Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View

Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View
Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View

Video: Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View
Video: New Evidence Finally Reveals The Real Reason The Titanic Sank 2024, September

And again about the Titanic. No, I didn't become an obsessive fan. You just need to clarify. And those who are really interested in the Titanic will have a nice gift at the end.

I recently wrote about one, but in my opinion, a very likely hypothesis of the reasons for the liner crash.

In the comments, the same got the expected - “What are you talking about? The cause of death has long been established !!.

I collected all the hockey goalie pads available in the summer and prepared to fend off the iceberg. What was my amazement when they poured a hot flame from a flamethrower.

It turns out that many were led to the story of a monstrous fire that blazed in the holds of the ship for more than two weeks, which led to a disastrous result.

I took off the shields and was upset. It seemed to me that this hypothesis did not take root among the people. There were many reasons for this.

Firstly, James Cameron did not have any fire in "Titanic", and secondly, it has already been refuted three hundred times. But let's repeat, so that not a single natural bastard, such as fire, interferes with our conspiracy bastard from sinking the ship.

The fire theory broke out in January 1917 when the documentary Titanic: The New Evidence was released in the UK. It turns out that the blame for the death of the ship must be blamed on the fire, which set up an open-hearth furnace in the womb of the ship and melted all the partitions to hell. And much more.

Promotional video:

Here are the main arguments of the prosecution:

1. A journalist unearthed a photograph showing a stain on the case back in England. This means that the deformation began even before sailing.

It was argued that this was not a flare and not a slippery finger of the photographer when developing film
It was argued that this was not a flare and not a slippery finger of the photographer when developing film

It was argued that this was not a flare and not a slippery finger of the photographer when developing film.

2. The spot was located exactly in the place of boiler rooms and bunkers with coal, which means it was definitely a fire. And immediately unprecedented strength.


3. White Star Line, the owner of the Titanic, was in debt from head to toe and saved on everything while building ships. Therefore, the steel cracked on the go.

4. They decided to put out the fire on the move and hid it from everyone so as not to delay the flight.

5. British justice sheltered the evidence of the fire so that White Star would not have to pay multimillion-dollar compensation in American courts

6. During the voyage, the fire spread.

7. The Titanic did not have enough coal reserves with it. Plus, it also burned. Therefore, it was necessary to extinguish it in the furnaces, increasing the speed of the ship. This is the reason why Captain Smith flew into the iceberg zone at full speed. He couldn't slow down. Otherwise it would have burned out. Or did not make it.

8. Thomas Andrews, unaware of the problem of fire, believed that the ship would survive.

9. If not for the fire, the watertight bulkheads would not have collapsed. Coral would defeat the iceberg. Well, or at least, it would not have sunk so quickly and people could have been saved.

10. And, in general, White Star is a devil company. I bought everyone (almost like Giner, once), everyone gagged. Yes, I also saved on production. It is strange that they did not say that Putin was its shareholder. Well, or Stalin.

Everything seems to be smooth. Well, except for Stalin, of course. Not because he did not want to drown everyone, but because at the time of the Titanic there was still no USSR, and Joseph Vissarionovich, while he was trading in revolutionary affairs.

And there was a fire. Steel tends to melt and deform. commercial interests come first. Well, human arrogance. As always in the stream - the sky is blue, the water is wet, life is shit.

And many were led. Newspapers began to trumpet the final investigation and final verdict. The Titanic sank completely this time.

The funny thing is that the topic of fire has flared up not for the first time in the past hundred years. She was also mentioned in the official case, and even in the 80s a whole television investigation was organized, but then it did not work. But now I had to go to court. Again that titanic accident.

It was necessary for the responsible researchers of the shipwreck, rolling up their sleeves in the old days, to refute the journalistic heresy. And they refuted. Completely. But who is going to shoot a film about the truth and without sensation, and then repeat it in different ways in all the newspapers? Apparently, therefore, many do not know.

Nonetheless, a succinct but highly informative report was released that completely put out the fashionable fire story. Check out the title:

Titanic: Ice and Fire (or whatever you wish). With the reference it is clear what * Songs of Ice and Fire *
Titanic: Ice and Fire (or whatever you wish). With the reference it is clear what * Songs of Ice and Fire *

Titanic: Ice and Fire (or whatever you wish). With the reference it is clear what * Songs of Ice and Fire *.

I will briefly retell the charges.

1. There are no spots in the other photos. The coal bunker is not 'behind it', but 50 feet away. There is nothing to burn there.


That is, it is already clear that the entire basis of the theory is based on the desire to hyip.

2. The television investigation claimed that the fire was never extinguished, it only intensified. In reality (there are testimonies, witnesses) it was small local and by April 13 - extinguished.

3. White Star had no financial problems. On the contrary, 3 robust surplus years.

The steel of the Titanic was softer (therefore better) than similar ships of the time
The steel of the Titanic was softer (therefore better) than similar ships of the time

The steel of the Titanic was softer (therefore better) than similar ships of the time.

And the overall thickness is greater
And the overall thickness is greater

And the overall thickness is greater.

4. There was no reason to delay the departure of the Titanic on schedule. Fires in coal storages were an annoying, unpleasant, but still a chronic problem of that time. There was no danger. The workers just sweat a little more.

And naturally, if the fire were serious, there would be witnesses, at least of the smoke. And so, only a small smell of fresh paint complained.

5. There are no facts of concealment of testimony in the British court. But there are facts of manipulative, selective analysis in the television program.

6. The fire did not spread anywhere. There are indications that everything was extinguished and that they have already started cosmetic repairs. If that is what you call rubbing engine oil on the inner surfaces.

7. Titanic was afraid not to swim due to lack of coal. Lies. For coal, he still has 1.8 days to spare, even at a slow pace.

8. Thomas Andrews believed that the ship would not sink. Not this way. There are multiple testimonies that he realized even earlier than others (which is not surprising) that things were not going well. And he rushed about the ship like crazy "jumping over three steps at a time" to warn the captain another 45 minutes before the bulkheads collapsed.

Collapse through loss of properties from fire, the trump card of the version with fire.

9. The ship was doomed long before the partitions collapsed. They no longer played a role.

10. Allegedly code words on the internal corporate devil cipher, which Bruce Ismay transmitted to London headquarters, while the survivors were driving to the Carpathia - these are common abbreviations for routing liner traffic.

If I list at least half of the evidence found in Ice and Fire, the article will never end.

I hate the expression “trust me” more than even the awful “good time of the day”, so I suggest that you personally see, read, discern them all. At the same time, mind you, without landing on the Titanic.