And What If Reincarnation Exists - Alternative View

And What If Reincarnation Exists - Alternative View
And What If Reincarnation Exists - Alternative View

Video: And What If Reincarnation Exists - Alternative View

Video: And What If Reincarnation Exists - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, September

I don't know what prompted me to ask this question. Fair. Probably, writing another article on the topic of transmigration of souls, reincarnation in the understanding of the world's leading religions and other popular subjects. Agree that in order to write on this or that topic, you just need to be well versed in it, but not necessarily sincerely believe. And then one day, once again explaining to an inquisitive reader the difference between Soul and Spirit, I thought about a possible "cycle of souls in nature."

What if it's true. Think about it, because great people, crossing the Rubicon, turning back rivers, raising people to the barricades, are not born so often. The frequency of the appearance of Geniuses and Leaders is approximately once a century. And it is rare when several large-scale personalities intersect in one time period.

The record holder, perhaps, can be called the entire 20th century. This was the time of great people and achievements. Ardent revolutionaries, leaders, tyrants, peacemakers and shepherds. As if an invisible army, dozing in the depths of the Cosmos, roused itself and rushed to earth to decide the fate of millions. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini. Following them, Pinochet, Allende, Mandela entered history. The list can be continued, supplement it with the familiar names of fighters for justice and the oppressors and persecutors of freedom standing next to them.

Why are there so many restless, fiery, bright and ambiguous characters and souls that can change the mood of the era! They were all waiting in the wings, so that over the course of a century, coming out of oblivion, they shred and make history. Who are you, Comrade Generalissimo, really? Whose great Spirit entered the frail, dry-handed body at birth? Who you were before, before your Soul, having passed through the Wheel of Samsara, returned to earth again. The great commander Alexander the Great? No, not likely. Or the leader of the barbarians - Attila? Or someone from the circle of the Grand Inquisitor, your methods are too similar. Eras are changing, but the approach to preserving and strengthening the positions of power remains the same.

And you, the "Kremlin dreamer" who plunged Russia into darkness, Vladimir Ulyanov? Whose eternally restless Spirit came to Earth centuries later. You are another incarnation of one of the pharaohs, at least. Or maybe Ignatius Loyola after all? Also close in meaning. An end justifying the means is a slogan that should be adopted by every advanced leader.

You can think even more broadly, fantasy allows. The great revolutionaries of the past, born with a frequency of about once every hundred or two hundred years, are one and the same comrades. And those who poured blood and sweat on the country at the beginning of the last century were already born. For example, in France, during the Great French Revolution. That is why Vladimir Ilyich loved the Marseillaise so much! Only the Spirit released to freedom yearned for its previous incarnation!

But Hitler is most like Attila. The same indomitable energy, an insane desire to conquer and rule the world. However, Alexander the Great could well have embodied in this leader. No, though. Let's assume that Macedonian is Suvorov. Fearless, brave, "servant to the king, father to soldiers." Continuing the chain of incarnations, I dare to suggest that the next time the General's Spirit took possession of Comrade Zhukov.

What am I talking about tyrants and military leaders. Let's talk about good people. It seems to me that the Virgin of Orleans Jeanne subsequently returned to this world more than once, including in our time. In any case, in some of the female warriors who sat at the helm of the plane during the Great Patriotic War, she was definitely there.

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I would like to believe that both Mother Teresa and Indira Gandhi will return to this world in a new incarnation. Just like Elizaveta Glinka. Perhaps Dr. Lisa was one of the incarnations of Gandhi or Mother Teresa. If so, then the unbroken Spirit of these women is simply obliged to incarnate again. Moreover, both Elizaveta Glinka and Indira Gandhi left this world so suddenly and tragically. According to the concept of reincarnation and resettlement, they simply must be given another chance, because they have not fully completed their mission.

Poets and artists with a capital letter also do not appear very often. Perhaps, somewhere out there, in the High Heights, the Spirit of Lermontov is still waiting in the wings. A genius and a seer, he lived so little on this earth, he will definitely return.

I do not believe that the Spirit of Antoine de Saint-Exupery will never be possessed by any other body. It doesn't work that way. Did you know that fans of the work of this humanist writer still do not believe that he crashed. His plane was never found. And the wreckage that was raised from the bottom of the sea may belong to any aircraft of that era, because there was a war, and many pilots died at that time.

I also do not believe in his death. As a child, reading his philosophical works, I felt the warmth emanating from every word and phrase. How can such a person leave forever! He just left for a while, and now, together with the Little Prince, he is putting his Planet in order. His hour will come, and he will be reborn.

Alas, commanders, tyrants and despots come to this world much more often than poets, writers and peacemakers. That's how it works. Or so decide those who are above us. There, far away, beyond the invisible line, they weigh the deeds and actions, measure the terms of punishment, the measure of restraint and the centuries of waiting. Perhaps, in their actions there is some Supreme Truth and Justice, inaccessible to a mere mortal, whose Spirit is not yet ready to comprehend the Mystery.

And when I finally understood and accepted the law of Reincarnation, I felt uneasy. I understood the meaning of the nightmare that I have been dreaming since childhood and to this day. Sleep haunts me throughout my entire conscious life. But only recently I decided to watch it to the end.

Sleep: I am very little. I am standing on the shore of a dark lake, with a deep pool. And, peering into the swift whirlpool, I try to make out something at the bottom. I am very scared, because I know what will happen next and I am afraid of what I will see. One day, through the dull foam of time, Torquemada will smile at me with an understanding bloody smile. And whisper: "I'll be back soon, wait."
