The Invasion Of Demons Began On Earth. This Is What Psychiatrists From The USA Say - Alternative View

The Invasion Of Demons Began On Earth. This Is What Psychiatrists From The USA Say - Alternative View
The Invasion Of Demons Began On Earth. This Is What Psychiatrists From The USA Say - Alternative View

Video: The Invasion Of Demons Began On Earth. This Is What Psychiatrists From The USA Say - Alternative View

Video: The Invasion Of Demons Began On Earth. This Is What Psychiatrists From The USA Say - Alternative View
Video: Meet the Doctor Who Helps Exorcists 2024, September

Natural News: Today, many health media outlets report on a daily basis of various epidemics starting somewhere out there, ranging from epidemics of bird flu to the epidemic of the bubonic plague. But for some reason everyone is silent about an epidemic that is much more dangerous and terrible - an epidemic of people obsessed by evil spirits.

For a long time, it was mainly the church that reasoned on this topic, therefore, without a natural science base subject to experiments, the very question of obsession, especially the epidemic, is doubtful for many. However, psychiatrists are now getting involved in the topic.

Dr. Richard Gallagher, who has degrees from both Princeton and Yale, says that despite the conflicting opinions of basic medical science on the subject, the obsession is actually quite real.


Dr. Gallagher draws on 25 years of experience both as a practicing private psychiatrist and as a professor at New York Medical College and Columbia University. And although, as a professional demanded by patients, he does so many things, the topic of obsession has interested him most in recent years.

In this area, Dr. Gallagher has researched and documented hundreds of clinical cases to which none of the acceptable official diagnoses was applicable. In his opinion, obsession is not fairy tales from exorcists justifying their work and not the inventions of directors of mystical blockbusters. In fact, some immaterial entities are absolutely real, they easily take control of the consciousness of many people.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Dr. Gallagher says:

“There are many other psychiatrists who work in the same field as me. We communicate, share experiences and results. But since the obsession with official medicine is not recognized, none of the doctors will dare to speak openly about this issue, much less publish their results and their opinions in scientific journals. There is a risk of losing your license. But I have a lot of practice, a lot of scientific degrees and a lot of experience. I believe I can speak in public. I can't even, but I just have to."

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Dr. Gallagher tells The Telegraph in detail his story, or rather the story of how he arrived at his unusual practice and his conclusions today.

Early in his medical career, Dr. Gallagher, a young board-certified psychiatrist, focused his main focus on individual psychotherapy and psychopharmacology - that is, he did everything as he was taught. But somehow a patient approached him, whom Gallagher, following the ethics of medical secrecy, conventionally calls the name "Julia".

Julia was an activist of one of the dark occult sects, occupying a privileged position in it due to her sexual relationship with the sect leader. Over time, she began to age and the leader lost interest in her, which prompted Julia to leave the sect. Immediately after that, she began to have serious health problems.

In the first sessions of psychotherapy, Gallagher listened with a smile about sacrifices, rituals and sexual orgies, which, he believed, cultists gleaned from Hollywood films and practiced as outrageous shows for recruiting flock. Then, seeing that the doctor did not trust her strongly, Julia showed him a little of her parapsychological abilities.

It all started with the so-called "remote viewing", when Julia, while on the other side of the United States, called Gallagher on her mobile phone and told him where he was standing and what he was wearing.

At first, Gallagher believed that this was some kind of practical joke or a joke, just a man hired by Julia was watching him. Then Julia began to tell Gallagher on the phone not only where he was at one moment or another, but also to retell his thoughts.

One day, Julia got angry with the doctor and, as he believes, took control of the consciousness of his cats. At 3 o'clock in the morning, the always calm animals suddenly seemed to go crazy and made a real bedlam, which then at the reception Julia recounted in detail with a laugh, as if she herself were present at this night show.

After that, the young doctor Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist, got really scared and, visiting only in childhood with his parents, the Catholic Church, suddenly for the first time remembered this childhood and immediately thought about the exorcist.

It so happened that he immediately found one of the most outstanding specialists in this field, who introduced him to the topic, and then helped to obtain a license and enter the International Association of Exorcists himself.


But until that moment, while the exorcist was trying to help his patient Julia, Gallagher saw with his own eyes how things were going. Julia was not a psychic and never had any paranormal powers at all. But after joining the sect, she was immersed in a trance, during which a certain immaterial essence entered into her, giving her unthinkable opportunities for other people.

Dr. Gallagher does not know what kind of creatures they are, where they come from and what they want from people. In his description, he prefers to use common terms among exorcists, calling them demons or fallen angels:

“They are very, very smart,” Dr. Gallagher tells The Telegraph. “The level of intelligence of the fallen angel, as I call them, is far beyond the minds of humans. That is why they control us so easily. And as demons say - they are watching us from the very beginning, seeing in us a funny kind of two-legged worms."

Although Julia frightened Dr. Gallagher a little, along with the exorcists teaching him, he then saw enough and even more terrible. Some demons, for example, taking the body of their victim as an avatar, try to kill the exorcist by any means, not sparing the body taken under control at all. In this case, the possessed are injured, which is why in the United States, patients who are suspected of being possessed must sign a special legal form, indicating that they themselves have voluntarily agreed to the ritual.

However, what struck Gallagher most of all was that demons endow people with fluency in any language and the ability to read minds. According to Gallagher, there is evidence from the exorcist who treated Julia that she even levitated for a while during the exorcism ritual.

And although, in 25 years of work and personally conducting at least a hundred rituals of exile, Gallagher has seen enough of everyone, he says that all this is far from the worst, since a real epidemic begins in the world with obsession, the beginning of which is evidenced not only by his colleagues, exorcists from the Roman Catholic Church, but also familiar clergy from a number of other denominations.

In support of his words, Dr. Gallagher cites one of the recent decrees of Pope Francis. Whereas the Vatican used to meet the growing demand for exorcists with regular training courses, now an entire academy is being organized for these specialists.


In the USA, only 12 specialists practiced exorcism a few years ago. Today there are more than 50 of them and they cannot cope, since there are a lot of new cases of obsession. Moreover, priests each time deal with increasingly powerful demons, requiring a collective ritual of exorcism, one exorcist cannot cope with them.

At the same time, as Gallagher says, completely different demons began to come into the world - those who were previously called "demons of the century." Now there are dozens of them in just one year. It is on this basis that Dr. Gallagher feels obligated to challenge the bureaucrats in the medical system:

“The priests of many and different religions, who send patients to me, speak with one voice that something is approaching us from another world, from a world beyond the limits we understand. And there are already the first victims who should not suffer because of the dogmatism and skepticism of the official medical opinion."
