Death - Transition To Another World, But What Is There? - Alternative View

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Death - Transition To Another World, But What Is There? - Alternative View
Death - Transition To Another World, But What Is There? - Alternative View

Video: Death - Transition To Another World, But What Is There? - Alternative View

Video: Death - Transition To Another World, But What Is There? - Alternative View
Video: Best Evidence of Life After Death 2024, September

There are those who have gone to another world, but there are no dead

The division of the layers of the Subtle World does not coincide with the conventional classes of the earthly plane. In the Subtle World, it is possible to find yourself among a very unexpected neighborhood. This surprise can only threaten those who have come with a load of earthly remnants. He who has refined spiritual measures will find the fulfillment of his forebodings.

On the Subtle plane, a certain order of thoughts attracts people of similar thinking against the wishes of the one who admits these thoughts. Thoughts are a bridge connecting like-minded people. This applies to all thoughts. If you change your thinking, the unwanted neighborhood will disappear. However, if the thoughts are familiar and firmly entrenched, then this is not as easy to do as it might seem.

Hate is as magnetic as love. But on the earthly plane, by hating, it is possible to completely avoid encounters with the object of hatred; in the same place, hatred will attract the hater to the one he hates, and will keep him near until the energy of hatred has completely exhausted itself.

One should not speak ill of those who have passed into the Subtle World. Don't even mention a thin person. He has already assumed his face. But if someone calls him a bad word, he can summon a harmful enemy to him. … It is better for him, the bad one, to quickly get rid of the terrible image - so it will be wiser.

Forgiveness of enemies in the physical world is liberation from enemies on the Subtle plane.

If you talk about the dead … well, then you can attract a friend. It is even possible to strike up "friendship" or "acquaintance". It is possible to establish new, good relations with a previously unknown person, and later, when moving to the Subtle World, meet a new friend there. The sympathies and antipathies that appear in relation to those who have already passed into the other world are of great importance for the supermundane stay. Just don't make enemies. You simply have to fence yourself off from unwanted entities. But those who dispose, and attract, and excite sympathy, respect or love can be kept by mentally sending them good thoughts and feelings.

One can think of establishing such connections, for many innocently persecuted, tortured and murdered leave the physical world. And there are so few who know exactly who from the Earth could help them. And such help is quite real and essential. The words “pray for my rest” have a deep meaning. If the praise or condemnation of the deceased can so strongly influence the relationship of people, then kindly remembering those who departed will be a blessing for them. They rejoice at every good remembrance of them. Radonitsa, a day dedicated to the dead, is also significant. In fact, there are those who have departed into another world, but there are no dead. The spirit does not die, and looking at the departed as continuing to live in the spirit will be an indicator of the knowledge of the Fundamentals (Cosmic Life).

Promotional video:

If you could recall the delight of the liberated spirit without malice, you would be exultant, not crying! A spirit heavy with anger cannot rise, but the liberated kindness flies into the radiance of Light.

… The enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, dissolves itself among the ethereal, purified rays. Not only in the Higher Spheres, but already in the middle strata of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity fades as unnecessary. It is necessary to understand these laws of ray distributions. One awareness of them will already weaken the anger of enmity even here. It should not be forgotten that enmity throws the body out of balance, giving it to various diseases and obsessions. Therefore, attention should be paid to hostility from the point of view of prevention. Why get sick, infect others and rave, when one effort of the spirit protects the inviolability of the body.

If in the material world people need some kind of weapon, then in the other world, psychic energy is the only weapon available and available for use by those who have it, that is, who have accumulated this energy while living in a physical body. This circumstance is very important, because a person who has squandered his fiery power returns to the Subtle World absolutely defenseless. True, the guardians of the spatial spheres and the servants of the Hierarchy of Light protect the disembodied ones, but only within certain limits determined by the Law, and in layers. But you can meet the enemy there, and you need to defend yourself. The dark ones are also active in the Supermundane World, and fiery energy will be the only protection against them.

In the physical world, a person is very dependent on people, their position, housing, wealth and many more different circumstances. There all this loses its meaning to a very strong degree. Wealth is nothing, position is also, material environment is also. Any material dependence disappears, but all the feelings remain: sympathy or antipathy, love or hatred, friendship or enmity … importance, and only friendship, respect, or indifference matters.

Many meetings, many long-standing connections, but only for the sighted. It's all about preserving consciousness. Immortality is understood as an undimmed clarity of consciousness. People who are There in a state of unconsciousness, although they are alive, but this will not be immortality in our understanding of the word. The spirit does not die, and yet the owners of the immortal spirit can be called both on Earth and in the Supermundane as living dead. This is also the logic of the Subtle World. The spirit is alive, but the absence of consciousness, due to any reason whatsoever, makes a person at times an immobile idol (a living corpse).

If there are about 6 billion embodied people on the earthly plane, then how many of them are in the Subtle World in a disembodied state! Obviously, many times more, because the disembodied state is usually longer than the embodied one. It is difficult even to imagine these huge masses of people, as well as the position of a person who finds himself among these crowds and does not know where to strive and to whom. Indeed, it is not difficult to get lost. Therefore, it is very important to know where and to whom you are going and who exactly will be the center of attraction of your consciousness. "He who goes to the fathers, he will be with them." "He who comes to Me is with Me." But it is imperative to know, firmly, definitely, unshakably - to whom exactly the heart is directed. Then there can be no accidental or unwanted attraction. But this aspiration must be affirmed on Earth not accidentally and not temporarily,but once and for all. He who comes to the Lord (of the planet) comes to Him forever. Thus, a person on Earth affirms his way in the Subtle World.

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