How Mirrors Predict The Future - Alternative View

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How Mirrors Predict The Future - Alternative View
How Mirrors Predict The Future - Alternative View

Video: How Mirrors Predict The Future - Alternative View

Video: How Mirrors Predict The Future - Alternative View
Video: Black Mirror: The Future Sucks 2024, September

The Russian folklorist V. Zinoviev wrote down two stories in the Chita region about the phenomenon of the so-called "reconnaissance of the future" with the help of mirrors and a glass of water. Both stories described by him happened in the USSR in the post-war period.

Here's the first one:

“I was in girls, so I wondered. On Christmas time. And guessing must be done at night and in the bath. They put two mirrors. One is in the front, and the other is in the back, so that there is a mirror in the mirror. And they put a glass of clean water in front of them. A wedding ring was placed at the bottom of the glass. You had to have a lot of patience to wait.


In a ring that was in a glass of water, the guy appeared in a white shirt with false sleeves, in trousers and barefoot. A completely unfamiliar guy … So it was my future husband who appeared to me. I later married this guy."

And here's the second story:

“Katyushka took the mirror. She put two candles bought in the church in front of him and lit it. And she threw her mother's wedding ring into a glass of water, which she put in front of the mirror. She sat down next to me. And it is necessary that the house be quiet.

And we are with other girls sitting on the bed.

Promotional video:

Well, the mirror has darkened. Katyushka called us softly. We came up and saw: ears of wheat in the mirror, and suddenly the grass began to sway, and a man in a jacket, hat, with a cane comes out of it, and his eyebrows and eyelashes are thick, thick.

Soon Katyushka left for Nerchinsk, got married there. Then I saw her husband - although he was without a cane, I recognized him immediately by his eyebrows and eyelashes."

In one case, a girl saw her future spouse in a glass of clean water, but at the same time she used the "mirror tunnel technology". Two mirrors were placed opposite each other.

In another case, a glass of water also appears, but not two mirrors are used for divination, but one. And the future husband appears this time not on the "optical canvas" of water poured into a glass, but directly in the mirror.


A session with Anton Markovich Gamuletsky

Let us give one more eyewitness testimony of the amazing experience of looking into the future with the help of a "mirror", which in this particular case was the surface of water poured into a vase. The name of the eyewitness is not indicated, but his story is described on his behalf in great detail.

“In 1874, during my service as an officer in the guard troops, on behalf of the late Prince V. F. Odoevsky, who was then assistant director of the Imperial Public Library, I collected various facts from the field of superstition and prejudice.

Looking for people who know such facts, I met a wonderful person - a member of the Imperial Free Economic Society Anton Markovich Gamuletsky-de-Cola, who lived in St. Petersburg on Pochtamtskaya Street in the Kersten house. He had occupied this apartment for thirty-five years.

He was a supremely remarkable man. In the time I am describing, Gamuletsky was ninety-six years old. But no one would have given so much to this vigorous and agile old man who possessed purely youthful energy and, one might say, an extraordinary memory. The stories of his adventures and travels were extremely interesting, and his whole life, apparently, was devoted to the study of mystical phenomena.

Getting to know Anton Markovich through his close friend N. Ye. Tsedilin, I often spent evenings with him, and we often sat with him until dawn, listening to his instructive stories.

Having learned from Tsedilin that Anton Markovich, in addition to his wonderful knowledge, also possesses the gift of showing upcoming events in the water, I persistently asked him to make an experiment with me and show me my future bride. After several refusals, he finally yielded to my requests and appointed Tsedilin and me to come to him in the evening at nine o'clock.

When we arrived on the appointed day and were eager to see the wonderful phenomenon as soon as possible, Mr. Gamuletsky led us into a special small room. Here on the table was a large, excellent workmanship of real Bohemian crystal, a vase filled with water. Near her, on the same table, lay some smoothly polished dark-colored stone.

Anton Markovich addressed me with the following words:

- First of all, I must tell you that, in fact, there is nothing wonderful in preparing for the experiment. An ordinary vase, water as well. But the stone is very valuable and rare - tourmaline. This stone was saturated with the sun's rays by me this morning with the help of a special strong reflector. When I put it in the water and take the candles out of the room, it will glow and light up the vase of water. There is nothing supernatural about this either. Then the very appearance in the water of the ghost of your bride, if it follows at all, will be caused by the effort of my will, without any spells. It only seems like a miracle, but the time will come when science will explain this miracle too!


- You say, if a phenomenon follows … So, the experience can be unsuccessful? I asked.

“Quite right,” came the answer. - The fact is that I can only cause a reflection of those future events that will happen in your life before my death. And since I have only two or three years left to live according to my old age, or even less, then the event that you wish to see will not be reflected in the water if it follows after my death.

Then he put the stone in the water and brought out the candles.

Looking into the vase, Tsedilin and I began to observe. And soon they saw that the water was really illuminated, as it were, by the moonlight emanating from the stone. After no more than ten minutes, the room reflected clearly and in great detail in the water. There was a piano in it, and behind it was a girl of remarkable beauty. Next to her sat a man with a pale face and long hair, gesturing with his hand in the music notes on the piano.

This picture is vividly imprinted in my memory. I will never forget her!

For about five minutes we both, myself and Tsedilin, admired the vision. After that, there was a crackling sound in the vase, and everything instantly disappeared. During all this time Gamuletsky sat opposite us in an armchair, fixing his gaze on the vase.

As soon as we got up, struck to the extreme, Anton Markovich said to me:

- So, my dear, you saw your bride, but do not rejoice - she will not be your wife.

- Why not? I cried.

“Well, this is my secret,” Gamuletsky answered.

Now it remains to tell the most important thing. Less than six months later, I saw the most accurate original of my vision and was engaged to this girl. However, the wedding was postponed due to the military campaign. And when we returned from the campaign - alas, my bride had already married another.

The second person who was present in the vision, the music teacher Heinrich Laue, soon became my true friend. It was a famous artist. I mourned his death with almost greater regret than the loss of my unfaithful bride."

What is the essence of the phenomenon?

As you can see, the phenomenon of a mirror surface is a more than strange phenomenon, in every sense extraordinary, with obvious signs of a technical device. In fact, it is one of the two main elements of the “transcendent instrument,” the “optical device,” a paranormal telescope with which one can look into the future.

The second element of the “transcendent instrument” is the human brain, which is in a special state, also in a sense “transcendental”. The story of the experience of successful probing of the future, set by Gamuletsky, is a convincing example that confirms what has been said.

However, village stories about "fortune-telling with mirrors and candles", recorded by the folklorist V. Zinoviev, show that there is a somewhat different technology of "intelligence for the future" in the world. If Gamuletsky looked at the vase with water with a long, focused detached gaze, in essence hypnotic, then the fortune-telling girls simply sat down without any "hypnotic tricks", waiting in front of a mirror or in front of two mirrors.


At the same time, they used along the way, in addition to mirrors, other accessories - candles and a glass of water, on the bottom of which a wedding ring was placed. What happened in this case?

Maybe the Unknown itself introduced the fortune-telling girl into a special trance-like state of consciousness? And then, fulfilling her cherished desire, showed her in the mirror a picture from the future that interests the girl?

But then why the same picture was seen in the mirror by other witnesses of the miracle, which are mentioned in one of the records made by V. Zinoviev. From the record, they did not feel like they were in any "special form of state of consciousness." And the fortuneteller did not say a word about the fact that during the fortune-telling procedure she was aware of some "mental shifts" in her own consciousness.

Mr. Gamuletsky expressed the hope that "the time will come when science will explain this miracle too!"

More than a hundred years have passed since the day when Gamuletsky showed his amazing "trick" of looking into tomorrow. The miracle still remains unexplained.

Author: Alexey Priima. From the book "The World Inside Out"