow or sheep was artificially fertilized, the genitals of the fertilized animal were smeared with the blood of another animal, and the pregnant female was fed exclusively with the blood of the animal.

The pregnant animal had to give birth to a shapeless substance, which then had to be put into a powder of sun stone, magnet, sulfur, ferrous sulfate and white willow juice. When human skin began to form around the bubble, it had to be placed in a large vessel or lead container for three days. After that, he must be fed with the blood of his decapitated mother (cow), and after that a full-fledged homunculus is formed.


The Book of the Cow provides various ways to create homunculi. Instead of a cow and a sheep, a female monkey was also used, and the powder is made from other ingredients. The incubation period of the embryo in the vessel is increased to 40 days. All three species of homunculi had special abilities.

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One homunculus could have made the full moon appear in the sky on the last day of the month, allowed a person to turn into a cow, sheep or monkey, walk on water, or know about events that occur at a great distance.

Another type of homunculus gave a person the ability to see demons and spirits and communicate with them. A third species of homunculus caused rain and produced highly venomous snakes.

Engraving depicting Faust and the homunculus


The 16th century alchemist Philip von Hohenheim, known as Paracelsus, described various recipes for creating homunculi in his work De Natura Rerum. In one of the recipes, a horse was used as a surrogate mother for a homunculus, which was fertilized with human seed. After 40 days, a little man was born.

From the point of view of Paracelsus, the homunculus should not be used for magical purposes, but "carefully and carefully teach until he grows up and begins to show independent thinking." Paracelsus also argued that the creation of the homunculus is one of the greatest secrets revealed by mortal God.

From the point of view of modern scientists, the recipes in The Book of the Cow and De Natura Rerum are just fantasy. However, from the point of view of other people, these texts should not be taken literally. It can be a symbolic description of the process of spiritual development, containing secret messages. Nevertheless, the idea of creating a homunculus, that is, an artificially created life, is still alive today.